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9th February 2019, 19:56
Hi, Rusty!
I've looked on YouTube, but not found the relevant race yet.....perhaps it is too soon?
I found Laura difficult to understand on that clip ...... it reminded me of talking to my cousin from Kirkintilloch!
I only recognised "dreich" haven't used that for a while?
I shall add these words to my 'little black book'........
There was a Cockney rhyming slang clue in the February Times Monthly!
I got the answer, but still haven't fully parsed it!
25581 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:08
Hello, Elle!
Maybe a bit soon for it to be on YouTube, Elle.
Maybe rules about that sort of thing?
I have had no call to use "dreich" for a while, my weather has been mostly cold but bright and sunny.
I did not know "dinghied"!
I knew the rest and quite a lot that are not there.
I sometimes have to translate my sayings for the young ones!
They call them "granddadisms".
I have never came across the Times Monthly.
It sounds tough?
25582 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:15


9th February 2019, 20:37
Hi, Rusty!
Well, it has certainly been "fell dreich" here over the last few days!
A good job I had patched both my wellies and my walking boots!
Yes, the Times Monthly is indeed very hard - leastways it is for me!
But I enjoy it!
I find I need to do a lot of research...but I learn a lot in the process.
Sometimes, I find answers...but cannot always parse the results!
At other times, I arrive at the answer through the parsing.....
It keeps me on my toes!

Hello, Pigale!
The link didn't said "Page not found"!
25584 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:41
*sorry about this -
Its a little bit of info entitled
'what are the differences between ants and termites'

If you type this on Google, you should get to the page.
25585 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:50
Where are my manners?

Hello Elle and Rusty (belatedly!)

You are right about the amount of research involved in the
Club Monthly Special! I need the whole month to have a chance
to complete it when I am lucky!
25586 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:52
Thank you, Pigale!

Try this

I wonder will it work?

This is the point I was trying to make about 12 across in today's Times Cryptic….
25587 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:55
This is it! that was the link I was trying to forward on to you -
Wonder why it did not work?

Anyway, as far as I can see, it confirm what I thought: ants are NOT
termites! in fact they even eat them.
25588 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 20:56
Hello, Elle!
Here's Laura.
25589 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 21:06
Hello, Elle,
This is from online Collins Dictionary.
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