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9th February 2019, 12:22
Hello, Elle!
Just home!
Was away visiting my eldest son and family.
Fins day here, too.
My Red Button number is 951 through Sky system.
I have just set it to record the skiing and athletics tomorrow.
Wonder if it will work?
Skiing delayed today because of fog.
25571 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 13:45
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you had a good visit with your son and family.
How is Miss O'Hara doing?
You haven't mentioned her for a while?
Now...the Red Button......
I have managed to set the recorder for tomorrow....the setting came up as registered for "601 BBC RB 1"....... so it seems an accepted setting.
So long as the Athletics is shown on that button number, I am hopefully in business!
And the same for your Sky setting!
let us hope that they both work!
I have today's Athletics on the computer at the moment ......
25572 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
Had a fine time!
Miss O'Hara is doing away fine!
That seems to be in order what you are doing to record Red Button programmes.
I tried it earlier with the downhill skiing and it worked although the event was delayed because of thick fog on the run.
So is that Connected TV on your computer, or "streaming" is another name for something or other?
No problems with the puzzle though I am not certain I have the parse for 25a.
9a, is a new one to me, and I liked 5d!
25573 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 15:35
Hi, Rusty!
No......I think "Connected TV" is when a programme showing on the computer is transferred to the television screen?
I think one needs a Smart TV to do that?
I am simply watching "online" transmission from BBC Sport, showing on my computer.
The only drawback is that it means sitting at my desk to watch.......
As far as I can gather, Laura Muir and Eilish McColgan feature in the 3000m at 5.30 pm., if you want to see that?
I have finished my crossword, barring two parses.
As usual, I found the Saturday puzzle much easier than the weekday ones.
Now for 25a...... I have ill = badly (def)
(w)ill - want
( I assumed that "will" means "want" in this context? I could be wrong)
Is this what you thought?
The two that I cannot fully parse are:
11a: lapse = run out (def)
16D: actinium = element (def)
I have a query though about 12a?
Officer pulling wings off lady beetle and termite (8)
adjutant = officer (def)
ad - (l)ad(y)
jut - beetle

which leaves "ant" for "termite"......
but surely these insects are not the same thing?

Maybe I have gone wrong somewhere in my reasoning?
25574 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 16:07
Hello, Elle!
My grandson is coming around about 5 to see me, so I will not not see Laura or Eilish.
Will/want is what I thought, but I can't see will meaning want?
That's why I wondered.
11a, "lapsed", is drink/"lap" with half-cut of (cur)"sed".
16 "actinium" is "actin"(g)/working, with one's/"I'm" and U for University.
"One is" meaning "I am". I think!
I have ad jut ant, too, and as Anne B has termite under ant, that'll do for me!
My Collins has "termite. Any whitish ant-like social insect of the order Isoptera. Also called; white ant."
So, I'm happy with that, if Anne and Collins agree.
25575 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 16:19
Update, Elle.
In my Collins, under "will" it has "to express desire".
Now "to express desire" sounds like "want" to me?
If you do something "against your will", you are doing something you don't "want" to, if that makes any sense?
25576 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 16:31
Hi, Rusty!
Uhm.... re "ant" and "termite"........
Okay, so I was lazy and only consulted the Online Collins and Google --- it was convenient, as I was sitting at the computer watching the Athletics, and doing the crossword at the same time!
I saw "antlike", but also found a quite extensive list of differences between the two insects .....
This is but one of similar references, that I found.
So I am not really very happy with that part of the clue, as it does not seem to be strictly accurate?
A bit of "poetic licence" maybe ?
Yes, that is the way I was thinking about "will" and "want", only I couldn't easily express it!
Sounds good to me!
Oh, that is nice that your grandson is coming round!
25577 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 16:59
Hello, Elle!
If Collins has "white ant" for termite, I think the setter is entitled to use it in the way he/she has, in my opinion.
But Chambers has under "termite"/"so called white ant".
Now will/want!
Chambers has under "will" = "desire or want", so that looks fine, too!
My grandson is paying a flying visit just.
He is heading out to see his young lady and will be passing here on his way.
25578 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 18:47
Hi, Rusty!
I expect your grandson has already been to visit you by now, if he was heading out to visit his girlfriend , too, afterwards.
How lovely that he came to see you en route.
You will have enjoyed seeing him!
I missed Laura's race! although I see from the summary that she won it!
I may be able to find a clip somewhere, so that I can watch it.
Asha Philips did well, too, winning her fourth successive national 60 m title.
Cindy Ofili won the Gold in the 60 m hurdles, with Kat Johnson Thompson coming second.
I've only watched bits and pieces....
I have "The Voice" to watch later ......
25579 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th February 2019, 19:25
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, great seeing my grandson!
He brought me a giant bag of crisps!
Not seen Laura's race, too, but I think it should be up on YouTube fairly soon.
Meantime, here is Laura on language!
You never know, Elle, these words may come in handy in a puzzle sometime.

And....I know them all!
25580 of 30765  -   Report This Post