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2nd February 2019, 22:40
Hi Rusty,

Hope your snow and low temperatures will not make it hazardous
for you if you go out tomorrow! Surely there will be ice around?
Are the gritters out?

Aches and pains are still with me I am afraid! I am due another
back Xray soon, but I reckon only time will help, and a less humid
atmosphere might help too! Oh! to be 20 again!!!
Still, nice to be able to say 'I was 20 once' - some unfortunate children
don't even have the chance to see that age, so.....

BTW, I have NEVER liked Chambers! I always preferred either Collins
or Oxford dictionaries.
25441 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 06:26
Hello, Pigale!
I do not plan to go far today, but the gritters are out anyway and they do a very good job.
I was meant to go out with a granddaughter but I've put that off for another day.
The side roads could/will be slippy, I think.
A pity about your aches.
Time can be a great healer and warmer weather will help, too.
I have not had an Oxford Dictionary.
I like both Chambers and Collins, and I would not be without Bradford's!
25442 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 08:46
Good morning, Rusty!
As I expect you realised , my computer crashed again yesterday.......and I was unable to get back online from mid afternoon onwards.
There wasn't another power cut that I noticed.....but I feel sure that was the root of the computer trouble.
But it seems okay this fingers crossed....!
A very cold and icy day here, but the sky is blue......and the sun making an effort!
So a good outlook.
It is minus 2 now - and supposed to feel like minus 5! - but will rise to 4C about midday.
So we have postponed our early morning walk, and will go out later in the day, when hopefully a tad warmer, and less hazardous under foot!
I am armed with a coffee and the Everyman ......
How are things at your end?
Any plans for the day?

Hello, Pigale!
It is good to hear from you!
And to know that you are making gradual progress.
i am very sorry that I was unable to respond computer crashed again after the original hiccough following the power blip!
I can only think it had something to do with the weather?
Yes, my French dictionary is a Collins - Robert? You will know this?
I find it excellent.
It must be quiet for you now that your friend has gone home...but he is returning next month, isn't he?
And hopefully the weather will be warmer by then, and you will be feeling stronger .
25443 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 09:01
Good morning, Elle!
Could well be that the power cut knocked the computer wonky for
a while.
Is your computer the ony way you have of getting online?
Maybe the broadband was affected?
It is a bit cold here, too.
Snow is still here.
Miss O and me have cancelled our outing to Pine Cone for today.
Roads around there could be slippy.
There's always next week!
It is meant to be less cold here from tomorrow, and I am driving then, so that's fine!
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3rd February 2019, 09:41
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I only have my desk top computer as a means of accessing the Internet.
My Hudl is long since kaput, and my mobile too archaic!
All my mobile does is rings and texts!
It does not take photos, or send or receive emails!
(Or sing and dance!)
Yes, I think Broadband must have been affected, because before the computer zonked out , the router went beserk....
I had frantic green, and flashing orange lights....quite a psychedelic display...before all went dead.....
It is a pity that you have had to cancel your outing, but very sensible if the roads are likely to be bad.
There is always another day!
25445 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 10:04
Hello, Elle!
Well, your broadband router was trying to tell you something.
To put another shilling in the meter or something!
That would be your computer problem.
Possibly linked to the power cut in the area, I'd suggest?
There are green and orange lights on my router but they almost never show, thankfully.
Blue is good, on my router!
A pity about Miss O and me cancelling, but I thought it best given the possibly dodgy roads.
The weather is meant to be less cold from tomorrow, up here, anyway.
25446 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 10:30
Rusty, I'm in urgent need of sympathy. I've just done the Sunday Times crossword and would like your opinion of 23 D...

Fear the sound of a blade (3)

What a dreadful clue!
25447 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:19
I shall sympathise with you, Malone!
Although I have no idea why you need it?

I can see "awe" for "fear"..... I'm presuming there is a homophone involved?
But I cannot see it...….but then I do not know what noise a blade makes? or is supposed to make!

Perhaps you can enlighten me?
I am just about to start the ST.….
25448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:21
Thanks for the sympathy, Elle. The 'blade' goes in the water.
25449 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:27
Hello, Malone!
Looks like "awe", an alleged homothingy for "oar"?
Ach, that's awful!
Certainly does not sound the same in our neck of the woods.
I agree with you, Malone, it is dreadful!
25450 of 30765  -   Report This Post