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12th January 2019, 17:12
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it's Brendan Foster's company who are putting the event on.
It is not a championship, or anything, though.
Seems to be a "people's event" 7.5 km around Stirling, with the cross country events added.
Good to see Alex Bell coming through, though.
The Scottish team were told that they don't count in the mixed relay event!
Not very nice!
That is a pity about your plumber.
If he did not turn up and made no contact with you, I think I would scrub him from my list of "trustworthy competent tradesmen".
There will be plenty of plumbers glad of the work, so do not let it get you down, Elle.
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12th January 2019, 17:41
Hi, Rusty!
It is disappointing, though, about the plumber.
He seemed a nice competent guy, and we - and the neighbours! - were pleased to have found a friendly (fairly) local plumber , especially as previously no- one had been able to recommend one.
My husband spoke to him last night, and he said he would be here after 10am.
But, no word from him as to why he hasn't turned up?
His phone goes to voicemail.
Maybe an explanation will be forthcoming tomorrow... we shall see.
It is "The Voice" tonight!
Are you still going to record it, as you suggested, and give it a try?
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12th January 2019, 17:48
Hello, Elle!
Could be it is a "work phone" only, and he switches off at weekends?
It is a pity as you such a positive view of him.
Of course, there is a possibility that something has happened to him.
Things can happen!
If it was me, I'd hear what he had to say, and possibly give him another chance.
Go with your instinct, Elle.
I am recording "The Voice" and "The Greatest Dancer" and hope to watch them tomorrow.
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12th January 2019, 18:46
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, that is good advice, and what I am thinking myself.
I am hoping a genuine explanation will be forthcoming, as we had appreciated his previous work, and friendly attitude.
Let's hope we hear from him tomorrow, or Monday
Can you record two shows simultaneously?
Because "The Voice" and "The Greatest Dancer" are on at the same time?
If you cannot.....then "The Voice" is repeated tomorrow morning.
I meant to report back about "The Greatest Dancer" after I'd watched last week's episode ......
I thought I would give it a try, especially as I was interested to see how closely it followed "The Voice".
But I was not very impressed by either the format, the acts, or the judges!
I gave it up is not really to my taste.
I am recording "Casualty" tonight, as that also clashes partly with "The Voice."
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12th January 2019, 18:54
Hello, Elle!
If you do not hear from him on Monday, I would forget all about him.
He knows his non appearance, for whatever reason, has let you down, and you merit an explanation.
Yes, my Sky box can record two programmes at the same time.
I'll try the programmes, but I think I will be giving up on them.
But, no harm in trying them!
I did not think much of last week's dance acts.
Hope tonight's are better!
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12th January 2019, 20:05
Hi, Iusty!
It was not only the dance acts themselves that did not impress me......but I did not like the attitude of the judges, nor the feeling that the show engendered in me.
I do not have the tolerance to give it a second chance!
But I hope you like "The Voice"!
I feel partially responsible for your enjoyment, as I have praised the show!
Ooops, it is just going to start...
I had not realised the time!
I am away to watch.....
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12th January 2019, 21:41
Update, Rusty!
I very much enjoyed tonight's "The Voice".
It is the rapport and the good will between the coaches that I like, as much as the singing acts themselves.
Both Will and Tom had some good (general) advice to offer tonight, which is a nice aspect of the show.
Even if the genre of the singing is not my style, I can appreciate that the artist is good at what he/ she does.
I liked the individual acts better on the whole last week, but different types of singers appear throughout the entire do not necessarily judge the show on one week's performance.
But I enjoyed it.
25037 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th January 2019, 22:01
Hello, Elle!
I can't get a minute to myself!
Phone getting texts non-stop.
These young ones are planning breakfast outings with me for next weekend, never mind this weekend!
I think I'll run away!
I'll watch "The Voice" sometime tomorrow and let you know what I think.
I hope it is melodic voices and not people shouting and forcing notes out.
Pity they could not get Bing or Dean Martin on the show to let them see how it's done!
I watched Evelyn Williams again.
Remember the 81 year old Dublin lady singing "Send in the Clowns", on Ireland's Got Talent?
I liked her!
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12th January 2019, 22:14
Hi, Rusty!
I think it's great that your granddaughters are wanting to spend so much time with you!
And I know that you think so too!
You are indeed very fortunate.
Now....I am not sure that this week's particular set of singers on "The Voice" will personally appeal to if not, then maybe give it another shot next week?
I feel strongly, as you can see!
( There will never be another Bing! He is irreplaceable!)
Yes, of course I remember Evelyn.
Were you watching her singing 'afresh' or a rerun of last year's performance?
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12th January 2019, 22:29
Hello, Elle!
It's my grandson and his girlfriend, too!
Yes, it is good fun going out with them.
Miss O and me tomorrow, and I have calculators to give her.
I do not mind what kind of singing it is, except when I see performers screwing up their faces to in an attempt to force notes out and it becomes shouting.
I do not like that. It is not singing.
I have Evelyn "saved" in YouTube.
I watched her and some of the Wild Atlantic Way video clips.
And "How to cure a sagging door"!
That is my Saturday night entertainment.
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