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9th January 2019, 19:55
Good evening, Rusty!
Now, I have been thinking.....
We were talking earlier about the relocation of areas, etcetera, for example, of Kent now belonging to London....
But these parts did not change to a London post code when this happened (I think it was in 1965) but kept their original postal coding.
However ....folk who have the original London coding are charged extra for Insurances, for example, than are their immediate "acquired" neighbours..... who now officially "belong to London" but still retain a non-London postcode!
( You may not know that living in London puts up the cost of Insurances but it does!)
Now , is this fair?
Where I live, I have a London postcode......
Five hundred yards neighbouring village now also belongs to Greater London, as do I, but still retains its Kent postcode....
But I pay more for my pet Insurance, for example, than does my neighbouring villager, because of my London postcode.
There has to be an injustice here?
24981 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 20:13

Hello, Elle!
Why did these changes take place?
Similar things happen here,
My town/city is on the county of Angus (it used to be called Forfarshire, and Forfar is our county town) and also in Tayside Region.
As regards insurance, no matter where you live, I believe you should shop around.
It's very easy to do online.
24982 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 20:56
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, of course one should shop around and compare different Insurance rates, as you say.
That makes very good sense, and I am sure that most sensible people will do that.
We ourselves do this, and change Insurers when and where necessary.
But what I am talking about here is called "postcode risk" insurance.
One's postcode can have quite a substantial effect on one's Insurance premium
This is the point that I was making about territory changes.
24983 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 21:09
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I understand, but do all insurance companies work this way?
That is what I mean by getting quotes from comparison sites.
I do not really understand why the powers that be, moved the Greater London boundaries/territory to include towns and villages that were happily ensconced in Kent, or Surrey, or wherever?
Why did that happen, and did the people involved get a say/vote in it?
My dictionary has been posted.
Here possibly on Monday, they say!
24984 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 21:45
Hi, Rusty!
I am sending you two links about London boundary changes......
You do not need to quail in your shoes at the prospect of reading them!
I am not expecting you to plough through all the blurb, reading every detail...
They are simply to show you (superficially) what I am talking about.
And if you google " Post code risk Insurance", you will find many references about how Insurance policy premiums are governed just by where one lives.
i didn't mean to get on my "soap - box" (I keep it under my bed)....
Initially, I just made a passing observation, thrown up by what we had previously been discussing!
Point made now....and rant over with.....
That is good news about the prompt delivery of your Collins dictionary!
Out of interest, I looked on Amazon, but couldn't find a copy as cheap as the one you have ordered?
24985 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 22:13
Hello, Elle!
I read the BBC link.
It seems that at one time there was no Greater London?
I did not know that.
I can understand why some folk prefer to be in Kent rather than London.
I think I would be like that.
My dictionary is coming from eBay, Elle.
Did I say Amazon? It is eBay, anyway.
I "saved" three in my eBay "watch" list and World of Books still have at least one listed (the edition after mine, which mentioned linking to a mobile 'phone) at £3.52 post free, very good condition.
And that is a snip at that price!
There are others, too.
Set your eBay page to "lowest price first" and that should make it easier to find them.
24986 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 22:27
Update, Elle!
If you go to eBay.
Enter "Collins English Dictionary" in search bar.
Then on the choices on the left hand side of the screen, select "hardback", and "used".
The one i bought is 3rd from the top, £5.14p, from World of Books, and there are a lot left!
Also some cheaper ones, too.
24987 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 23:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, your second lot of instructions were very explicit, and I have found it !
It is a good bargain.
But on the face of it, the book above , also from World of Books, is cheaper?
Is there a difference between the two volumes that made you choose the edition that you did ?
I am wondering whether , at so cheap a price , I should treat myself?
I already use the Collins Online dictionary than I do my ill-fated 13th edition Chambers would be nice to have a "book" rather than constantly look on the computer!
24988 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 23:23
Hello, Elle!
You found it!
Now, a very good question, "Why did I not buy the cheaper one?".
If you look at the details of the one above, Elle, you will see that it contains something like 960 pages.
My choice contains 1888 pages.
So there must be a good deal of difference in the two editions?
My Chambers has 1839 pages.
So, if you are thinking of treating yourself (and why not, indeed!) just be careful and check the details of the book you may buy.
Mine is a hardback, Elle, so that would be something to watch out for, too.
24989 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 23:37
Update, Elle!
This should make things a bit easier for you.
Go to eBay search bar and type in,
"Collins English Dictionary, Complete and Unabridged",
now select "hardback" and "used".
Further down the page there are a couple slightly newer than mine from World of Books, "very good" condition, and I think £3.58 post free.
I notice eBay calls the pages, "pagination".
A bit odd?
24990 of 30765  -   Report This Post