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11th January 2019, 17:00
Hi, Rusty!
So... a camel is not just a hump -backed beast?
No wonder I haven't been able to parse 23a!
I have "astray" = off track (def), as my answer
But cannot see why, please?
And I still cannot find an answer to 11a:
How come sci-fi writer's spoken of monster? (6)
No sign of the plumber......I guess he will not come now until tomorrow!
25011 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 17:03
Hi elle
Why Verne?
25012 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 17:39
Hello, Elle!
Yes, hopefully the plumber will come tomorrow.
Up here a lot of tradesmen knock off early on Fridays.
23a, Camel (notice the capital C) is the name of a brand of cigarettes. It's final resting place (hopefully) would be an "ashtray".
Remove "h/horse" for going off track.
The other one is (wyvern).
Wy, the setter thinks, sounds like "why"/how come.
Up here we pronounce the words differently, but that is a minor quibble.
And there was a lad called Verne who wrote books.
I have been browsing my new dictionary.
I like it!
25013 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 19:35
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't think anything of the capital "C" as it was at the beginning of a sentence?
I have never heard of such a brand of cigarettes.....
I would never have got that in a month of Sundays!
I checked in Chambers and in Bradfords, but neither was any help!
Thank you for enlightening me!
And I didn't know "wyvern" either....
( I gather it's a sort of dragon)
I can see "why Verne", I guess , but I do pronounce the "h" slightly in words such as "why" and "where" do not really agree with "wy" sounding like "why"?
I'm glad you are enjoying browsing your new dictionary...
Now here's a test...…..
Is "Camels" in it?!

Thank you, Chris!
That is a new word for me...I have never come across it before.
25014 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 19:53
Good evening, Elle!
There was a Sopwith Camel aeroplane, too.
Camel was an American brand of cigarette.
So, not so well known in UK.
I knew wyvern, and wy and why are pronounced differently for me, but perhaps not where the setter comes from.
Vauxhall made a car called a Wyvern, I remember.
And, strangely, their badge/logo is a "griffin".
Another ancient "creature".
There is speculation that Vauxhall misidentified the griffin for a wyvern when naming the car.
Camel fags are not in Collins.
The proper nouns are usually place names.
But "camel hair" is, and one of the definitions is "the hair of a squirrel's tail, used for paint brushes." Odd?
25015 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 21:15
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Chambers gives that definition, too, about camel hair being " the hair of a squirrel's tail, used for paint brushes", but also says that "camel hair" is "the 'hair of the camel' used for making a soft cloth"!
They sound like a contradiction in terms?
Very strange?
I have heard of camel-hair coats, though
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11th January 2019, 21:21
Biggles flew a Sopwith Camel in the Great War (as did Snoopy!)
I think "camelhair" coats reflect their colour, rather than origin....
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11th January 2019, 21:43
Hello, Elle!
It is quite mild here.
I know camel hair is used for making camel hair coats and jackets, because it is very soft fibre.
I read it is unsuitable for modern paint brushes, but camel hair was used long long ago in paintbrushes, before a Chinese lad created better brushes using different fibres.
I wonder if the name "camel hair" just carried on with the new fibre.
25018 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 22:10
Hi, Rusty!
I have been researching camel hair coats!
We have certainly gone off at a tangent from today's crossword clue!
It is interesting though when one thing leads to another.........
We phoned the plumber to say we wanted to take the dog out early in the morning and asked him to come at 10 o'clock,
He is happy with that all is sorted

I used to read "Biggles" , too, Chris!
Altho I do not remember about the make of aircraft!
25019 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2019, 22:15
Hello, Elle!
I was looking up "British Warm" coats!
It is funny how one thing leads to another.
I have been trying to find out where "donkey" comes from in "jacket" and "engine".
I think hunting down stuff is a good pursuit!
Let us hope the plumber can tell the time better than Royal Mail can!
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