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10th January 2019, 20:28
Good evening, Elle!
The trimmings sound tasty.
I just did not know what they were!
My son has just left.
We had a nice time.
Plenty chat!
I had not looked up 19d,
But "minus" is "less", "nine" is "IX",
giving "Les Six".
Apparently they are/were painters.
4d, is a type of parrot, I think.
"took off" is "rose", "large" is "L", city is "LA" (Los Angeles)
28a, is "a bumper corn harvest" produced "many ears", giving "man years" for a "quantity of work".
Seems to be quite mild outside.
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10th January 2019, 21:27
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for helping me with the parsings......I can understand them, now that you have explained, but would never have arrived there unaided.
"Man years" is a new term for me.
I thought it a good puzzle though.
I have been reading an old Dick Francis book that I unearthed whilst doing my book-sorting.
It must have been years since I last read it , as the book was so old it was practically falling to pieces....and I remembered nothing of the plot!
I have also "found" a lot of old favourites, and have amassed quite a pile of books that I should like to re-read!
It is very cold here, Rusty....and we already have frost.....
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10th January 2019, 22:57
Les Six were French composers, the group all being young in the 1920s. The only one whose music I know anything about is Poulenc. I used to play his Organ Concerto quite loudly to cover the sounds of next-door's pop music in the late 60s.
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10th January 2019, 23:14
Hello, Elle!
"Man hours" is a more common term, I think.
"Les Six" were not painters, but composers, as Rosalind has kindly pointed out!
My apologies !!!
I found them in Collins online.
I hope that our editions contain the proper nouns definitions.
Fingers crossed!
It was a good puzzle.
My favourite was 8d, "skewer".
Great how these setters get these clues to match the definitions.
No frost here but it seems colder.
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11th January 2019, 09:48
Good morning, Rusty!
Wet and mild here this morning........resulting in a poggy dog!
No problem about "painters"....I had assumed that it was just a "Freudian slip", as it said "composers" in the clue.
I need to go down to the card shop...but might put it on hold whilst it is raining, as I've only just dried off from the morning walk!
I am now drinking coffee...and eating a piece of Christmas cake!
And I shall take a look at today's crossword......
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11th January 2019, 10:23
Good morning, Elle.
A mild pleasant morning here.
I had never heard of "Les Six" and goodness knows how I misinterpreted the definition in Collins!
I know....a senior moment!
I am ahead of you with the card buying.
I bought one in ASDA today for one of the young ones in Norn Iron.
She will be fourteen on Monday!
Hope the card gets there in time!
La Bamba and me are heading out soon.
Good luck with your puzzle!
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11th January 2019, 11:58
Hi, Rusty!
It is still drizzly .......what a miserable day!
I am about half way through my crossword.....
I was going along nicely , then got stuck so took a (rather long) break.
The surgery receptionist rang me.....she wants me to go along on Monday for a Blood Pressure check with one of the new nurses.
At least, it will give me an opportunity to spy out the land, and see what changes have made since the new practice manager took over.
And suss out the new staff!
Three new doctors and two new nurses!
How was your trip to the Pine Cone with Miss L-B?
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11th January 2019, 14:07
Hello, Elle!
It has turned into a lovely day here.
I still have a few to get in my puzzle.
We had a nice time at Pine Cone.
I had a mushroom and onion omelette!
A good idea checking out the changes to your surgery and meet the new staff.
My Collins Dictionary has just been delivered.
They said it would be here from next Monday, so well done W o B, and Royal Mail!
It is quite heavy!
I have just had a quick look at it, but my first impressions are, I doubt if it has been used before, the condition of the book I would rate at "very good plus".
Maybe not as many proper nouns as I thought there may be, but "Chatsworth House" is just ahead of "Chattanooga", (these are not in Chambers), to give you a flavour of the content!
I am pleased with it, and to me it is well worth what I paid for it.
Excellent value for money, I think.
I hope your book is as good as this one!
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11th January 2019, 15:17
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am glad that you had a good time with Miss L-B!
Well done on your new Collins!
You are fortunate to get one in such excellent condition....and so early , too.
Yes, I hope mine is as good as yours...... I was told Tuesday for its arrival?
I have only one crossword clue left for which I do not have an answer.......but three that I cannot yet parse.
However.....I have not yet thrown in the towel!
I shall persevere for a and on.
I especially liked 20a: urea; 18d: ectopic; and 6d:sirocco
"Odalisque" is a new word for me.
I am waiting for the plumber to put in an appearance.......he said either this afternoon, or tomorrow morning.
The sun is making a watery attempt to brighten up the afternoon!

Oh dear...I'm back to counting traffic lights!!!!
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11th January 2019, 15:49
Hello, Elle!
I think your copy will be as good as mine.
World of Books had over 100 for sale, so I suspect they had been "remaindered" from somewhere.
They will all be in a like condition, I think.
And the Collins is heavier than the Chambers!
I had in my head that "odalisque" was a statue sort of thing!
I liked 23a, a good clue if you know what a Camel is/was.
I suspect many won't.
Let's hope your new plumber manages to get to you today.
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