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7th January 2019, 19:55
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! That was a typo , Rusty...I did have "arioso" as my answer.
I didn't know that (Cockney?) rhyming slang is used in Glasgow?
My cousin lived very close to there, in Kirkintilloch, all his life, and never once did I hear him use rhyming slang!
Not even in fun!
I learn something new every day.......
Yes, you are right, Crick, Watson , Wilkins and Franklin were involved in DNA......with Rosalind Franklin playing a major part in this.
Sadly she wasn't recognised as such, because the Nobel prize is not awarded posthumously...and she had died four years earlier from ovarian cancer.
No wind here, but it is feeling much colder.
24951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2019, 20:13
Hello, Elle!
Of course it was a typo!
I did not doubt you for a second!!
As regards the rhyming slang, it will only be certain sections of the community who may use it, in Glasgow, anyway.
I know one or two who use the odd word, but that is all.
I read a little about Franklin earlier.
The bit I read mentioned the prize not being awarded posthumously, then mentioned three prizewinners who were dead when it was awarded.
Dag Hammarskjold was one of them, but he was nominated before his death, so that may explain that one.
I remember him being killed in a plane crash, in 1961, I think.
I have been reading up on Collins Dictionary and apparently it contains proper nouns.
I looked up "Tay", "Somme", and "Ladysmith", and they are defined.
I will give thought to getting one, I think.
24952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2019, 21:28
Hi, Rusty!
That is interesting about Proper Nouns being defined in the Collins dictionary.
They aren't in Chambers.
As an experiment, I tried "Ladysmith " on Google....
Both the online Collins and the Oxford defined it.
It is not in my own Collins dictionary, but then that is a very old edition.
I wonder when Collins started to include Proper Nouns in their book?
Do you know ?
I like Collins and often use it on the computer.
I have been watching "The Voice " all the way through this time!
There is some excellent talent.
I saw that only Tom turned for Peter Donegan.
A 'put up job' as some people are saying?
I don't know?
But I liked fact, I liked him even better, having listened to him the second time around.
24953 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2019, 21:53
Hello, Elle!
No proper nouns in Chambers, no.
I was surprised they were in Collins.
I do not know when that started, no.
The one my eye is on is a few years old, but "v.g." condition.
And I discovered, Collins have published editions with words missing, just like Chambers!
How old is your Collins?
I thought Peter Donegan had a good voice, until he started shouting the lyrics.
I did not like that, though the audience did.
So, Elle, what happens with Peter, now?
Does he stay on the show, or how is it worked?
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7th January 2019, 22:14
Hi, Rusty!
My Collins is positively ancient! 1989!
"The Voice" has several stages.....
1. Blind auditions.
This is what we have now...where the coaches listen with their backs to the singer, and then "turn their chairs" if they like his/ her act.
If more than one coach turns, it is up to the competitor to choose whom he / she wants to be his / her coach.
So Peter will now stay on the Show under Tom's tutelage, reappearing at each of the following levels, if he is chosen at each stage to remain.
2. Battle rounds
4. Live shows .
This link will explain the following procedures better then I can......
It is a good show!
24955 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2019, 23:02
Hello, Elle!
I tried...I really did!
I attempted to read the link.
But, there are yards of reading and rules etc.
Way too complicated for me to grasp!
I'll stick with BGT!
I think Tom will be a good help to Peter.
You can let me know he's getting on.
The wind has dropped here, thank goodness!
24956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th January 2019, 09:40
Good morning, Rusty!
A cold , crisp bright morning!
So a brisk invigorating walk..... just the way I like it.
No, it wasn't a very clear link...
I will try to explain the stages that Peter (and others) will have to go through, as we come to them on the appropriate successive weeks
That might be simpler?
I am away shortly to have my hair cut.....
24957 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th January 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too, though colder than it has been.
No frost, though.
I've been to ASDA testing calculators!
An exciting life, I lead!
Their own brands seem excellent value.
I think I will record "The Voice" this week and see what I make of it!
I know Tom Jones and I'm sure I'll get to know the rest of them and how it works.
24958 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th January 2019, 12:58
Hi, Rusty!
Home again now....with my hair about an inch shorter!
What was the outcome of the calculator testing?
Have you chosen a new one?
Yes, recording "The Voice" is a good idea.
You can find out how it works and see whether you like the format.
I find the very obvious excellent rapport between the coaches is very appealing.
And the younger members of the panel are very respectful to Tom Jones, which I think is nice courtesy.
The competitors this last week were all of a high standard... ...I was impressed.
Time for some lunch...maybe home -made soup?
24959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th January 2019, 15:51
Good afternoon, Elle!
Happy haircut!
Yes, I have bought two calculators online and one from ASDA, so I am quite pleased, and the prices are very reasonable!
One is a Texet make, and the other is an Aurora, and an ASDA branded one.
I saw Tom Jones perform when I was young.
In the California Ballroom just outside Dunstable.
And Ike and Tina Turner, too.
I'll record "The Voice" and take it from there.
i have been fairly busy today and have neither read my paper or tackled the puzzle, so I'd best get cracking!
24960 of 30765  -   Report This Post