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9th January 2019, 10:28
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here, bitterly cold, but sunny and bright.
Good walking weather!
You seem to have got a good deal on your Collins dictionary, I hope it arrives soon.
I looked up Bromley in Collins online.
It only gave me the Borough of Bromley, which has a population of about 320,000
This may be what you found?
The town of Bromley (not shown by online Collins) is the main settlement of the Borough, and has a population of about 72, 000.
And where I live, about three miles from Bromley (town) is very much smaller than that....I would think about 17, 000?
There is the usual present date day debate as to what lies within London nowadays and what belongs to Kent.
Just as there is around Surrey and Middlesex, and other boroughs peripheral to London.
People prefer the historical connection to the (altered) geographical designation.
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9th January 2019, 11:14
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely frosty morning here!
You are right, great walking weather!
I took the scenic route to ASDA today.
Ah, off the top of my head, I thought it gave a population of 280,000 for Bromley?
I remember thinking that was almost double the population of Dundee.
Mind you, the vast majority of my fellow citizens think of us as a big village, rather than a town or city.
Almost always meet someone you know when out.
I took it Bromley was one place.
I did not know the borough and town being different.
But, I am looking forward to Collins arriving.
And it has "Hill's Hoist" in it!
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9th January 2019, 12:28
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is very confusing having Bromley as a town, and then the same name also as a London Borough!
I think it must be the same for all the London Boroughs.......the major town gives its name to the borough?
The twelve (I think) London Boroughs were created in the mid -sixties, filching areas from neighbouring counties.
Most folk affected resisted the change, still preferring the historical connection, and saying they come from Kent , or Surrey, or wherever....... it is a long debated point!
Rather like everyone in Bolton still insisting that they live in Lancashire, rather than in the more newly created county of Greater Manchester!
I have been on my computer for much of the morning, placing online orders for stuff.
I haven't attempted the crossword yet, but I see it is another competition one...
Have you done yours ?
Is it very difficult?
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9th January 2019, 13:01
Hello, Elle!
The town/borough thing is certainly confusing.
I think I would go with the historical connection.
Just seems right somehow.
I would have said Bolton was in Lancashire.
I have just finished the puzzle.
It is a toughie, for me, anyway.
Took me over an hour to do, and I am not sure about one answer.
No "new to me" words or anything, just that I would quibble about some of the clues, though the setter will almost certainly be correct.
24 folk tackled it in the Championship, and 7 solved it correctly.
How are you and M&S getting on?
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9th January 2019, 13:21
Hello Elle

I just write clues rather than full crosswords nowadays, lack of time.

I used to get a puzzle published in the NALGO magazine every year when I was a member many years ago. They paid £12 which was a nice sum then.

There was a Daily Telegraph competition many years ago, with several stages, the final 200 being published in a book. I was pleased to be included. It was on sale in shops.

I am hoping to compile a cricket puzzle one day, with every clue or answer being cricket-related.

Hello Rusty

Interesting that you lived in Dunstable. Did you know the Old Sugar Loaf Hotel? The landlady was the mother of my friend at university. We drove from London to Dunstable one night and had a free pint which we thought was wonderful
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9th January 2019, 13:56
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, nearly everyone inclines to the historical connection , but technically they are wrong....
Boltonians now "officially" live "technically" in Greater Manchester...... and inhabitants of Bromley live in Greater London.
And so it goes.......
I think I shall give today's crossword a miss, if it is so very hard!
I have gainful employment in writing letters , sorting out some finances, and accompanying my husband later this afternoon to a physio appointment.
No point in my struggling with a difficult crossword ...
If you cannot do it, then what chance have I?
Re M & S.....
I'm waiting on hearing back from the official complaint that I sent in to Royal Mail....
There was an appropriate form to complete, regarding delivery problems, so I filled it in and sent it off.
Once I have a reply - no matter what its nature - I shall contact M & S.
You and I both know I am probably wasting my time.....
But hey, it has to be done!

Well done on both your £12 win and your later publication!
One of my erstwhile dog walking acquaintances earned his living by writing cryptic crosswords as a freelancer!
Unfortunately, it was in the days before I became interested in solving such puzzles....four years ago.....and so I never benefited from his experience.
He moved to live in Wales, and we lost touch!
24976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 14:56
Hello, Elle!
Have a go at the puzzle!
You might sail through it!
I think I have the one that baffled me.
11a, I have been in Bradford's and discovered that "from" can mean "of", giving me "goofy", for "imbecile".
I was pondering "goony" as well!
I do not think you are wasting either your time, or M&S's.
It will make you feel better, by pointing out the poor service you have received, and may make M&S get their act together.
You will not be the only one complaining.
24977 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 15:05
Hello, Jigjag.
The Old Sugar Loaf is ringing a wee bell.
Is it on the High Street?
It is over 50 years since I lived there, and the only pub name I can definitely remember was the Norman King.
It was a very old pub with a beaten copper bar and suits of armour.
It was a bit too grand for me, though, (although the landlord was very friendly and welcoming) and I preferred the livelier pubs on the High Street.
The Ewe and Lamb rings a wee bell too.
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9th January 2019, 16:42
Hi, Rusty!
We suddenly realised the time, and had to rush out for the physio appointment!
My husband is now down for a six week course of exercise classes to help strengthen his knee.
The first available vacancy will be at the beginning of March, so quite a wait.
Meanwhile, he has to continue at home with the exercises given to him by his physiotherapist.
At least it is all under control......
I had a look at that clue you mentioned......
11a: Crack from unknown imbecile (5)
I think you have it spot on...
goofy = imbecile (def)
go - crack
of - from
y - unknown.
Good parsing!
Thank you for the supportive thinking about M&S - yes, I shall pursue the issue in due course!
24979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2019, 17:54
Good evening, Elle!
Your husband seems to be in good hands, anyway.
That's my thinking about the parse, you have!
Pondered that for quite a while!
I do not think you would settle until you sort out M&S and their delivery team!
And an apology for messing you about, would be in order, too.
24980 of 30765  -   Report This Post