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3rd December 2018, 22:21
Hi, Rusty!
Ah well, Rusty! I have at least shown myself willing to try to accommodate the Captcha way of life......
I can do no more.
I have a bad feeling that this will drive a lot of would be participants away from the Forum..........
Yes, I shall stick to Edge.
The Oval Tube station (nearby the cricket ground) is right opposite Kennington Park.
As Chris says, The Oval is roughly equidistant between Battersea and Camberwell......but of course "batters" was needed for the clue.
There is a parsing i cannot do.......
25a: What will strain old spacecraft chasing the speed of light (8)
I have "colander " for straining/ sieving...
But what else?
24351 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
Just you stick to what you are happy with, Edge.
You should not have to install a new browser to cope with Captcha, is what I think.
The photos are not very good, anyway, and I sympathise with you and the others who are struggling.
I agree. Newcomers are not likely to stick around.
There is at least one other crossword site where they would be welcome.
Now, 25, is colander.
The speed of light is the symbol "c" (check Chambers), old is "o", and a "lander" is a spacecraft designed to land on a planet's surface.
24352 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
We have an absolutely glorious day here!
It is extremely cold - a sudden drop in temperature to only 3C this morning - but we have blue sky and sunshine!
A definite feel good factor to the day!
Thank you for explaining the parsing of "colander" to me.
I did not know the word "lander".
We are going out very shortly...... my husband has his first physiotherapy appointment this morning.
I think this will only be a consultation, but we shall see what develops.
I hope the physiotherapist will be able to help, as my husband's knee is very swollen and painful.
I should be back about 1 pm, so catch up later.....
24353 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 10:41
Good morning, Elle!
Your weather is warm compared to mine!
It was minus 3 when I was driving earlier today.
About zero now, I think.
But it is a lovely day.
My knees sympathise with your husband, Elle.
Hope the physio can help him!
24354 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 15:13
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think it was a worthwhile visit to see the physiotherapist.
The Xray showed no fractures of my husband's knee.
Basically, the problem is mainly "wear".
But it is thought that with special exercises - both a series done alone at home, and by later attending a special exercise group at the Sports Injury Centre, he will improve.
There is "no way back", as it were, but the present situation can be appeased.
( I had to laugh as the consulting room was up a flight of stairs......
I figured that if the patients made it to the top, unscathed and without obvious signs of pain , they were simply discharged and sent home!)
If simple painkillers do not suffice, he can have a series of cortico- steroid injections , (three a year) but this is not a road to go down if avoidable.
So......all-in-all, hopefully a positive outcome!
24355 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 17:28
Hello, Elle!
That appears to be a productive meeting your husband had.
Do you go, too?
I've read that knee exercises can help.
I get pains in knees, fingers and feet. Probably osteoarthritis.
I have not found paracetamol or ibuprofen helpful.
So, I just get on with it.
It is quite a tricky puzzle today, but you may not have time to do it, after your hospital visit.
1d, 7d, and 21a, are new to me.
I have an answer for 13d, but the clue is a bit over my head!
I liked 3d!
24356 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 19:27
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, I thought the physiotherapist was very helpful.
He had a model of a knee joint, which he used to demonstrate what he was explaining to us.
He seems to think that exercise will help the osteoarthritis a lot, and if this fails, then will refer my husband to an Orthopaedic Consultant for a further assessment.
The ultimate option would be a replacement knee joint, but hopefully we are a long way from that possibility.
Maybe if you are suffering from a similar problem, then some exercises would help you, too?
No, you are quite right, I haven't even started today's puzzle.
There has just not been time.
We were a lot longer at the Sports Injury Clinic than I had expected..... and time seems to have whizzed past since then.
We still haven't had dinner!
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4th December 2018, 19:38
Hello, Elle!
I've only had a GP's opinion and I am not convinced he is right.
But I manage fine, it is only pain I suffer.
My knee movement is "excellent", apparently.
I've been told to keep walking!
A neighbour of mine had a knee replacement several months ago and she says it's brilliant now and hopes to get her other knee replaced too.
I think you should forget today's puzzles and wait for tomorrow's.
Your dinner is more important!
24358 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 21:11
Update, Elle!
One of your favourites, Jess Ennis, is presenting a sports programme later on BBC 1, up here.
Maybe you will get it, too?
I think it is Jess' first attempt at presenting a show and I wish her well!
24359 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2018, 21:14
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I am on the right side of my dinner now.......and feeling the better for it!
I was very hungry. I had no lunch with being out at the clinic.
We have now received five Christmas cards, and a calendar.
Is this not a bit early?
I have not even begun to write my cards yet.
Nor have I done any present buying.
Oh dear!
I shall be down to my usual pre- Christmas panic.... and rushing about.....
Every year I promise myself I will be better organised!
And I never am!
24360 of 30765  -   Report This Post