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2nd December 2018, 19:27
Update, Rusty!
My previous post to you (24317) crossed with that of yours to Cerasus, so you may not have seen it?
I have just sent an email to Norah, apprising her of the situation and telling her also of Thomas and 63acornwall's concerns.
It can do no harm......and may perhaps achieve something....?
I noted what Cerasus said about only needing a tick, but I am still battling with pictures galore!
I can cope with one picture per post......... but a frenzied onslaught is driving me insane!
24321 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 21:35
Hello, Elle!
That's a pity you are having so much problems with Captcha.
Hopefully Norah and/or Ash may be able to help you.
I am not long home.
It is quite cold out tonight.
Saw a gritter out earlier!
24322 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 22:39
Hi, Rusty!
I have had a quick email from Norah, saying that she will speak to Ash tomorrow.
We will see if anything helpful can be done.
Yes, it does feel a tad chillier here, too...and it is raining again!
A gritter?
That does not forbode well.
So, where have you been at this time of night?
I have had an evening of phone calls!
First an old school friend rang......that was good, lovely to talk to her.
(We have obviously known each other a very long time!)
Then our son followed hard on her well as being our WA today, it is also his birthday!
And finally of course, I spoke to my cousin.
All is well up North.
24323 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 07:43
Good morning, Elle!
Cold but dry here, think it will be a nice day!
Let us hope Norah and Ash can find a solution to the Captcha problem, that some are experiencing, without the return of the spam.
I was out at ASDA last night.
I thought my television set was ready to turn up its toes.
It was not responding to remote control signals, and I decided to replace the batteries in my remote control (hence my visit to ASDA) and it is working perfectly well again.

24324 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 10:14
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here -- blue sky and sunshine...... with a temperature of 11C
I am glad you sorted out your remote control
Certainly cheaper than having to buy a new TV!
It took four sets of pictures just now to respond to Norah's thread...... three of traffic lights, one of motorbikes.
I am fed up to the back teeth, as the expression goes!!!
I wonder what it will take to send this?
24325 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 11:58
Hello, Elle!
My car was covered in ice this morning, but pavements are OK.
I got Asda own brand batteries.
One third of the price of the branded batteries.
It looks as if you will have to get used to Captcha.
I had to find mountains today.
That's a new one!
24326 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 12:41
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, it must very cold up your way!
It is surprisingly mild here, but is now raining......AGAIN!
I might ask Santa for a canoe for Christmas?
(That is, if he has any elves and reindeers remaining to help him deliver, after the recent hail of bullets.....)
i have been fiddling about with other browsers this morning....
I already had Firefox, Chrome and AVG on my computer, but all are ad- riddled, so I decided to try Opera!
Well....having downloaded Opera to my computer, it then took me ages to discover how to find, and then activate, the built- in adblocker!
And even now, of course , I do not know will happen when I - and Opera - encounter Captcha very shortly, when I try to send this......
All my effort may well have been in vain!
Crosswords? Who has time to do crosswords?
24327 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 13:10
Hello, Elle!
It is quite cold here.
Going down to minus 1 overnight.
I do not have Opera, but I do have Opera Mini, and there are Captcha pictures on that.
I like Opera Mini as a browser, though.
Does Firefox not have Adblock as an "add-on"?
I thought it did, but I do not take to the Firefox browser, so I am not sure.
So far, Chrome is the only one that I have found, to only require a tick.
I have finished my puzzle!
24328 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 14:02
Hi, Rusty!
I had some considerable trouble, in the first instance, in finding a free adblocker to download to Edge.
I do not fancy repeating that performance with other (ad-riddled) browsers only to find that Captcha "hates" them, too!
Btw, I sent the last post through Opera, with only a tick required ...but it may just have been beginner's luck.
And Norah herself says that she gets pictures sometimes even using Chrome!
An increasing number of complaints is filtering through.....and as ftsalmon said, maybe some people cannot even get through at all, and are thus unable to notify anyone of their predicament
Maybe Norah will hear more by email from individuals with problems?
I just hope that Ash does not lose custom through this.
I know he is trying hard do the best for everyone.

I am sending this by Opera
24329 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 14:09
P.S. Rusty!
Well, that was a complete and utter waste of my morning!!
Opera required four lots of pictures for me to post successfully!
Three with traffic lights and one with cars!!!
i might as well stick with Edge.....

! think I'll go and eat worms".........

Bridges this time!
24330 of 30765  -   Report This Post