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3rd December 2018, 19:27
Hi elle
Beef carpaccio was invented in Harry's Bar in Venice (as was the Bellini cocktail - peach pulp and prosecco). It was called "Carpaccio" as the red and white colour reflected the artist's colour schemes - there's a small church in Venice with Carpaccio frescoes. One series is "George and the dragon", and some of the pictures feature partly consumed pieces of virgins lying around!
It is raw, but very thinly sliced, and has become to be applied to any other raw, thin, meat and fish dishes.
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3rd December 2018, 19:50
Hello, Elle!
Yes, but how did the tree die, Elle?
What did you do?
Goodness knows what you can do to resolve the matter.
No reason at all why you should know the Stone of Scone.
I meant to ask you earlier about 3d, I think.
Does Battersea lie near the Oval cricket ground, d'ye know?
I presume it may, according to the setter.
I don't know carpaccio, too.
What has replaced Eggheads?
24342 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 20:23
Hi, Rusty!
Maybe in the light of more people coming forward with posting problems, Ash will be able to make some modifications with Captcha?
I don't know.....
Meanwhile, I shall just talk on the PCT here, and refrain from trying to answer any crossword queries on the General Forum.
It is taking so long for me to reply to those, anyway, that it can be of no immediate help to anyone!
Yes, The Oval is about a mile away from Battersea Park.
On reflection, I think maybe "Eggheads" is just off air whilst the snooker is on?
The "Eggheads" recently revised viewing time would have clashed with that.
I shall miss it - I enjoyed my daily dose of "Eggheads"!

Hello, Chris!
Thank you for the info.
I haven't come across the artist Carpaccio.
I know nothing of his work.....I shall have to do come research.
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3rd December 2018, 20:52
Hello, Elle!
I doubt if Ash can do much with Captcha, Elle, except remove it.
He appears happy it has reduced the spam, so?
I think you should just stick to Edge that you are happy with.
No Eggheads on here, too.
It returns here next Monday.
I had an idea that Battersea was in London, but unsure where the Oval is.
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3rd December 2018, 20:58
The Oval is in Kennington. It adjoins Battersea (though I wouldn't have clued "Oval" as "near Battersea" - what was the actual clue?)
"Near Camberwell" (where we lived for a time) would have been just as accurate!
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3rd December 2018, 21:11
Cricketers dine when short of time in place close to the Oval (9)
Batters ea(t)
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3rd December 2018, 21:15
Thanks Rusty. I look forward to the clue for Camberwell!
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3rd December 2018, 21:17
I have heard of Camberwell!
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3rd December 2018, 21:20
There's a butterfly called a "Camberwell Beauty". We never saw one in Camberwell (apart from a metal one on the front of a shop), but one hitched a ride on my rucksack for a couple of miles once when we were walking in northern Italy!

I just had to find some cars!
24349 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2018, 21:56
I've heard of the butterfly, Chris.
A tip for Captcha.
There may be just the teeniest part of the car, or whatever, in an adjoining box, I have discovered.
That must be ticked, too.
24350 of 30765  -   Report This Post