Hi, Rusty!
Maybe in the light of more people coming forward with posting problems, Ash will be able to make some modifications with Captcha?
I don't know.....
Meanwhile, I shall just talk on the PCT here, and refrain from trying to answer any crossword queries on the General Forum.
It is taking so long for me to reply to those, anyway, that it can be of no immediate help to anyone!
Yes, The Oval is about a mile away from Battersea Park.
On reflection, I think maybe "Eggheads" is just off air whilst the snooker is on?
The "Eggheads" recently revised viewing time would have clashed with that.
I shall miss it - I enjoyed my daily dose of "Eggheads"!
Hello, Chris!
Thank you for the info.
I haven't come across the artist Carpaccio.
I know nothing of his work.....I shall have to do come research.