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2nd December 2018, 11:02
Good morning Rusty,

I too am with Windows (7 though), but my server is Chrome - This
seems to make the difference; I seem to remember someone mentioned that Chrome was ideal in the captcha respect?
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2nd December 2018, 11:24
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the good wishes!
Family will be here about 12.30 pm...after BB's tennis lesson.
Well, yes, that was my concern, too, that others also might be having trouble accessing the Forum.
I use my computer a lot for various things... Edge has now taken over from IE on Windows 10, and suits me fine.
I do not wish to change my Browser...... just to "appease" Catcha!
But I should be grateful for a let up on the number of times I have to tick boxes!
Have you got any plans for today?

Hello, Pigale!
How very kind of you....Thank you very much!
Please do not mention pink elephants... even in jest.....I am suffering enough from a surfeit of traffic lights!
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2nd December 2018, 11:41
Good morning, Pigale!
Perhaps that someone was me?
I have mentioned it on here.
I use Chrome and only tick a box (no traffic lights or palm trees etc),
but on my tablet I have Brave browser and I do have to find motor bikes etc.
Seems odd that Captcha on certain browsers only requires a tick, and on others it requires the user to identify various items?
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2nd December 2018, 11:51
Hello, Elle!
I hope you have a nice day with your family!
I understand you wanting to stay with Edge.
Maybe best let Norah know you are having more difficulty than is reasonable to post a reply?
Now, just ignore this if it does not suit you, but on my tablet, I have several browsers, for different sites, Brave, Opera Mini, and Chrome.
A solution for your problem could be to use Chrome browser, but ONLY for the Forum, and Edge for everything else?
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2nd December 2018, 11:54

I now have four browsers on my PC and use a different one when needed for different sites .... It's easy to add a browser

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2nd December 2018, 11:57
Rusty oops! My lost crossed with yours. We agree on the solution though
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2nd December 2018, 12:02
Hello, Cerasus!
Yes, we both agree it is a very easy solution.
But, will Elle !!!!
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2nd December 2018, 12:03
Do hope so rusty :)

I am not a robot
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2nd December 2018, 12:14
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you, yes, I am sure we shall have a great time!
My husband has given me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers - and a box of Ferreror Rocher!
Plus a lovely card!
I understand what you are suggesting about using an alternative browser just for this site....but I just would not find it practical.
I "multi task" -- for instance, looking in on here, whilst sitting at my desk, using the computer for other work.
I do not want to change browsers, like horses, in mid-stream, as it were.
But thank you for the thoughtful suggestion.
I shall talk to Norah tomorrow time now......
I must go...need to change before the family arrives!
Still in scruffy jeans and baggy sweater!
Talk later...probably around teatime?
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2nd December 2018, 12:54
Hello, Elle!
You do not have to change browsers in mid-stream.
Download Chrome browser from Google Play Store.
Next select Crossword site on Chrome.
Save it to your "Favourites".
Job done.
Then each time you click on your Crossword icon it will open automatically on the Chrome browser.
All the rest of your favourites will still be on Edge.
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