Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I did right-click, but it didn't help.
Microsoft Edge is a bit peculiar in that it doesn't yet have a "proper" toolbar - by that I mean one says "File/ Edit/ View/ Favourites / Tools /Help", as did IE.
But my previous "Favourites" imported from IE were up there on the missing bar....and I wanted them back.
The "Favourites " acquired later on Edge were still accessible.
Anyway, back to normal now!
And your efforts to help are much appreciated, thank you.
You had your very own clue!
"Result of crossing Scottish bridge railway keeps ending in Dundee" (8)
Tayberry = result of crossing a blackberry and a raspberry (def)
Tay Br - Scottish bridge
ry - railway
e - (dunde)e
I think I would like tayberries - have you ever eaten them?
I love both blackberries and raspberries!
I suspect "Captcha" might be putting off potential contributors to the site, and that is why it is so quiet?
I had FOUR lots of pictures to contend with before I was allowed to send my previous post.
Enough to try the patience of a saint!