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1st December 2018, 21:13
Hello, Elle!
It was a right-click, I should have said, but you are sorted now so that's fine.
This was another clue in the puzzle you missed.
My own clue!
"Result of crossing Scottish bridge railway keeps ending in Dundee" (8)
Forum very quiet for a Saturday.
24291 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2018, 21:45
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I did right-click, but it didn't help.
Microsoft Edge is a bit peculiar in that it doesn't yet have a "proper" toolbar - by that I mean one says "File/ Edit/ View/ Favourites / Tools /Help", as did IE.
But my previous "Favourites" imported from IE were up there on the missing bar....and I wanted them back.
The "Favourites " acquired later on Edge were still accessible.
Anyway, back to normal now!
And your efforts to help are much appreciated, thank you.
You had your very own clue!
"Result of crossing Scottish bridge railway keeps ending in Dundee" (8)
Tayberry = result of crossing a blackberry and a raspberry (def)
Tay Br - Scottish bridge
ry - railway
e - (dunde)e
I think I would like tayberries - have you ever eaten them?
I love both blackberries and raspberries!

I suspect "Captcha" might be putting off potential contributors to the site, and that is why it is so quiet?
I had FOUR lots of pictures to contend with before I was allowed to send my previous post.
Enough to try the patience of a saint!
24292 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2018, 22:25
Hello, Elle!
I have forgotten most of what I ever knew about Microsoft and Edge, since I bought a Chromebook.
I have never thought of computers as being very user friendly, but Chromebooks go quite a way to address that.
I liked "my" clue!
I have never had a Tayberry, though they were created just down the road from me, at Invergowrie.
They look like large raspberries.
Rasps are my favourite.
I don't think it is Captcha putting people off.
I think there has been a drift away for quite some time.
24293 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2018, 23:07
Hi, Rusty!
Is a tayberry similar to a loganberry?
A loganberry being a mixture of raspberry and dewberry (which I think is rather like a blackberry)
I didn't know tayberries originated in Invergowrie ?
This, if you remember, is where my old school friend and her husband live!
Only about a mile away from you.
Daughter and family are visiting tomorrow!
We shall go out early in the morning for walk with the dog, so as to be home when they arrive about midday.
It is raining heavily again!

P.S. I have just had FIVE different sets of traffic lights to tick!
This is ridiculous!
24294 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 09:13
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
A tayberry looks like a large raspberry.
I don't know a loganberry.
The tayberry was created at the Scottish Crop Research Institute at what was Mylnefield Farm, Invergowrie.
It may have a different name now, though.
Is this Captcha you are having problems with on Windows?
24295 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 10:10
Loganberries are also a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry, created by Judge Logan in Calfornia in about 1881. I grow them! Not so good raw but absolutely wonderful in a pie or puree.
24296 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 10:23
Good morning, Rusty!
It looks like being a nice day here, too, now.
The sun is just showing his face.......but it was drizzling whilst we were out walking.
Yes, last night was the worst experience I have had so far with Captcha.
Five lots of pictures I was shown - incredibly all of different sets of traffic lights! - one lot straight after the other, before I could send my last post to you.
Earlier in the day, I seemed to get off quite lightly - sometimes with just a tick - and I was hoping I was "in remission"!
I don't mind it in moderation but this is becoming a bind!
And I am definitely ticking the correct doesn't even tell me I have it wrong (which I haven't ) or to try again, just churns up photograph after photograph.
I may email Ash and see what he says?
24297 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 10:39

HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Elle, to both you and your husband.
Long may it last!

I hope you have a great day celebrating with your family.

Here is dull, grey and damp and very mild with 13C now - the
night was quite mild too! I can't remember when we saw the sun
last, apart for the odd hour here and there.

Google Chrome is fantastic so far - just a tick and that's it!
I have not yet seen any of the pictures you mention, be it traffic
lights, shop fronts or ... pink elephants!

Anyway, have a great day!

24298 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 10:47
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you seem to have a problem with Captcha.
Maybe others can not get on to the forum, too?
Let Norah know, I am sure she would try to help.
Now, I think you said you use Windows 10 and Edge?
I am fairly sure Malone uses the same system and has only to tick a box?
My only suggestion would be to switch to Chrome (only a box to tick) but possibly you prefer Windows and Edge or IE?
24299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2018, 10:49
HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to you and your husband!
Pigale's post reminded me!
24300 of 30765  -   Report This Post