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30th November 2018, 10:18
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
What a beautiful day it is here!
Blue sky, sunshine, and a moderate temperature........ unbelievable after yesterday's stormy weather.
I hope it is similar for you?
I have a quiet day ahead...or leastways that is my present plan.
A cup of coffee and the crossword are my immediate priority!
24261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 10:32
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too.
Nice to see after the wild weather!
Not sure what I am at today.
Maybe getting a visit from my son.
Good luck with your puzzle, Elle!
I did not see any spam earlier today, so that's encouraging.
24262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 12:26
Hi, Rusty!
How has your morning been?
Did your son come around to see you?
I had a visit rom a neighbour, but have still managed to do most of my crossword , despite taking time out to chat!
There is one clue on which I am stuck, and a couple of dubious parses , but it is too early to "throw in the towel"!
Have you done your puzzle?
Yes, there is definitely les spam, but not much sign of anyone else either?
I am wondering if the Catcha "pictures" are deterring all but the die-hards?
24263 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 12:36
Hello, Elle!
Not sure when my son will appear, he has jobs to do, so may be a while.
I have done some of the puzzle, and put it aside for later.
I suppose it is easier now, for folk to get help on the crossword section of AnswerBank.
No Captcha there, and they have a far bigger turnover of queries, anyway.
It has always been like this on the Forum.
A "churn" is the word, I think.
Folk who post regularly for quite a while then gradually disappear.
I can think of many regulars who have gone.
The one that always springs to mind is Pastille.
She was here every day and livened up the forum, but she moved on, eventually.
24264 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 13:22
Hi, Rusty!
I looked in to AnswerBank once or twice in the early days of my 'crosswording', but did not like is definitely not for me.
I much prefer the smaller more personal atmosphere on here.
Besides, where would we all be without Norah to look after us?
She does a good job.
I do not know Pastille - she was before my time - although both you and Chris have mentioned her occasionally.
The postman has just been - we have some Anniversary cards (altho' it's not till Sunday!)
How's just like Christmas!
24265 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 14:43
Hello, Elle!
The wind is rising!
I think there is an awful lot to like on AnswerBank.
Great for help on very many subjects.
I especially like the technological advice, and have had help there and learned a bit.
Pastille is a fellow citizen of mine.
I hope you have not received any Christmas cards?
Remember the old saying.
"For every Christmas card that is posted before the 1st of December, Santa shoots an elf!"
24266 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 15:01
Hi, Rusty!
I have never heard that saying about Santa's shooting an elf?
Have you made that up?
We have received a 2019 Calendar as a Christmas Greetings offering.
Does that count?
I am about to take the dog for a walk before we lose the last of the sunshine.......
24267 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 15:24
Hello, Elle!
Make it up? Me?
Heaven forfend!
I am on the side of the elves, though!
You should return to sender, the calendar, forthwith!
Still a fine day here.
24268 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 18:05
Good evening, Rusty!
It has been a lovely afternoon!
The sunshine held out, but it feels to be growing colder.
Not that the dog cares...she will go out in all weathers barring a thunderstorm!
I hope your son managed to come round?
I think we are having family visiting us on Sunday.
I am a tad behind... I must go and organise dinner!
24269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2018, 20:47
Good evening, Elle!
It is cold here, too.
My son was here for quite a time in the afternoon.
No Pine Cone this weekend.
Miss L-B is working and Miss O is in Crieff.
So, left to my own devices!
24270 of 30765  -   Report This Post