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28th November 2018, 22:54
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I enjoyed reading the book "Tales of the South Pacific" - and the film based on that was very good , too.
I saw the musical first, many years ago, long before I had even heard of James Michener!
I gave away all his books - except for "Centennial" - to a friend, who had expressed a desire to read them.
I did tell her of his character defects!
"Centennial" is by far my favourite, so I have kept that!
I cannot remember the exact question ... it was quite easy.. something like 'James Michener wrote "Tale of the .......what?"
All the contestant had to do was reply "South Pacific"!
24241 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2018, 23:04
Hello, Elle!
I think you kept Michener's best book.
I think that is a pretty tough question though.
Be loads of folks who have not heard of Michener, or his books.
But, I suppose they are all quiz champions so perhaps they should know.
I wonder how his "adopted" children got on in life?
I do not suppose we'll ever know.
24242 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2018, 23:32
Hi, Rusty!
Perhaps you are right..... maybe the question about Mr M is not as easy as I first thought.
And this was on "15 to 1", remember, not "Eggheads" - so not necessarily asked of skilled quizzers!
You were talking on the other thread about the red fire hydrants shown in "Captcha"
Those red pillar-like fire hydrants are American, I think, Rusty.
In the UK, our fire hydrants are underground, under a small metal square.
You will probably find one tomorrow on your street if you look!
Their locations are indicated by yellow "H" hydrant signs.
They have to be a required distance from a house or school, and are checked regularly to ensure they are in good working order
And now...look at the time.....I am away to my bed!
Sleep tight!
24243 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2018, 23:39
Hello, Elle!
Ah, I don't know 15 to 1.
I have heard of it, but have not watched it.
I thought it was Eggheads.
Yes, I know where our hydrants are, but I have never seen one, is what I mean.
Our weather has calmed down, but tomorrow there is more coming!
24244 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 07:38
Rusty, a clue for you from this week's Spectator. I'm sure you'll solve it very quickly, but don't give the answer in case it spoils it for others...

Ten rich months at sea in the Hebrides, later tomorrow (13,three words)
24245 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 08:34
Hello, Malone!
I like that!
It will baffle many, I'd say!
The setter in The Times today has a clue for me, too!
24246 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 08:45
Glad you liked the clue, Rusty. I hope it does baffle a few solvers - that'll redress the balance, geographically, a bit!
24247 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 10:26
Good morning, Rusty!
How are you coping with Storm Diana?
Have you needed to batten down the hatches!
I have been out for a walk, but it was not very pleasant - heavy rain and a fairly strong wind!
I am glad to be home..... and both dog and I are now dried off!
Did you notice that the spam interloper on the PCT at 9.24am had got there without any sign of his/ her presence on the general page?
The last one listed there under the PCT is Malone at 8.45!
However could that happen?
Very weird!
I have told Norah.
Now....... my phone just went whilst I was typing this.
My friend is on her way to collect me....I have to brave the elements again, as we are going shopping......and then having lunch!
I'll catch up with you later.......I should be back about tea time.
24248 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 10:37
Good morning, Elle!
Heavy rain and flooded roads here.
The River Isla has burst its banks (not unusual).
Not very windy.
I was out driving earlier but home for the day now.
I don't follow what you mean about the spammer?
I have let Norah know, too.
Hope your day goes well!
24249 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th November 2018, 10:42
My previous post at 10.37 says it is post 24250 of 24249?
24250 of 30765  -   Report This Post