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8th November 2018, 23:04
Good evening, Elle!
I have not had time to read my paper today!
Busy, busy!
Yes, my son was here.
We had a nice time!
It is raining here, but Miss L-B and me are planning to go out as long as the weather is not wild.
We shall see what like, tomorrow morn.
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9th November 2018, 09:40
Good morning, Rusty!
A dampish day here......very mild though.
How are things at your end?
I hope you and your granddaughter are still able to go to the Pine Cone?
I have just received a text from my friend....
She is on her way to pick me up.
She should be here about 10.30 am.
We are going shopping, and then out for lunch.
It will be lovely to see her, as she has been in New York for a while .
Catch up with you later........have a good time with Miss L-B!
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9th November 2018, 16:11
Good afternoon, Elle!
Hope you and your friend had a good out!
I did.
Was at Pine Cone with La Bamba.
Was very busy today.
Our bad weather is on the way.
The Norn Iron folks have it just now, and it's heading this way!
23813 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2018, 16:37
Hello Rosalind

I went for the blood test -result next week. I take your point about statins and memory loss. I was annoyed with myself this morning. I have known for days that the appointment was 11.40 and looked in the diary today at least 3 times to check. Then I set off to get there for 11.50. I arrived at the surgery at 11.45 and got told off , very nicely, for being late. I was cross with myself for this lapse. As it happened, the nurse was still dealing with the previous patient so I did not delay her. I have forgotten a few other things, though not appointments. I dont know if it is statins or ageing.

I like your clue for Last.
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9th November 2018, 16:44
Hello Rusty!

I am glad you were able to make it to the Pine Cone with your grand-daughter today - Do they already have Christmas trees and decorations on display or is it too early?

When do you expect your bad weather to hit Dundee? and how
bad is bad?
Here, all is quiet and we had a nice sunny day with mildish temps
for this time of the year - except for early morning and late evening.
I think we too are supposed to have some rain over the next couple
of days, with some Southerly winds, particularly along the Normandy coast. Not sure if it connected with your expected conditions.

I do feel a little better, but still can't do anything, so I get very
bored! Too many tablets at present so can't concentrate very
much on crosswords or reading!

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9th November 2018, 16:46
Hello Elle

Further to your comments on cricket clues last week, there was a lovely one in the Sunday Telegraph EV last week, probably the best cricket one I have seen. I dont know if you saw it.

Off spinner must go around wicket before tea, said paper (9)

You probably know an off spinner is a type of bowler and "around" means which side of the wicket he bowls from, and the most important part of cricket - the tea interval!

I am sure Rusty will enjoy this clue too.

23816 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2018, 17:40
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, we had a great day out, and a very nice lunch.
We went to one of our favourite restaurants, where they do delicious cheesy crepes.
I shall not need any dinner!
I am glad that you and Miss L-B made it to the Pine Cone before the onset of the forecasted bad weather.
Is this Storm Deirdre?
I hope the weather doesn't get too batten down the hatches and stay put!
I haven't had chance yet to look at the crossword......
Have you had time to do yours?

Hello, Jigjag!
I know absolutely nothing about Rusty will confirm!
The only terms with which I am even vaguely familiar are leg; extra; and bye.
I have no idea about your clue...but I will think about it.
However, I may well have to have it explained to me!
I hope your blood test results are all normal.
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9th November 2018, 17:42
Hi jigjag
Interesting to read (your clue!)
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9th November 2018, 17:54
Hello, Pigale!
Good to hear you are recovering, albeit slowly.
Rest is important!
The Pine Cone has Christmas trees and Christmas decorations all year round, but much more as we get closer to Christmas.
The wind is rising here, but I think it is meant to rise around eight o'clock this evening.
THe weather is coming from the South West, probably the remnants of an Atlantic storm, but it is only going to last for a few hours....I hope!.
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9th November 2018, 18:11
Good evening, Elle!
You seem to have had a grand day out!
My weather is coming from the South East now.
Wind must have changed.
I have not heard Storm Deirdre mentioned, so far.
I did my puzzle this morning.
23a was a new word to me.
But the puzzle was not too difficult today.
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