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5th November 2018, 22:37
Update, Elle.
The horse is actually called "Who Shot TheBarman".
Racing rules state only 18 characters including spaces allowed in a horses name.
23771 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
A dampish but mild morning here.
So did you get up early to watch the Melbourne Cup at 4 am?!
How did "Who Shot TheBarman" get on?
What a peculiar name - especially as two of the words had to be run together to accommodate the naming rules.
Have you discovered why the horse is so called?
We had a peaceful night - the fireworks stopped about midnight, the dog was persuaded into the garden, and we all slept though till 7 am this morning!
I had to go straight out without my breakfast!
23772 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 11:01
Good morning, Elle!
It's trying to brighten up here!
No, I got up around 6.
I don't know how Who Shot TheBarman got on, but he was not in the first three.
My task for today is to find out why he's called that!
I'm intrigued!
Cross Counter won, the first ever British trained winner.
Trainer was Charlie Appleby.
I just saw the last three furlongs and Cross Counter came from "the depths of Hell" to win!
I hope that is the last of the fireworks!
23773 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 11:08
Hi rusty
I'm sure you've found by now that Who Shot theBarman was named by the owners after their Aunt, who used to say that when her glass was empty! I like it.
Reminds me of when I had a chimney fire and the 6 firemen and I were waiting for a larger appliance to put it out. "The electricity isn't off". Took me a little time to realise he was suggesting coffees all round!
23774 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 11:15
Update, Elle!
Here you are!
I like the sound of Aunt Julie!

I like your story, Rosalind!
I am sure the lads deserved a coffee!
23775 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 11:55
They certainly deserved their coffees, rusty. I was only sorry not to have any biscuits but I don't have them in the house. One of the firemen even replaced the chain on my chain saw for me!
23776 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 12:18
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been reading your link telling all about " Who Shot TheBarman", and how he got his name.......
I had to chuckle at Aunt Julie - she must have been quite a character!
I'm not sure how I can introduce "Who Shot The Barman?", into the conversation -- it probably wouldn't sound quite the same when replenishing a tomato juice!
I love it though!
We are just about to leave for the GP surgery...
My husband has an appointment at 1 pm.......and I am the accompanying cavalry!
23777 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 14:20
Goos afternoon, Elle!
I think I like Aunt Julie!
She's a cracker!
Hope all is fine at surgery.
It is a nice afternoon here, now.
Time for me to have a look at my crossword puzzle.
I have been catching up on the World War 1 TV programmes.
They are all excellent.
23778 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 15:07
Hi, Rusty!
It was an interesting visit to the surgery, in that all is under "new rule" since the retirement of our previous GP.
I will have told you a little of the future plans...... although a lot is still "pie in the sky" at the moment.
My husband saw the one remaining (part-time) doctor from the previous regime.
She is young, very pleasant, and thoroughly "on -the -ball".
She is sending my husband for blood tests , Xrays and physio referral.
I am very impressed!
Fingers crossed that all will be well......
I did the puzzle early this morning...all done and dusted today (for a change!)
23779 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 15:53
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I hope your husband does fine on his tests!
I prefer the younger doctors.
Are there changes in how your practice runs, now?
I found the puzzle quite tricky in parts.
It took me a long while to complete.
So, well done you, on your early completion.
I think tomorrow's puzzle is from the Championship final.
23780 of 30765  -   Report This Post