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6th November 2018, 17:41
Hi, Rusty!
I don't know as yet, Rusty, how the "new" GP practice will turn out, as the changeover only took place in mid-October.
We have not even set eyes on any of the new doctors, or the additional two nurses yet, as my husband saw the original practice nurse for his flu jab last week...and we saw the sole remaining GP from the previous establishment today!
Time will tell, I guess......
I think there is supposed to be a "committee meeting" at some stage date has been given...... we may learn more after that?
But hopefully, it will be a positive change for the better.
Funnily enough, I found today's puzzle easier than yesterday's?
I guess it's just how a particular clue strikes the individual.
I doubt I will be able to solve any clues at all in the Championship Puzzle!
It will be above my head!
23781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 20:48
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Talking of young doctors - the lady doctor who 'dealt' with me in
the emergency ward in Gien was fairly young - obviously after she
had qualified to practice in an emergency ward, but she was still
very young. She was brilliant and it is she who decided I needed
to see a cardiologist urgently .... and she was right! So I am very
grateful to her!

I had a busy, tiring day today as I had to go in person to the Gien
Hospital to retrieve my ID CARD, and then on to the Treasury
where my bankers card and Cash had been transferred - since
I could take Nothing at all with me in the helicopter due to room
(it is rather small and wiith me were a doctor and a nurse, to see
to me in case of an emergency during the transfer, they need
as much room as possible to manoeuvre in this medicated
Then I was taken directly back home from Orleans, but clothes,
papers and the medicine I took with me stayed in Gien!

My English friend and a French one with a car went to collect
the clothes, medicine etc, but the official papers and money
had to be handed to me personally.

Well, today the journey in the car did not do my back much good,
and there was a fair amount of standing around involved as
well. But at least it's all done now.
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6th November 2018, 21:15
Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry to hear that you had such an exhausting day!
Surely there must be a contingency plan for patients to recover confidential documents, if unfit to travel to retrieve them personally?
One would think that you could authorise a trusted relative or friend to get them for you?
Or that the documents could be conveyed by the police?
I trust you will get a good night's sleep after all your exertions and will feel recovered somewhat by tomorrow.
Take care.
23783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 21:41
Update, Rusty!
I have been testing my brain power by watching first "Eggheads " and then the newly returned "Fifteen to One".
One of the questions on "Eggheads" involved knowing what a "selkie" is"......
This was a new (Scottish) word for me.
Do you know it?
I expect that you do.
Now, do look at this video clip.......
I came across it whilst browsing the computer for the News.
Isn't it an endearing sight?
23784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 22:04
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Lovely clip Elle - I am surprised that Mummy bear did not come to
the rescue! She was watching, so I suppose she knew better!

Regarding your comment re. fetching personal papers etc;
I suppose something could have been arranged had I asked how
to go about it; but let's face it, yes it was painful and unpleasant,
but on the other hand I am not bed ridden either! Many people
are so much worse of than me, and I am sure that in
some extreme cases, something can be arranged, but I decided
that in comparison to others, I was fairly mobile!

I'll be Okay tomorrow I hope, as you say after a good night's sleep.
23785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 22:06
Hello, Elle!
I am sure your new GP practice will turn out fine!
Now, I have not heard of a "selkie", but I do know of a "kelpie".
Maybe they are related!
That was a very determined little bear, indeed.
Years ago, I used to watch "Little Bear" on TV with my granddaughters.
It was one of our very favourite programmes.
I have watched a lot of television this week.
There are some excellent programmes on TV about WW1.
I record them and watch when I have free time.
I am sure you will do well in tomorrow's puzzle!

Hello, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
Hopefully you will be able to take things easier now you have got your possessions etc from hospital.
You certainly seem to have been very well looked after!
Just take things steady until you regain full health!
23786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2018, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
A "selkie", so I have learned, is a mythical creature that resembles a seal in the water, but assumes human form on land.
I did guess at that, when hearing the question on the programme, as the questions are multiple choice, and "seal" seemed the most logical answer.
Yes, the baby bear was a real cutie.....and so determined to follow his mum!
23787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2018, 08:25
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here, but not sure of the forecast.
So, that is what a selkie is!
New to me.
I remember many years ago, seeing, very briefly, something in the water at Foyers.
It resembled a huge black bin liner, but by the time I pulled the car over to get a closer look, and my camera out, it had gone.
No idea what it was.
My sons, who were with me, still speak about it sometimes!
I am just off to get my paper.
23788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2018, 10:27
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
Raining here.....very steadfastly!
It looks like a suitable morning to do household jobs...and crossword puzzles! ...and leave the High Street shopping, and further walking, till later, in the hope that this afternoon is set fairer.
Foyers is near Loch Ness, isn't it?
Could you have had a sighting of the Loch Ness monster, do you think?
23789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2018, 14:07
Hello, Elle!
Turned dull and drear here!
It does not say if today's is a champioship puzzle or not.
Maybe it is next Wednesday?
Yes, Foyers is on Loch Ness.
No, I am not claiming to have seen the beastie, at all.
Just something that we have no explanation for.
Looked like an enormous bin bag with no wake about 70 yards from shore.
It took me about 10 or 15 seconds to pull in to the side of the road to get a better look through a gap in the trees, and it had disappeared by then.
We simply do not know what we seen.
I do have an open mind about the beastie, though!
23790 of 30765  -   Report This Post