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11th November 2018, 09:23
Hi, Rusty!
I could do with some of your sunshine.......
But the rain is lessening. so I may yet get in a quick walk before folk arrive.
I shall enliven your morning by offering up two topical Everyman clues for you.......just in honour of the Day!
1a: Occasion of Remembrance that's made city's air altered (9,3)
10d: Poem read as memorial with frequency here, not out of order around autumn (3,3,6)
The Everyman was disappointingly easy today......although I do still have one doubtful parsing left.
Is your beacon lit for Remembrance Day?
23841 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 15:42
Good afternoon, Elle!
Rain, rain, rain!
Two good clues.
1, The German representative who signed the Armistice, Matthias Erzberger, was assassinated some time later.
2, Is your poem, "For The Fallen"?
I am very weak on poetry, and if it is a poem, I do not know who wrote it!
My beacon should be lit today, but it is out of sight from here, and not easy to see in daylight, anyway.
After the memorial service in town, our Lord Provost leads a procession to the Memorial on the Law.
My grandson was going to the Submariners Memorial this afternoon.
One of the lost ships commemorated on the memorial is HMS Thames.
23842 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 16:49
Hi, Rusty!
Our daughter and our two grandsons have now gone home......our son -in-law did not visit today, as he is marking homework!
Well done on the clues!
I thought you would appreciate them, as they are specially for today.
Laurence Binyon wrote the poem "For the Fallen " is usually recited at Remembrance Day Services throughout the UK.
You will know it best for its fourth verse .....

" They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them".

We did not get out for a walk...the rain continued to be persistently heavy....
And although it has finally stopped now, it is of, course. too dark!
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11th November 2018, 19:04
Good evening, Elle!
Still raining here!
Yes, I know that verse.
The beacon is lit today.
My granddaughter told me.
And it won't be lit again until 25th September, the anniversary of the first day of the Battle of Loos.
Did you manage all your parsing for Everyman?
23844 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 19:31
Good evening, Rusty!
It is fine here at long last.......but the drawback is that we are now experiencing yet more very noisy fireworks!
Dog is getting upset.......grrrh!
I think the heavy rain is preferable....!
May it rain cats, dogs, pink elephants ...and little green toads...on every 'firework-lighter'!
I only had one letter missing, in the parsing of my last clue in the Everyman.....
I saw it just five minutes after I had spoken to you, early this morning!
I thought today's puzzle far too easy - I am wondering if there is a different setter?
That is a long gap before your beacon is lit again?
For which special occasions is it used?
Right, it is now time for me to phone my cousin...
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11th November 2018, 20:02
Hello, Elle!
You still have fireworks?
All quiet here!
I prefer rain to fireworks.
I think the Everyman has a reputation of being an easier puzzle than many of the crossword puzzles at the weekend.
But it is a long time since I tackled it!
The beacon is lit four times a year,
for the Battle of Loos, United Nations Day, Armistice Day, and Remembrance Sunday.
Have a nice chat with your cousin!
23846 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 20:43
Hello Elle and Rusty!

I sympathize with you and your poor pup re. fireworks - What are
they celebrating this time? 11th November?

Do either you know if Cumbria has been hit bad with rain and flooding?
My friend has not skyped me for a few days, and it is unusual for
him not to do so either on Saturday or Sunday. I am wondering
if he has been flooding, or if there is a power cut.
Can't find anything on Google, have you heard anything on the news?

On the other hand he may just have had a busy week-end!
23847 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 20:52
Hi, Rusty!
I find the Everyman is a very satisfying puzzle - more so than a lot of others - purely because the clues parse so cleverly and satisfactorily..... the "bits" fit together so very well.....almost dovetailing!
Am I making sense to you?
I am usually impressed by the style, and am appreciative and think it well done, but much prefer it on the occasions when the clues are harder!
( But you may well find it easy.......remember you are much better at cryptic puzzles than I am!)
Yes, fireworks around here are likely to go on now until after the New Year....
Do you wonder I get mad!!
23848 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 21:22
23849 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2018, 22:01
Hello, Pigale!
Hope you are still improving?
I do not think Cumbria has had extreme weather.
I have not seen anything on the News programmes.
Possibly a broadband problem, or a problem with his computer?
And, yes, he may just be very busy just now.
Let's hope you will hear from him soon!
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