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9th November 2018, 18:41
Thank you jigjag (re my clue for "Last"). I rarely enter these competitions now, though I used to do so twice a week.

I am without water because I asked my handyman to change a tap and he couldn't undo the old one but started a leak. Have rung plumber, so far without result. Have been painting some of 120 metal rods which will shortly be sunk at 8.5 cm intervals along my back hedge in an attempt to deter badgers. Very boring.

Hope you have some books pigale.
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9th November 2018, 19:11
Hello Rosalind,

Yes, I do have about three books (perhaps one or two more) that
await to be read, but as mentioned to Rusty, tablets (morphine and
doliprane) which I so desperately need at the moment, do not
help my concentration. I make do with a DVD in the evening, but
hope to be off the tablets as soon as I ache less.
I think healing is a longer process the older one gets!

120 metal rods should keep the badgers away.....for a while at least?
They are stubborn beasts though, aren't they?
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9th November 2018, 19:43
Hi, Rusty!
I have been reading on the computer that Storm Deirdre is to wreak havoc across the UK this weekend.
I think that here we are due to get the rain, but not the winds.
I hope it is not too severe up your way.
I have not made great inroads with the crossword as yet, having only just started it......
But I looked at 23a, as you had mentioned it!
My cousin had a lace jabot to wear with his kilt, although in actuality I never saw him wearing it.
He usually wore an ordinary plain tie, even on "festive" occasions.
I have still to watch today's "Eggheads " and "Fifteen to One"....I must make a coffee first.....
Speaking of 15 to1 , that same cousin once took part in the Quiz!

Hope you get your water supply back soon, Ros!
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9th November 2018, 20:24
Me too, elle (water supply).
I can see reading would be tricky if woosy, pigale. Hope you have a good supply of DVDs

I think it is almost impossible to keep badgers out if they are determined. They eat any fallen fruit and put huge gouges in my lawn. They also eat any bulbs I plant. The rods are being sunk enough so they won't burrow- but they could get through my wooden fence from my neighbour's side. They love badgers. They are not gardeners. If the rods don't work I shall buy an electric fence.
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9th November 2018, 20:41
Hello, Elle!
I hope Deirdre does not come this way!
Weather not too bad just now.
I had not heard of a jabot.
A plain tie looks much better, I think!
I do not think you will find much difficulty with your puzzle!
Hopefully tomorrow's will be a bit more challenging.
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9th November 2018, 22:28
Hi, Rusty!
It is raining cats, dogs and pink elephants here!
I have been catching up with recorded TV programmes.....
I caught the end of "A Question of Sport" when I switched on the television.....
Linford Christie was one of the competitors!
I haven't heard anything of him for years..... not since he stopped competing in Athletics.
I wonder what he has been doing all these years?
I answered a question on 15 to1 about Donegal tweed!
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9th November 2018, 23:00
Hello, Elle!
Heavy rain here!
Seems to be country wide.
I have not seen "A Question of Sport" for quite some time now.
I like the two captains!
I have not heard of Christie for years.
Last I remember he was in business with Colin Jackson, and Colin left the business.
Think there was a personality clash.
Did you get the correct answer to Donegal tweed?
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9th November 2018, 23:20
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Matt Dawson and Phil Tuffnell are excellent as Team captains in "A Question of Sport"
Tuffers is very funny!
I didn't know about Linford and Colin setting up as business partners?
What were they doing?
I wonder why they split?
I had thought that the two of them were good friends.
The quiz question was along the lines of having to say from where a particular design of tweed came ........the answer was "Donegal"!
I must see if I can persuade the dog to brave the rain, and go out in the garden before bed.......
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10th November 2018, 06:50
Good morning, Elle!
The bad weather seems to have passed.
I do not know what kind of business Christie and Jackson had, but Jackson left because Christie was too bossy!
I liked this quote from Derek Redmond about Christie.
"Linford's very evenly balanced. He has a chip on both shoulders".
I know I always liked Colin Jackson, I but never took to Christie.
You did well with the tweed question!
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10th November 2018, 10:21
Good morning, Rusty!
A pleasant morning here after all the heavy rain.
The ground is very muddy, but we went out for our walk suitably booted up!
We had only been home five minutes when friends popped in, bearing gifts!
They very kindly bought us a bottle of red wine and some chocolates, for looking after their house whilst they were away.
It wasn't necessary........but none -the-less very welcome!
A quiet day today.......but family are coming tomorrow.
How about you?
Any plans?
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