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5th November 2018, 20:59
Hi, Rusty!
Noisy here, too, albeit not as bad as on Saturday night!
The fireworks are rather further away.
Dog is following me everywhere......I feel rather like "Mary".....
I feel our bed might be a tad overcrowded again tonight!
I have put the crosswords to bed...and am reading my "Enzo File".
I have just realised ,though, that Ii have yet to watch "Eggheads" (recorded earlier) so I shall make a coffee, and go and pit my wits against Kevin!

Missed an "s" off , Chris!
Just a typing error.....

Ros, I hope you don't seriously think that I might be found making butter..... or straining fruit to make jam.....?
23761 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:13
haha, no elle. Not butter, that is very energetic! And not worth it. You have to start with cream so it's expensive as well.

I make bramble jelly every year, it is delicious. The jam would be with the whole fruit, and the seeds get in your teeth. I used to make pickles too, though I don't like them. Still make sloe gin sometimes.

Almost no fireworks here tonight.
23762 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:18
Hello, Elle!
Mary ?
As in Peter, Paul and ?
Did she have a dog?
My granddaughters are out at the fireworks!
They think it's great.
I wonder how I go about disowning them!
I think, on Wednesday, The Times are using one of the puzzles used in the Championship final on Saturday.
Should be fairly tough, I think!
I am looking forward to it!
23763 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:23
You've reminded me, rusty - what has six legs and a handbag?

I heard a great joke on "Quote Unquote" this afternoon.

It's well-known that Dickens published most of his novels in installments in newspapers. What's less well-known is that "A tale of two cities" was published in two regional papers.

Yes, it was the "Bicester Times" and the "Worcester Times"!
23764 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:28
Hello everyone,

When I first heard of 'sloe' gin, I must have been 12 or so, I thought
that people could drink a lot of it before getting drunk because it
was 'slow'!

Needless to say there are no fireworks here!
23765 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:35
July 14th for you, pigale?
We were once on holiday in Gascony when our daughter was fairly young. We went to bed all afternnon so that we could stay awake for the fireworks in Fleurance.
23766 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:39
Yes Chris, 14th July, and sometimes some at New Year's Eve Midnight.
But these are private - 14th July are both private and big displays
organised by towns and villages.

Never been to Fleurance, but the Gers department is beautiful!
23767 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 21:54
Hi, Rusty!
As in "Mary had a little lamb....."
All seems to have gone quiet...hopefully for the rest of the night!
Dog still needs to make her nightly trip to the garden before she retires......
She refuses to go outside if there are any bangs.
I watched "Eggheads" Kevin tonight.
A Monopoly question for the Challengers.....
" On the Monopoly Board, what colour is Oxford Street?
Red; yellow; or green ?"
I can hear you groaning from here!

Hello, Pigale!
How are you feeling now?
I hope there is some improvement in your pain levels?
Fireworks around here start at Hallowe'en, and persist through, off and on, until the New Year!
A veritable nightmare for pets!
23768 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 22:11
Hello Elle,

Pain is slightly less ..... painful! I do have to be very careful when I
move though, and automatisms are dangerous in that respect.
I still hurt, but there is some improvement so long as I keep
very inactive! I am pretty bored really, but greatful for this slight
And the 'getting up ceremony' first thing is much less of an agony, again so long as I take the time to reflect as to how to go about it
before moving! Still, the horizon is brightening!

Thank goodness my Golden Retriever did not bother about
fireworks - he used to bark at them! as he did with thunder!

I hope your night will be quieter than of late - I do not see the
point in them either, except the big, official displays in the sky - and they usually only last 20 minutes or so (they are expensive for the
town organisers) - but no bangers please!
23769 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2018, 22:32
Hello, Elle!
Oh, that Mary.
I see it now!
It is quiet here too. Thank goodness!
I am afraid I can not help you with your query, Elle.
I bet Daphne would know, though?
I am pondering whether to set my alarm to awaken early tomorrow.
The Melbourne Cup is on at 4.00 a.m.
A bit early!
No bet for me, but I am intrigued by one horse's name,
"Who Shot The Barman".
Wonder how the owner came up with that name?
I don't suppose he'll trouble the judge, though.
23770 of 30765  -   Report This Post