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21st October 2018, 17:04
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Home again!
What a wonderful day it has been!
The temperature even reached the lower twenties, according to our car!
We are indeed being very fortunate.
The "picnic" was a huge success! and we got in quite a long walk.
YB at two and a half does very well!
What happened about your own plans?
Were you able to go ahead, and go to the Pine Cone, as originally intended?
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21st October 2018, 18:13
Good evening, Elle!
Well done on your outing!
A picnic in late October is indeed a success!
We stayed home due to wild weather.
The access road to Pine Cone is narrow and prone to water lying, so we are going next week instead.
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21st October 2018, 18:39
Hi, Rusty!
That is indeed a shame that you couldn't meet up as planned, and drive out to the Pine Cone.
( I was but joking, when I pretended to "crow" about our good weather ......I feel terrible now!)
But it is certainly best not to take unnecessary risks in stormy weather.
And at least you will all have a treat ahead for next week!
I came across a new word for me, in the Sunday Times Cryptic........
Have you ever heard of it?
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21st October 2018, 18:51
Hello, Elle!
Ach well, these things happen with weather, I suppose.
I don't take risks in unclement weather, nor would I suggest it to the young ones.
Only thing is, La Bamba probably won't manage to go at weekends in future.
She starts a new job next weekend, and there's no show without Punch!
I may have just possibly came across "sesquipedalian" before, but no idea what it means.
Looks a bit Latin to me?
I don't suppose it means an "ancient cyclist"?
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21st October 2018, 18:53
Update, Elle!
I don't think "unclement" is a word!
How about "inclement"?
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21st October 2018, 19:24
Hi, Rusty!
I think you are right with "inclement"!
Mmm, I love the idea of a "sequipedalian" riding along ...maybe on the pavements for safety?
But the word actually means
------- (of a word) polysyllabic; long.
------- characterized by long words; long-winded.
The clue is :Very long joke in an idealess novel (14)
I had to look it up to check its meaning.
Is this a weekend job for Miss L-B whilst she is at University?
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21st October 2018, 19:42
Hello, Elle!
You did very well to crack the clue.
Don't think I'd have got there.
So it's not to do with cycling!
I don't know what times the young one will be working other than she starts next weekend.
Yes, it's part time while she is at Uni.
She had a good job at the hospital but left it to go to Uni.
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21st October 2018, 20:41
Hi, Rusty!
Both our daughters worked part-time whilst at Uni, but of course tuition fees are very expensive down here...and accommodation is not cheap either!
By the time our grandkids get to that stage , they will probably spend the rest of their lives paying back their student loans!
Our elder daughter was in the last yearly intake that received a grant.
You are fortunate in Scotland that the Uni tuition is free.
I have just been speaking to my cousin.
All are well, but they are having shocking weather.......foggy and wet over the weekend.
She could not believe that we had been having a picnic!
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21st October 2018, 20:57
Hello, Elle!
Lots of students have part time jobs.
Which, I suppose, is good in a way as they gain more experience of other kinds of work.
I think one of the best things young ones can do, is learn to drive.
And even better if a gran or granddad pays for the lessons.
I think the free Uni tuition up here is a good thing.
Education is very important (says he who escaped school at 15!).
Your cousin and me both with the bad weather, I see!
Our forecast for the next few days is quite good, though.
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21st October 2018, 21:49
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I agree with you that education is important, but I think its meaning encompasses more than just an academic qualification.
A good education should successfully turn out a well -rounded individual, who has developed fully to the best of his or her potential, in all fields, and is well able to think for his /her self, and hold his /her own place in life.
It is not just a question of "formal schooling", but also learning from/ through experience.
There - one of my hobby horses!
We have an appointment at the vets in the morning for the dog's anal glands check!
She will love that!
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