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22nd October 2018, 18:45
Update, Elle!
Have a look at this.
23431 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 18:50
Hi elle
The site went down for me too. I composed an Email to Norah, but decided to empty the dishwasher before sending it. It was up again when I came back.
There was some sort of "Bad Gateway" message?
Did you try the Arachne?
23432 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 19:35
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I thought it incredibly expensive just to fix the glass screen!
But I think the value of her mobile phone is in the region of £900?
She has it on a Contract (whatever that may mean?) , so I do not understand the 'ins and outs' and cost, etcetera.
( Mine is a simple "Pay as You Go"!)
Thank you kindly for the link about mobiles and Home Insurance...yes, I hope it will be of help to her.
I have copied and pasted it into an email and sent it to her.
She will be very grateful to you!
You are being very unfortunate with your bad weather - yet more strong gales.
I hope your family members will not be affected by the Road Bridge restrictions if they are still in evidence tomorrow?

Hello, Chris!
Yes, I had an identical message on my computer screen!
It lasted a while, I think?
Leastways, I tried several times to reconnect.
I am about halfway through the Guardian crossword!
Some of the clues I liked...others I found difficult...but I guess it takes time to assess the trend of the setter?
23433 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 19:59
Hello, Elle!
The screens on the latest 'phones are very expensive to replace.
With advancing technology, they are using OLED screens on many models and although they say it gives a far better picture to look at, they are very expensive to produce.
I keep my 'phone in a "leather" case for protection.
Just costs £2 or £3 pounds on eBay.
I have dropped my 'phone several times and no damage done, thankfully.
Maybe the home insurance may be of help, let's hope so.
There are no high sided vehicles, double decker buses, cyclists, or pedestrians allowed on the bridge just now.
My son works in Fife (over the bridge) but drives an ordinary car, so at present he is OK.
23434 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 20:44
Hi, Rusty!
I know my daughter's phone is very high tech, and she uses it a lot, too, for work, so I hope she manages to sort it all out soon.
At the moment, she is using an older model, which she says is now very inadequate!
To me, some of these modern phones appear to be far more like a tablet?
I am glad that I have simple needs!
I hope your high winds drop soon......
It is extremely cold here now....I have only been as far as the garden, but.......brrh!
23435 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 21:07
Hello, Elle!
Possibly her work will supply her with a 'phone if she needs it for work?
I do not think my granddaughters use tablets any more.
The modern 'phones are making them obsolete.
Our winds should drop, then get blustier tomorrow, is the forecast.

I see the Stagecoach passengers are arriving at the bridge in double deckers, then changing into single deckers for the crossing!
Fun and games!
Better that than having to go round by Perth, though!
23436 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
I do not know what she will decide to do, Rusty?
Probably the eventual move will be to get a new phone......
I doubt she uses the phone in an 'official' capacity for work...leastways not to call is just a convenience for her personally....used, as you mentioned, more like a tablet.
She is due an upgrade soon...but I do not know how this works....probably the present phone will only be accepted in part exchange if it is repaired first?
No doubt I shall learn more tomorrow, once she has further looked into the matter.
How enterprising of the Stagecoach company to transfer its passengers to single deckers, in order to continue their journey!
As you say, much better than going the long way round by Perth!
23437 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 22:39
Hello, Elle!
It is fairly standard for folk to have a two year contract on a 'phone deal, then get an upgrade.
After two years the contract is finished and the 'phone is yours to keep.
Then you can get another 'phone on another two year deal, or go elsewhere, or get a SIM only deal, or whatever is best for you.
I am due an upgrade in January from EE, but I am thinking of joining TESCO, as they have deals which would suit me better, and save me money.
TESCO Mobile use the O2 network.
Yes, a good idea by Stagecoach!
23438 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 10:06
Good morning, Rusty!
Brrh! Very nippy this morning!
I had a brisk invigorating walk !
I may need to start wearing a warmer jacket in the early mornings........
I am now gulping piping hot coffee - wonderful!
How is your weather?
I hope the strong winds have died down?
23439 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 11:37
Good morning, Elle!
Bright but chilly and blustery here!
I have been out and about, just home.
Coffee and apple turnover here!
Then I am off to the cobbler.
Need copies of a key made.
23440 of 30765  -   Report This Post