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24th October 2018, 09:58
Hello, Elle!
A bit chilly here, too!
The wind has dropped, though!
You seem to have discovered a good author!
Looking forward to seeing the young one.
Want to hear a bit more about Breakfast at Tiffany's, etc !
Good luck at the dentist!
23451 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 12:43
Hi, Rusty!
We are just home again......having received a clean bill of health at the dentist!
All good!
And appointments already made for our next checkups in six months time.
I hope you had a good time at the Pine Cone?
I expect Miss La Bamba was excited to tell you all about their time in New York!
Did she have a lot of photos to show you?
23452 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 12:59
Hello, Elle!
Good news at your dentist, well done!
No Pine Cone today,
La Bamba called off. She had a poor night's sleep with a sore neck and back.
Rearranged for Friday, as I can't go tomorra.
Just going to head out now for a dander.
23453 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 15:02
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, that was a shame!
Still, these things happen to all of us!
I hope Miss L- B feels better soon...
And you can both look forward to Friday!
Have you had a good walk?
I must away out now for will have to be a very short one today...
I am already on the late side, and I need to be back in time for my daughter phoning about 4.15pm.......
Dog is already sat by the front door in expectation!
23454 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 15:56
Good afternoon, Elle!
Miss L-B will be fine!
I had a bit of a wander, yes.
It's a fine day here.
What's happening with your daughter's 'phone?
Is she getting it repaired?
A good mixed bag of a puzzle today.
I liked 26a!
And 23d brought back memories of R.J.Poteet bringing the cattle North from Texas in "Centennial"!
13a is a new word for me.
23455 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 17:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is a beautiful day here, too!
I made it home just in time for my daughter's phone call!
She is using her 'old' phone at present.
I am not sure what she will do about the broken one......
I forwarded your link about Home Contents Insurance to her...
She asked me to thank you, and she will look into it, as she has no idea - without finding and perusing her Contents policy - whether she will be covered by that or not.
I found today's puzzle difficult?
I didn't know "fugu" or "agnomen".
And 3d had me thinking of "okra" ..... I did not know "gumbo".
And 26a had me stumped for ages!
I had "back number" from the definition and the crossers, but couldn't see "owt" as "two" reversed!
I was thinking of "owt" as meaning "something" in " Is there owt wrong?"
23456 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 18:06
Good evening, Elle!
It is almost dark here!
I am just wondering if your daughter would actually have to "list" her mobile when she took out her insurance policy, as something of value, to be covered?
It's not something I have done, or have any experience of.
I thought exactly the same regarding "owt".
It threw me for a while - well done, setter!
"Fugu" was new to me, I have seen "agnomen" before, but had no idea what it meant.
Did you get 23d OK?
And I think Jacob's wife was Leah?
It was a good toughish puzzle, Elle.
That's the best kind!
23457 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 19:20
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, I got "llano" - a treeless grassy plain - reversed in 23d.
I did not think of the connection to "Centennial" though - my memory in this respect is not as good as yours!
Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel (sisters, I think?)
"Doodah" has had me singing "Camptown Races" on and off all day!
It has given me an earworm!
I am in need of a strong coffee!
And whilst drinking it...I shall watch "Eggheads".....
23458 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 19:45
Hello, Elle!
R.J.Poteet drove the cattle across the Llano Estacado (Staked Plains).
I liked "doodah".
Today's setter appealed to me, except for 28a!
23459 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 20:09
I recommend "The Red Tent", which is about Jacob and his wives and concubines. Not really a book for men, I would think.
23460 of 30765  -   Report This Post