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21st October 2018, 22:45
Hello, Elle!
Your hobby horse sounds fine to me.
I had to look up "well rounded".
I did not think you meant "fat"!
Hope your dog gets a good report from the vet in the morning.
I've no plans for tomorrow.
Will just see what the day brings forth!

23421 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 09:09
Hi elle
Arachne in Th Guardian today!
23422 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 11:04
Good Morning, Rusty!
Lovely sunshine here, but cold!
A great walk....... and then straight to the vets!
All is's anal glands were duly expressed and dog is now quite happy!
I am a tad behind times.......
I missed my early morning coffee, and apple and cheese, so will go and rectify that.......
I hope your weather is better today?

Thank you, Chris!
I shall print out the crossword and have a go at it later!
23423 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 11:32
Good morning, Elle!
Yes, a fine crisp morning here!
Good the vet visit went well!
I timed my trip to ASDA to perfection.
Lots of lovely smells from the bakery department.
So, I fell for some glazed doughnuts.
Very nice they were!
23424 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 12:39
Hi, Rusty!
The vet's visit was very nearly a disaster, though!
Our own vet is away on holiday and not due back till towards the end of November, so we were down to see a substitute.
Imagine my horror, when this turned out to be the dog's bete noir...... a young Greek vet whom my dog absolutely hates!
(And usually, she likes everybody!)
In the interests of the vet's safety, and my own sanity , I had to refuse to see him!
Instead we saw a very nice young female locum, with whom the dog bonded instantly!
So all was well in the end!
I have done a few minor household chores since coming home.......and now I have the rest of the day to myself!
I am about to take a look at today's crosswords......
Have you done yours yet?
23425 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 13:50
Good afternoon, Elle!
Your vet visit went well eventually, that's what is important.
The dog is fine, and now you will have a clear mind as you get stuck into the book sorting out.
I finished my puzzle earlier, Elle.
Just home. I was out for a brisk walk for half an hour.
It is not warm out!
23426 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 15:34
Good afternoon, Rusty!
No, it is not warm here, either!
But at least the sun and the blue sky offer up a good psychological effect!
I have finished today's Times Cryptic puzzle!
It seems a very straight forward one?
The definitions were easy to get, and I mostly did the parsing afterwards.
Apart , that is, from "hooch", "barsac" and "lancejack", where I had to rely on the parsing to provide the answers, as they were all words that were new to me.
As usual, I had trouble with the Spoonerism!
I have "drillhole" = "result of boring", and it took me ages to realise that the spoonerism must be "hill drole"....
But I do not pronounce "droll" ("amusing" in clue) like "drole"?
I say "droll" rather like "doll" without the "r"?
I looked up a vocal pronunciation on Google......
What do you reckon?
23427 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 15:42
Hello, Elle!
I feel sorry for poor old Spooner being linked to such an awful Spoonerism!
Took me ages to try and work out what it was!
I would say droll rhyming with hole.
It is a lovely day here now.
The kindly folks at Screwfix have sent me a voucher for £10 off my next purchase there!
Very nice of them!
23428 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 18:14
Hi, Rusty!
I have had trouble accessing the Forum since mid afternoon........the whole site was down.
I wonder was the problem exclusive to me, or whether others had trouble , too?
Did you have any difficulties?
I have just tried again...and this time reconnected.
You were very fortunate to receive a voucher from Screwfix!
My husband gets a catalogue from them regularly.......but so far, no free vouchers!
My daughter rang as usual on her way home....
YB somehow managed to break the screen on her (very expensive) phone yesterday evening!
Apparently, it will cost in excess of £200 just to replace the screen!
Oh dear!
23429 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2018, 18:37
Good evening, Elle!
I have not had a problem with the site, Elle!
I could not send texts on my mobile 'phone this morning, but that was an EE problem.
I received my voucher in today's post, Elle.
Maybe your husband will get one soon.
They don't send me catalogues!
That is an expensive repair on her 'phone!
I don't suppose her home contents insurance would cover it?
It has been very windy this afternoon, there are restrictions on the road bridge.
23430 of 30765  -   Report This Post