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23rd October 2018, 12:45
Hi, Rusty!
An apple turnover sounds good.......
We too get our keys cut at the cobbler's...... he does a much better job than these key-cutting places!
I have had a leisurely morning..... although that does include finishing the crossword!
And all fully parsed today, too!
My especial favourite is 12d.... just appealed to me!
I learned three new words, too, this morning - bogle (which I assume you will know?); speakeasy; and "Nim".
Time now for some homemade soup........
23441 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 13:17
Hello, Elle!
I am very happy with my cobbler.
Keys, watch straps and batteries, the winner in the 2.30 at Newmarket etc.
Just fine.
I got a 'flu jab when I was out, too.
Nipped in to see one of the nurses at my health centre.
I know a "tattie-bogle"!
Off for a dander, now.
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23rd October 2018, 15:29
Hi, Rusty!
Did you have a good walk?
"Whither did you wander?"
I was amazed to hear that you could just casually "drop- in" this morning, and grab a flu jab, just like that, without having had to make an appointment!
I have been trying for three weeks now to organise my husband's flu jab...... and have repeatedly been asked to phone back again, because the 'senior' vaccines weren't available yet!
I have now finally managed to arrange an appointment for him for next Monday!

23443 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 15:41
As far as I know, in the context of Scotland, a bogle is an evil spirit out to get folks who dare enter their territory.

Tesco have sprouts for 10 p each, I kid you not! Ready peeled baby sprouts are 79p for 8, which is as near 10p each as I care about! No, I didn't buy any. There's a farmer's market nearby on Thursdays. There's an even better market in town but it costs £2 to park, it's too far to walk and we no longer have a bus.
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23rd October 2018, 16:37
Hello, Elle!
I had a wee walk along the Nature Trail.
My surgery sends me a text message to my 'phone as a reminder for appointments and to invite me for a 'flu jab.
This is normal for my surgery.
I 'phoned to see if I could get a 'flu jab, and there was a nurse free, so I booked to see her, and got my jab.
In previous years, it was often my GP who did it while I was in for something else.
He always seemed very keen to do it!
Fine afternoon here, but still windy at the bridge.
No double deckers allowed to cross!
23445 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 18:33
Good evening, Rusty!
I think I am living in the wrong country!
You definitely get better service from the Scottish NHS than we do from the English version.
I think my dog and cat fare better at the vets!
(Mind you, we do have to pay for that!)
I have just been washing my hair......and whoops! I have managed to blow up the hairdryer!
Oh dear! I think it is now destined for the bin!
I shall have to consult Google for a replacement!
I hope your winds die down soon!

Hello, Ros!
I love sprouts!
They and green beans are my favourite vegetables.
I should be housebound, if I lived where you do!
No buses would be indeed a problem for me, as I do not drive!
I do walk where possible!
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23rd October 2018, 19:59
Good evening, Elle!
My surgery is excellent but they are not all like that up here.
My daughter-in-law said it is like night and day compared to her previous practice.
I think I am lucky though.
You should get a hairdryer at your supermarket?
Is is Sainsbury's you go?
Still windy here, still no double deckers getting on the bridge!
23447 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 22:00
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! I fell asleep......
I am reading a book called "The Coffin Road" by Peter May.
He is a fairly new author to me......
And I am not doing him justice by sleeping!
Contrary to how it would seem, I am enjoying the book!!
Yes, I usually go to Sainsburys......but Boots will, I am sure, have a good range of hairdryers, too.....and I do have some points on my Boot Card....
I shall investigate all avenues!
It is very chilly....I have turned up the thermostat.....
And I haven't yet watched "Eggheads"!
23448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd October 2018, 22:52
Hello, Elle!
There was a fine English cricket player called Peter May, I seem to remember.
Your Peter is a Glasgow man, I think.
I don't have a hairdryer, well I do, but it's called a towel.
It is a tad on the chilly side up here, too.
I am going for a bacon roll with La Bamba tomorrow.
So, that'll be fun!
23449 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th October 2018, 09:36
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day but very chilly first thing!
I like it like this makes for a brisk and energising early morning walk!
Yes, you are quite right; Peter May, the author, was born in Glasgow, but he now lives in France, I think.
I have so far only read two of his 'stand alone' novels, but I hear that his several series are very good, too.
I have recently bought one of the "Enzo Files" books , but have yet to read it.
I hope you enjoy your outing to the Pine Cone with Miss L-B!
A bacon roll sounds delicious.
We are just off to the dentist!
23450 of 30765  -   Report This Post