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8th October 2018, 22:42
Hello, Elle!
I was just thinking the same thing.
We did not know about "mutton" and "nut" when we rose today!
Another thing I learned was that Kevin Ashman does not have a cooker or a fridge in his house.
I wonder what we'll learn tomorrow!
23241 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 09:54
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is a bright sunny, but chilly, day here.
Great walking weather.
I am just back from the park.
Yes, I knew that Kevin did not have a cooker or fridge!
(Maybe he has a microwave? or perhaps he eats all his meals out.....or orders takeaway?)
I like Kevin - he is very quiet and unassuming.
Our elderly friend and ex- neighbour (he is 95), and his daughter and son in law are coming for coffee later this morning.
We try to meet up regularly and keep up with all the family news.
What are you up to?
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9th October 2018, 10:03
Good morning, Elle!
Very blustery here!
I am not long home, too.
I would have thought that Kevin would have a fridge, though.
A microwave oven and an electric grill, and maybe a toaster would do, though.
I think there are microwaves with built in grills?
Hope you have a nice time with your visitors!
23243 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 14:31
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you...yes, we had a great time with our friends.
They have not long gone home.
It was good to chat and catch up.
As yet, we still have no neighbours in either adjacent house!
I haven't had chance yet to look at today's puzzle.......
I expect you have finished yours?
23244 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 14:40
Hello, Elle.
Wind is getting stronger here!
I have three to go to finish my puzzle.
It is a harder one than yesterday, I think.
But I prefer that!
23245 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 14:53
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear.....well, I struggled somewhat with yesterday's puzzle!
I think I will put it on hold until I have been for a walk.....
Perhaps the fresh air will clear my head n readiness.....
Back in a bit!
23246 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 18:08
Good evening, Rusty!
It was lovely out this afternoon, and very much warmer, too, than this morning!
I have made a start on the crossword!
I was very much encouraged by getting "Lend an ear" from Mark Antony's speech!
Okay, so it was only an …..but at least I recognised its context!
"Onwards and upwards".......
23247 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 18:54
Good evening, Elle!
it is pretty blustery here, and more to come!
An evening by the fire!
I wondered who Antony was!
I am sure you will finish it.
I enjoyed it, even the unknown to me words.
But, that's how we learn!
23248 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 20:14
Hi, Rusty!
No, I haven't finished the crossword....
I am about two thirds the way through - going back to it, in between having dinner, and watching Eggheads...
But I am giving up!
It is too difficult for me.......and I am not enjoying it.
It is time to draw the proverbial line under it.
Back to my book...….
It sounds very windy up your way...are you getting a storm?
23249 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th October 2018, 20:23
Hello, Elle!
I agree, no point in going on with your puzzle if it is not enjoyable.
It is quite windy here, but not gale force winds, though they may come.
There were restrictions on the bridge earlier, but none now, so that is a positive sign.
Nicola was in town today working with the young ones!
I am recording "Treasures of the British Library" just now.
Will watch tomorrow sometime.
Miss O and me are going to Pine Cone in the morning!
23250 of 30765  -   Report This Post