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18th September 2018, 16:11
Hello, Chris,
Yes, I have been digging!
The World Meteorological Organisation named Helene because it started far out (to us) in the Atlantic.
Ali is named by the Met Office and Met Eireann.
A tad confusing!
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18th September 2018, 17:15
Hi, Rusty!
I do not really understand about the naming of hurricanes and storms...but I think that "hurricanes" - such as Helene when she started out - are named by the US Hurricane Centre?
Apparently, by the time Helene reached the UK, she could no longer be technically classed as a "hurricane" , because hurricanes are unable to form in our (presumably having lost power) she becomes reclassified as a "storm" when reaching our shores?
"Ali" seems to have named by the Met office here?
And is to be regarded as "the first storm of the Winter season"?
I am not sure what sense this is all making?
But this is what I have been reading....
( I may of course have interpreted it all incorrectly!)
Maybe you can throw more (sensible ) light on some of this?!
Re the crossword......I have "diplodocus" for 9a!
I have given away some of my books by Mr M - since his fall from grace in my eyes!
But have kept "Centennial", as it is by far my favourite of his books...
And I love some of the characters therein!
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18th September 2018, 17:32
Hello, Elle!
I think, broadly speaking, your take on the naming of the storms tallies with mine.
The Met UK and Met Eireann are in cahoots as to naming the storms here, etc.
I did not know hurricanes could not form in our climate?
I had it in my head it was a hurricane that brought down the old Tay Bridge, long ago?
Anyway, there are two warnings in place for our road bridge, one for Helene and one for Ali, and the dear Lord only knows how we are to know which is which, when/if they get here!
But, it has turned into a nice afternoon here.
Yes, "diplodocus" had a good few pages all to him/herself in "Centennial".
Sorry to put Michener into your head!
It was my favourite, too, just ahead of "Alaska" and "Chesapeake".
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18th September 2018, 19:39
Hi, Rusty!
Judging by the long list of names, the Met Office is expecting a lot of storms!
That concept doesn't augur well for our Winter, does it?
I still have not read "Alaska".......
I had bought it in readiness to read it next.......but after finishing Mr M's life story, I became so disillusioned by his life style, and (disgustingly poor) principles, that I no longer wanted to read "Alaska" after all!
I expect I will come across the volume at some stage in my "sorting"!
I shall then decide whether to "ditch" or read!
Speaking of books...I have finished "A Walk in the Woods", which I greatly re- enjoyed! (Is there such a word?)
And am now started on "Down Under", which I have never read before.
Is this one of Bill Bryson's books that you have read?
We have just had dinner.....sausages and fried potatoes and onions!
Very nice!
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18th September 2018, 19:49
Hi elle
If you read down the list, a lot are listed as "Did not materialise". One year they nearly got to the bottom of the list, though!
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18th September 2018, 19:54
Good evening, Elle!
Oh, I don't suppose the Met Office will need all the names.
We shall see!
"Alaska" was excellent, in my humble opinion.
Yes, I have read "Down Under" and it is very good!
Lots of humour in it, and things to learn about, including Hill's Hoists, and Jacky Howes, and how Australia managed to lose a Prime Minister (I remember that!), and who was Alice (Springs).
Your tea sounds very tasty!
Have you came across an author called Edward Rutherfurd?
He writes historical fiction in the same manner as Michener.
I am very tempted to try one of his books called "New York", which is about the history of the city.
Other books of his are "Sarum", "London", "Paris", Russka".
He gets good reviews.
The book of his that caught my eye firstly was "Forest", which is about the history of the New Forest.
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18th September 2018, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I shall look forward to reading about Hill's Hoists.
I always think about that name now, whenever I use my rotary washing line!
I remember Alice Springs, from Nevil Shute's book - and the ensuing film - "A Town Like Alice".
It will be interesting to read Bill Bryson's take on that.
No, Edward Rutherfurd is not an author I know.
But from what you say about him and his books, I should think that you would enjoy reading them.
It sounds like a good idea to try one?
Maybe the one about the history of the New Forest?
( You might find a reasonably priced copy on Amazon?)
Coming after my reading "A Walk in the Woods", that title naturally captured my imagination!
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18th September 2018, 22:03
Hello, Elle!
"Down Under" is a good read, you will learn a lot!
If I remember correctly, Alice never visited Alice Springs (and it is usually just called "Alice")
But, I won't say more and spoil your read!
I have ordered "New York". £2.48 on eBay, post free.
It's over 900 pages, so a bit of an epic!
If I like it, I'll try his others.
Well, all quiet here, no sign of Ali, yet!
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19th September 2018, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
A mild, dullish morning so far...... with what the local forecast is calling a "fresh breeze"!
Supposedly some sunshine later.....
I think we should hopefully remain clear from the effects of storm Ali.
How is it in your neck of the woods?
The radio forecaster was saying that around Dundee was one of the potentially badly affected areas?
I hope all remains quiet?
I hope you will enjoy Rutherfurd's book, "New York"!
We paid a brief visit there, when our eldest grandson was born.
The family returned to the UK just before his first birthday.
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