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15th September 2018, 05:50
Good morning, Elle!
Looks a fine start to the day here.
I have never came across "lay by the heels", too.
Yes, I get "Largo" now you have parsed it properly.
I saw the film many years ago, but I only remember Humphrey Bogart was in it, not the plot.
I've lost the plot!
I am off to see Miss O'Hara this morning.
Fingers crossed there will be no traffic problems.
The road closures for V&A caused major problems yesterday.
Read in the local paper that it was taking two hours to drive half a mile.
Awful for people trying to get home from work.
The quicker they re-open the roads the better.
22861 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day here too...a tad chilly as yet, but it was great for walking!
I am not sure if you are still about?
Or whether you will have already left for your son's house....especially as it may be necessary to allow extra time for traffic restrictions?
I have free day ahead of me....apart from another walk later...
And I want to watch a triathlon at some stage...but I am recording that, so can plan around it.
Time now for my first coffee of the day, and my apple and cheese....
and the crossword!
Enjoy your time with your granddaughter!
22862 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 14:38
Hello, Elle!
A nice day here, too!
I am not long home.
Was out most of the morning.
Had a nice time visiting and talking.
Traffic was fine, but still long hold ups in town and around the waterfront.
Roll on Monday when they open the roads up again.
Keeping an eye on the golf.
Have an interest in So-Yeon Ryu, but she is slightly off the pace, but early days!
Enjoy your walk!
22863 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 18:22
Hi, Rusty!
We are home, too, now!
It has been the most glorious day!
I think Summer is making a brief return!
Maybe her last appearance before we are hit by all the (potential) storms!
I am glad you enjoyed your time with your family.......
Did you go down to the waterfront to investigate the opening of the V&A?
Or deem it wiser to give the crowds a wide berth?
We met up with some friends who have "borrowed" a dog for the weekend!
His owner is they were in loco parentis!
How is your golf going?
22864 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 19:05
Hello, Elle!
Been a fine day here, too.
No, I did not go to the waterfront.
The only way to get there is to park some distance away (if you can!) and then walk.
The roads are closed around the waterfront.
But re-open on Monday.
On Monday the public can get in to the V&A.
It's free to get in, I think.
I recorded a programme from BBC about it.
It was on last night for an hour and a half, I think.
Golf is going very well.
It is a lovely course at Evian, in France.
So-Yeon Ryu is a bit off the pace though.
Amy Olson is leading, with one round to go.
22865 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 19:46
Hi, Rusty!
I missed the Triathlon because I set the recorder for the wrong date!
Ah well!
I have "Casualty" to watch later on......
I finished Jo's book.
I enjoyed it....
I did not previously know just how much was involved in training etc., when running is one's career!
Although I think Jo was probably somewhat unorthodox in many of her approaches to training routine.
And she certainly put her family first!
She does say how disappointed, and cheated out of medals, she (and other team members) felt when encountering so much drug abuse by the Russians.
Even being awarded a medal belatedly, after drug testing took a former winner out of the picture, was little recompense for missing the thrill of the occasion standing on the podium in front of the crowd "on the day"!
I am going to pass the book on to my daughter!
(She occasionally "runs"!)
I am now reading "A Walk in the Woods", after unearthing one of my Bill Bryson books whilst "sorting"!
22866 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 20:02
Hello, Elle!
I can understand Jo and everyone else's feelings on receiving a medal months or years after the event.
Not the way it should be!
"A Walk" is one of my favourites!
I liked Katz in it!
I have meant to buy the book on Grandma Gatewood, too.
Her's is a remarkable story, but there are many remarkable stories on the Trail.
Good news from across the water.
One of the young ones passed her driving test in Belfast today!
Nice to get good news!
22867 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 21:17
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, well done to the new driver!
Yes, it is always nice to share good news.
How did you get on with the crossword today?
My favourite by far was "Bo Peep"!
It was unusual to find "repeats", like "ana" and "adumbration" - wasn't it only in yesterday's puzzle that they made an appearance?
And I had always thought that "manana" meant "in the morning"?
This, I think, is what it means in Spanish.......and it is derived from the Latin "mane", which definitely means "in the morning".
Not "some future (unspecified) time" clued......and as Chambers gives as an alternative definition to "tomorrow"!!
I still cannot get 27a: Elaborate tent with ultimate in style for birthday? (9)
I am feeling very dissatisfied with my efforts today......
22868 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 21:21
Hello, Elle!
Yes, and she already has a wee car waiting for her!
I thought "manana" was fine?
It means "tomorrow" I think?
27, is an anagram of "tent with" and styl"e" giving "birthday"!!
22869 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th September 2018, 21:24
Update, Elle!
Check your fine Chambers for "manana"?
22870 of 30765  -   Report This Post