Hi, Rusty!
We are just back from our meeting......
Now.....I am not sure how much I have already told you about this somewhat problematic situation?
I will just briefly recap......
GPs who own practice are retiring, practice to be "looked after" for twelve months by a "caretaker practitioner"..... other (but only part-time) doctor to remain in her job........new ownership of practice up for grabs to highest bidder during twelve month "caretaking" period.
Building (private house ) owned by retiring GPs so needs to be sold.
Million dollar question....so where will "new" practice be housed?
Yes, I think the meeting today went well......and yes, I thought it both informative and helpful!
We met the "new" GP and practice manager.
They will take overall charge for twelve months and see what happens in the interim period.
I thought them both pleasant and approachable, and open to discussion should there prove a need.
What more could one ask at this stage?
Very windy and rainy here!