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21st September 2018, 14:14
Hi, Rusty!
We are just back from our meeting......
Now.....I am not sure how much I have already told you about this somewhat problematic situation?
I will just briefly recap......
GPs who own practice are retiring, practice to be "looked after" for twelve months by a "caretaker practitioner"..... other (but only part-time) doctor to remain in her ownership of practice up for grabs to highest bidder during twelve month "caretaking" period.
Building (private house ) owned by retiring GPs so needs to be sold.
Million dollar where will "new" practice be housed?
Yes, I think the meeting today went well......and yes, I thought it both informative and helpful!
We met the "new" GP and practice manager.
They will take overall charge for twelve months and see what happens in the interim period.
I thought them both pleasant and approachable, and open to discussion should there prove a need.
What more could one ask at this stage?
Very windy and rainy here!
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21st September 2018, 15:03
Hello, Elle!
Yes, "where" will the practice be?
What say they regarding that?
Are there other practices in the area that you would consider joining?
I think that's "Storm Bronagh" you have!
A bit blustery here, but certainly not stormy.
22952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2018, 15:07
Hi rusty
I watched the last 6 holes of the first 59 on the European Tour this morning! (on TV, of course)
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21st September 2018, 15:14
Hello, Chris,
Who did it?
I have not had TV on.
Thoughts are on next week and the Ryder Cup!
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21st September 2018, 15:19
Oliver Fisher, believe it or not! He holed some long second putts to avoid dropping shots on some holes.
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21st September 2018, 16:03
Hi, Rusty!
I think the "plan" is for a new modern practice to be built?
Quite where the funding for this edifice will come from, remains a mystery......or maybe just a well-kept secret.......
But my spirit of pioneering adventure has been aroused.....
I think I shall stick with this practice and see where it goes?
I rather liked the attitudes of the GP and Practice Manager whom I met this morning.
Worth giving them a chance, I think?
I have agreed to join a Patient Participation Group committee.
It should be interesting?
Is it Storm Bronagh we have ?
I think we are in some kind of time warp......
The weather seems to think this is April...we are now having summery sunshine in between heavy blustery showers!

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21st September 2018, 16:15
Hello, Elle!
I hope you all achieve a "new" practice if that may be in the offing.
It will be interesting on the committee, I'm sure!
Yes, it is Bronagh you have down there, not sure where our blusters are coming from!
"Callum" may arrive on Sunday, say the Met Office.
Now, I have found my book, "Walkabout", by Bill Bryson.
The story of the proto-ants is in Chapter One.
Looks like you missed it?
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21st September 2018, 17:23
Hi, Rusty!
Well, we shall see what develops.......I have my doubts as to how much import the PPG (Patient Participation Group) will be allowed to contribute.
This new regime of Practice Management is not effective until the end of next month anyway.
I am mortified that I missed the page about the proto- ants!
I do not "skimp" on reading......indeed, if I feel my attention has wandered, I tend to go back and read the section can only surmise that maybe I missed it on one of the late -night occasions when I fell asleep!
The page may have turned when I picked up the book from the floor!
Well, that's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!
Just been talking to my daughter on her way home!
BB has been voted to represent his class on the School Council!
That is good, isn't it?
He will enjoy that!
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21st September 2018, 18:13
Hello, Elle!
Well, give the PPG a go, I'd say.
May well be worthwhile and you won't know until you all have a bash.
It's a great tale about the proto-ants!
I never knew that ants evolved from wasps?
I had a look at them on YouTube.
BB must be a popular young man!
And what do the School Council get up to?
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21st September 2018, 20:10
Hi, Rusty!
Surprisingly, I have been learning a lot about the wasp and its variants this Winter.
Have you noticed the unusual "growths" on oak trees this year.......predominantly so?
And the subsequent lack of acorns?
This is all down to the gall wasp!
It attacks the acorn and lays this "thing" - a "gall" - which stops the development of the acorn ...or something like that!
The squirrels in the park are quite stressed out this year, as they cannot find any acorns to store away to eat during the winter months !
But fortunately, there is no permanent damage done to the oak trees.
This article will explain it all far better than I could!
Yes, we are all very proud of BB!
I think there is a chosen representative from each school year from Class1 upwards.
I am not sure what the children do....
I think meet with the headmaster to discuss their ideas?
I shall find out!
22960 of 30765  -   Report This Post