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19th September 2018, 20:06
Good evening, Rusty!
I am glad that it was only a minor flicker of your lamp....I was worrying in case you had a power cut!
At least being Summer time...well, perhaps Autumn......folk without power will not necessarily be cold - that is a good thing - even if otherwise inconvenienced by lack of light, and maybe cooking facilities.
I am glad your grandson made it to visit will both have enjoyed that.
Does he live far from you?
I thought the crossword was quite a good one today?
I especially liked 11a: Hosea; 15a: Pericles; and 20a: rule.
I couldn't do 16a: I have C?R?I?E?R
I am quite stuck?
22931 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 20:16
Hello, Elle!
Power OK, so far!
Yes, it was great seeing my grandson.
He came straight from work.
I gave him a Madeira cake to take home to his Mum!
Elle, I do not have my puzzle to hand, but 16a, is "carbineer".
If I remember correctly the "wine" was "bin", and I forget what "career" was?
A carbine was a type of gun, I believe.
22932 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 20:56
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, I should have typed out the clue....
16a: Supply of wine drunk by long-term professional soldier (9)
Thank you for your help......
I would never have got "carbineer" ......
Had I even remotely thought of that , I should have rejected it on account of its spelling...
I would have spelt it as "carabinier", which in any case is ten letters!
I see now that there are various alternative spellings to the word!
I'm assuming "career" means "long -term"?
We haven't heard from our son, but he may ring us early morning tomorrow on his way home from work.
He is off duty on Thursday and Friday as he is picking his daughter up from school, and having her to stay overnight on both days.
So we may see them both on either Thursday or Friday, after school finishes.
Are you and Miss L-B heading out to the Pine Cone tomorrow ?
Or will you decide in the morning, depending on the weather situation?
22933 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 21:15
Hello, Elle!
I have my puzzle here now.
Yes, there are several spellings!
I would have spelled it your way, too.
I think "career" is "long-term professional."
"Career" = "profession" ?
Something like that !!
I am going to text La Bamba shortly.
It's her choice if we go or not.
Not sure what the road to Pine Cone will be like.
There's thousands of trees up there!
Now, the news from Belfast is that the winds have died away, (and the gecko is doing fine!), so by mid morning we should have seen the last of Ali, hopefully!
22934 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 21:38
Update, Elle!
I hope this works.
It is from Instagram. (I am not on Instagram!)
Slight progress from Kristina Vogel.
22935 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
Update! My son has texted me to say that he and our granddaughter will definitely be coming to see us tomorrow!
That is good...we shall look forward to that!
They should be here by about 4 pm., after school.
It is good to see that Kristina is doing so well.....yes , your video link worked fine!
What exactly is "Instagram"?
I am glad that the winds in Belfast are abating.......
Don't you have to keep geckos in a warm environment in a tank...or some such?
They have some "Bearded dragons" up at the farm at Crystal Palace park...altho' I think that leopard geckos are more commonly kept as household pets?
I am enjoying Bill Bryson's visit "Down Under".
He had me in stitches with his description of cricket, as he envisaged it being relayed over the radio!
I am afraid that I find cricket very boring.... so much appreciated his sending it up!
22936 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th September 2018, 22:23
Hello, Elle!
Good news about your son and granddaughter visiting!
Yes, that was the first time Kristina got from her wheelchair to her bed unaided.
Encouraging, I think?
Instagram is a social media thing, mainly photos, I think.
(Ask your daughters!)
Twitter is the only social media that I am on.
Chris Hoy posted the clip on Twitter, and I follow Chris, that's how I got it.
I've started following Kristina on Twitter, too, but it's normally German she Tweets in.
The gecko has a cage but seems to have the run of the house.
Glad you like Bill!
I find him funny, too, a chuckle on every page!
He loves Australia!
22937 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 10:17
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A dull day here so far....and a stiff breeze.
The local forecast for our immediate area says we shall have some sun later, but when I clicked on the exclamation mark warning of "severe weather" conditions here, I was a trifle disconcerted to see that I needed to beware of the huge waves...........?!
How are things at your end?
Are you going to the Pine Cone with Miss La Bamba this morning?
22938 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 11:02
Good morning, Elle!
A very bright, very blustery day here!
A lot calmer since Ali passed through!
No double deckers allowed on the bridge, so it must be windy downtown.
Huge waves in Bromley?
Jings! Best be careful!
I think La Bamba and me are going, not heard from her.
She gets out of Uni at 11, so not long now.
22939 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 12:57
Hi, Rusty!
Still dull, no sign yet of this apparently mythical sunshine!
The washing is blowing about on the line.......although not as fanatically as yesterday!
No possible Mary Poppins take-off of the Hill's Hoist today!
(I still haven't come across that yet in Bill Bryson's exploits?)
How was the Pine Cone?
I hope your drive out there was uneventful? Hopefully, no trees down en route blocking the road?
How is Miss L-B enjoying her return to Uni after taking a year out?
I have had a leisurely morning, but am about to hoover round now.....
Not that I expect our son and granddaughter to notice!
But I shall know!
22940 of 30765  -   Report This Post