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16th September 2018, 20:29
Hi rusty and elle
Did either of you notice my post a few back about "manana"? I think it encapsulates the Irish ethos!
22891 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th September 2018, 21:11
Hello, Chris!
No, I'm sorry I didn't see your post ...I have just scrolled down and found it now.
As you will have gathered, I didn't like that clue about "manana" ......
To me "manana" (Spanish) and "mane" (Latin) both mean "in the morning", and not some unspecified time in the future.
To change the subject, though, I saw your mention of Polonius on the RT38 thread!
A good reference to the answer to the given clue!
22892 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th September 2018, 22:22
Hello, Elle!
How is your cousin and family?
It is dark here, too.
And I think a bit cooler.
Just been writing out my shopping list for tomorrow.
I shall need my car!
22893 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th September 2018, 22:32
Hi, Rusty!
It is "All Quiet on the (North) Western Front"!
They have been having cold and wet weather though...we were so very fortunate today, with our sunshine and warmth.
Are you food-shopping tomorrow?
Or does your list encompass other items?
It is not often you mention taking your car when just going to Asda.
22894 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 06:47
Good morning, Elle!
Good to hear the folk in the North are to the fore!
A dry start to the day here.
I have quite a list here!
Some things are only "possibles" and I shall visit several shops to see the lie of the land regarding them.
Asda will be the main port of call, though.
22895 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 10:01
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely sunny and warm day here!
Great out walking!
I hope your shopping trips go well.
I have to go down to the High Street at some point this morning to buy birthday cards.
It is our eldest grandson's eleventh birthday on Sunday, and his dad's birthday the following week, so I had better get organised.
Meanwhile, though, I am just at the apple and coffee stage.......
22896 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 14:53
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is cloudy up here and the wind is freshening.
Maybe we will feel the effects of Storm Helene?
Shopping went very smoothly.
I have just been watching the V&A programme.
It was fine except for the music.
Good puzzle today!
22a, 28a, are new words, and 2d is a new meaning to me.
Always learning!
22897 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 17:20
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that your shopping excursion went well!
I bought the required birthday cards this morning......and have since been reading in the garden....25C.....and then this afternoon, went out to the park with the dog.
I am just recently back home.
In between, I did manage to finish the crossword!
Strangely (for me) I do not have any outstanding clues or parses...assuming, of course, that I have done it correctly.
I , also, did not know the second meaning of "panic"!
I did not know of John Blow, an English baroque composer, either!
But I think we had "polemic(al)" in a recent crossword?
Leastways, I have come across it somewhere.
I'll see if my brain holds up for "Eggheads" in a little while!
22898 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 18:57
Good evening, Elle!
Your weather is better than mine today!
But it is very wild across the sea.
The Wild Atlantic Way is even Wilder, today!
And it is coming this way!
I did not know Blow, too.
But Anne Bradford did!
A very helpful woman, I've found!
I have came across "polemic", too, I think, but would not know whatever it meant!
I liked today's puzzle!
22899 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th September 2018, 20:03
Hi, Rusty!
Our local weather has been so beautiful today, that it is hard to countenance that it might soon end in storms.
It is almost like a second coming of Summer!
Re 5d: I got "blow - by -blow" from "very detailed" and the crossing letters, and then looked up on Goggle to see if I could find an English baroque composer called "Blow"!
It did not occur to me to consult Anne B!
"Polemic" fits "strongly attacking" as "definition", in the clue.....I think it generally means critical or venomous.
The Challengers on "Eggheads" were called "Ladies Who LUNGE"!
An obvious play on those who "lunch"!
The panellists were all athletes/ sportswomen who had something to do with throwing/ kicking/ thrusting.......... rugby playing; taekwondo; javelin throwing.......
A good name, I thought?
22900 of 30765  -   Report This Post