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20th September 2018, 15:04
Good afternoon, Elle!
We were at Pine Cone.
No problems getting there. But branches down everywhere.
One tree down yesterday, quite near the cafe.
Part of the roof came off yesterday, and one window at the Dog House was blown in.
Other than that, all is well up there!
There is only a line or two about the Hill's Hoist, as I remember.
(4a, reminded me of the Hill's Hoist!)
Miss L-B says Uni is much better than working!
22941 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 15:10


20th September 2018, 19:21
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that you and Miss L-B both enjoyed your morning outing at the Pine Cone!
It sounds as though your local storm damage was fairly limited, so that is a relief.
We have only suffered very minor problems here...just a few branches strewn about....very little disturbance otherwise.
I couldn't access the link that you sent?
I saw the very first picture of the snow...but I couldn't progress to read anything further, as the link would not permit me to do so...??
Our son and granddaughter have only just gone home.
We have all had a great time!
It was lovely to see them both together, as we more often see our granddaughter in the company of her mother and younger (half) brother.
I expect you are at present spending time with your son?
I am assuming he will be visiting you now, as it is Thursday.
22943 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 19:55
Hello, Elle!
Yes, we had a fine time at Pine Cone.
The link was about the first snow of the year on Cairngorm.
It arrived overnight.
Our wind has diminished quite a lot, down to a brisk breeze!
My son has just gone home.
Was grand seeing him.
22944 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 20:58
Hi, Rusty!
It has become chilly here ...we have just put our heating on.
The wind seems to have died down though.
I didn't even get the chance to finish the crossword today.
I am about half way through.
I had never heard of "olla podrida!"
I had to look it up!
I have finally come upon the reference to Hill's Hoist !
And learned what a Jacky Howe is......and norks!
Although that last in actually in Chambers!
Right....tine to watch my recording of "Eggheads"!
22945 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 21:39
Hello, Elle!
I have my heating on for a short time in the morning.
Me too, with "olla podrida"!
You are well up on Australianese if you know about Hill's Hoists and a Jacky Howe!
Not sure about "norks"!
Have you came to the bit about discovering the "proto-ants" in the outback?
I thought that was a great story!
22946 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th September 2018, 22:23
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we have our heating on first thing in the morning, too.......and that usually suffices.
But it had gone off again, and we were chilly.... so I switched it on for a while this evening, as well!
No point in feeling cold!
No, as yet, I know nothing at all about proto - ants...??!!
I may have to wait until tomorrow to find out...….
22947 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2018, 08:03
Good morning, Elle!
A bit breezy here!
I put my heating on earlier, but off again now!
But there is a chill in the air, outside
Heading out soon for my walk to ASDA.
The proto-ants are a great story.
Proper name "Nothomyrmecia macrops".
I'll say no more, other than it is an amazing story about them, and those who discovered them, and Bill tells it well!
I found a wee bit about them on YouTube, too.
22948 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2018, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful sunny day here, albeit a tad chilly!
I wore a jacket this morning, whilst out with the dog.
A brisk invigorating walk was had!
We are going to yet another meeting at lunchtime about the future of our GP practice.
Fortunately, the meeting is being held within walking distance, so it is not much of a problem to attend.
I wonder shall we know any more by the end of it?
We shall see!
I await with interest my (later) introduction to the proto - ants......!
I find Bill's tales very enlightening and amusing!
He has a good turn of phrase!
22949 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st September 2018, 12:58
Hello, Elle!
Quite blustery here. Storm Bronagh?
I hope your GP meeting is informative and helpful.
I agree about Bill. He is funny!
For years my favourite writers were him and Michener.
I can not deny Michener wrote some (not all) fine books, but not a person I would take to, knowing what I do about him, now.
I am sure you will like the tale of the proto-ants!
Now, I have just watched "Treasures of the British Library".
It was about the writer Hanif Kereishi.
I would not say it was one of my favourite episodes...but guess what?
There was a bit about Bromley in it.
It was where he grew up, and there was quite a bit about David Bowie and others in the "Punk" scene who grew up there.
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