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12th September 2018, 13:42
Hello, Elle!
MIT crops up now and again.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"Run across" sounds like "one across", which I dislike!
Time you cleared out your existing wardrobes!
I just watched "Treasures of the British Library" with Fiona Bruce.
It was excellent.
They showed her "Jane Eyre" in the author's own handwriting, with words changed etc.
And fantastic maps made after the Great Fire of London.
And recordings of Christabel Pankhurst's speech on release from prison.
And illuminated manuscripts of "Divine Comedy" by Dante.
And a recipe book from Queen Henrietta Maria's kitchen.
Fiona was delighted!
Me too!
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12th September 2018, 14:05
Update, Elle.
"MIT" is in Chambers, Elle.
They showed Fiona the first ever newspaper, too.
Next week, it is a playwright, but I can not remember his name.
Jo Pavey is on Question of Sport tonight.
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12th September 2018, 14:21
Hi, Rusty!
If I ever knew what "MIT" stood for, then I have long since forgotten!
However does "run" rhyme with "one"?
That is terrible!
No wonder I couldn't "get" it!
I have done two more clues, so only one outstanding now ......
6a: unskilled work from son of afflicted man? (5)
I have no ideas?
"Treasures of the British Library" sounds an excellent programme.
Did you know that you can sign up for Newsletters from the Library?
I don't usually watch "A Question of Sport"..... but tonight I shall do so, as Jo is taking part!
It is still raining here....
I am going to write some (long overdue) letters!
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12th September 2018, 14:21
Hello, Elle!
A hint for 6a.
"Mc" and "Mac" in Scottish surnames, mean "son of".
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12th September 2018, 14:59
Hi, Rusty!
I am confused here...
Did our other posts actually cross?
They are both registering exactly the same time....!
And yet you answered exactly what I asked you!
Or is it telepathy?
I think 6a must be "McJob"?
This is a completely new word for me...I had to look it up!
Collin's Online dictionary tells me that "McJob" means "a job that is poorly paid and menial".
I live and learn!
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12th September 2018, 15:13
Hello, Elle!
Yes, we crossed!
Yes, it is "McJob", possibly from McDonalds burger chain.
The "Treasures" programme is super.
The curators are very knowledgeable indeed.
It's a pity it is not shown on BBC or C4, rather than Sky Arts.
They baked a cake from Henrietta Maria's recipe book and Fiona (who loves cake) gave it 2 out of 10!
They showed her the first ever newspaper, too.
And allowed her to enter the Kings Library, where the public are not allowed.
I think "Treasures" rivals "BGT" as my favourite programme!
"run" and "one" are homothingies to me!
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12th September 2018, 16:05
Hi, Rusty!
Well, it has finally stopped raining!
My day has been completely stood on its head!
My initial intent was to go over to Bromley to look into the BHF's furniture shop.
But then I decided to try emptying existing wardrobes of all extraneous articles that are not clothes or shoes!
However, instead, I got bogged down in dealing with overdue correspondence......and, indeed, I have made great inroads there!
I am quite pleased by my efforts!
The dog has been deprived of a second walk...but she has been in and of the garden - rain being no drawback to her!
Goodness, "Treasures" and "BGT" are poles apart......
That is an interesting option.......?!
I don't think I have a favourite programme?

Hello, Pigale!
You have been quiet for a time.....
Have you been having Internet and email problems again?
I never asked you how you fared with the Hudl you bought a while back?
Mine has got a new lease of life, since we purchased a new battery for it!
The tablet has really been very good value for money...even though Tesco no longer have their helpline for it!
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12th September 2018, 16:18
Hello, Elle!
Our weather has been great today, and quite breezy, which is fine.
Now, one thing I noticed when looking at these old manuscripts was the lettering.
The "s" was like an "f", but there were "s" letters, too, if that makes any sense.
And Fiona was able to read the "Divine Comedy" scripts which were written in Italian and were over 500 years old, I think she said.
Last year's series are all on YouTube and hopefully this years will be on there too.
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12th September 2018, 16:58
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, it is good to hear that that the British Library series can be found on YouTube.
I shall take a look when I have some spare time....I am sure there will be many items I shall find interesting.
I have been just talking to my daughter on her way home from work.
Her train has broken down.....and all the passengers have just been instructed to get off!
She didn't sound very happy!
The trials and tribulations of travelling by public transport...…..
Fortunately, her husband is doing the respective pickups from nursery and After School Club.
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12th September 2018, 19:04
Good evening, Elle!
I am wrong!
It is only brief introductions to "Treasures" that are on YouTube.
Gives a good flavour of the series, though.
Has your daughter made it safely home?
I am recording a programme tonight about a remarkable young man called Terry Fox.
You may have heard of him?
I knew there had been a documentary made about him but it was by chance I came across it this afternoon.
22830 of 30765  -   Report This Post