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8th August 2018, 17:31
Elle, I felt your 13 edition wasn't very good anyway, because of the vanishing grey words, but it's worse if other words have gone too! Something that's in the 12th and Revised 13th shouldn't have just disappeared - and who knows what other words might have gone walkabout?
22361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 18:11
I was unfortunate enough to have been given a 13th edition. A dear colleague on another forum kindly emailed me the missing list which I have just checked. Mosh is not listed .
Mortiferous is followed by Moulage .
Mosh IS in my 13th with mosher, moshing and mosh pit but are we all talking of the same edition?
22362 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 18:33
re my last post

My edition is 2014 ; I understand the omitted words were reinstated in the 2016 revision of the 13th?.
I use the Chambers App. on my phone when I am away from home.
22363 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 18:35
Thanks, Cerasus. As Elle said earlier, Mosh Pit isn't in her 13th edition (the one with the missing words), but it IS in my Revised 13th edition. As it's also in my 12th edition (and not a grey word), I can't understand where it's gone! Is your 13th the same as mine, or the same as Elle's? Maybe she's got a really faulty version!
22364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 18:45
My 13th (2014) is the one with the omitted words . Here is the pdf. from 2016
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8th August 2018, 18:52
"To whom it may concern",
(There's been so many posts since I was last on, I have became muddled!)
Anyway, how do I identify which is the Revised 13th editition?
Malone, I do not have "grey words" in my 10th edition, that I am aware of.
What are they, please?
Like Cerasus, I have the Chambers Dictionary app on my 'phone and find it to be very good, whenever I remember about it!
I have ordered Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained!
22366 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 18:52
Thanks again, Cerasus. It seems strange that you've got a Mosh Pit and Elle hasn't - you've both got the edition with the omitted words! I like my 12th edition as the grey words sometimes catch my eye and I come across interesting things. The Revised 13th is the one I use most, as it's the most up-to-date.
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8th August 2018, 18:56
I have never caught sight of a mosh pit and have no inclination to do so. (joke)
Maybe, later, the elusive 'mosh' will turn up ( just like Oxford Bags)
22368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 19:05
SWMBO is calling me for supper.
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8th August 2018, 19:28
Rusty, my dictionary has Revised 13th Edition on both the front and the spine, and also on the first inside page. My 12th edition simply says '12th edition' - so I expect the missing words one probably just has '13th edition' on it. I've been referring to 'grey words', just for ease - basically it's just shaded grey boxes on the page, the boxes containing unusual words and their definitions. Chambers says some of these words are rare, literary and historical, and others are intriguing or charming - that's why they've been highlighted. They slot in, alphabetically, with the words above and below them - for example 'flimp' is after 'flimflam' and before 'flimsy'.

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