Hi, Rusty!
A temperature of 17C sounds wonderful!
Well, I can but dream......
The builders are going great guns......
I have kept them supplied with tea and biscuits, but they have gone home for lunch now (they all live nearby)
Thank you for the cycling clip.......
Yes, that is what I vaguely meant by "tagging" - I didn't know the professional name of "slinging", and I also didn't realise that the rider could actually pull/ "sling" his team mate into action!
I have finished my crossword puzzle , too!
( In between making cups of tea..... and chatting!)
10a: "effulgent" and 20d: "lovage " are new words for me, too.
Although I knew 18a: "Notting Hill Gate " and 11a: "segue"
21a puzzled me?
I went for "weepie" = tear -jerking film (def)
wee - tiny
But what about "pie"?
Is this a bird ?......I couldn't find it in the dictionary?
Re 3a: Pontefract ...
I used to love Pontefract cakes (round pieces of liquorice shaped like a penny)!
I haven't seen them around for years!