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9th August 2018, 06:46
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here, so far!
Now, have you and your husband safely returned from adventures with the porch door and feeding the cat?
"Beyond Our Ken" was a very good programme!
As I mentioned yesterday, the 14th edition of Chambers is in the pipeline for 2019, allegedly!
Malone's 12th edition intrigues me, with the "grey words".
I'll see what Amazon and eBay have to offer, when I have time, and I think I could survive without "mosh pit"!
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9th August 2018, 07:03
What s show-off, Rusty - having two taped 10th editions! I do think you'd like the 12th edition, with the grey words - if you're like me, it's good to have a wee wander round unknown territory (unknown words).
22382 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th August 2018, 07:13
Hello, Malone!
I have two Bradford's, too!
Had a look on Amazon for a 12th and the cheapest is £44, which is quite dear.
There possibly may be paperback versions cheaper, but they do not last long if you are in and out of it regularly.
Time to sit back and reflect and ponder!
22383 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th August 2018, 07:29
Rusty, £44 for the 12th edition - that's extortion! I'd never have a paperback dictionary, they simply don't last. My Bradfords is the paperback and it's in a dreadful state. I think I'll treat myself to a new one soon.
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9th August 2018, 08:03
Hello, Malone!
£44 is certainly very dear!
Wonder if they get any sales?
Many years ago I had a paperback Chambers but it did not last.
I would only buy a hardback nowadays.
A new Bradford's sounds good!
I would not be without a Bradford's!
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9th August 2018, 09:59
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a very wet morning here...and rain is forecast for all day..... and all tomorrow!
Just when the builders especially needed it to be dry so they could tackle all the re-pointing!
Yes, all went well yesterday evening visiting the cat!
He was delighted to see us and we managed to squeeze ourselves through a very tiny gap in the sliding door.....
We were afraid to open it fully , in case it fell out again!!
Now.....goodness me, who would have thought that one could discuss the vagaries of Chambers for nearly three pages of the PCT?!!
After reading all that.......I'm thinking maybe you should just hang on to your present edition of Chambers...... and go buy a Collins or an Oxford dictionary instead!
Get a different slant on some of the words?
The online Collins certainly seems pretty good?
( I do have an Oxford, but it is only the Concise edition.)
Put decisions on hold.......... and go out and enjoy your trip to the Pine Cone with your granddaughters!
Have fun!
(I, too, am going out.... but later for lunch!)
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9th August 2018, 10:34
Hello, Elle!
It is a beautiful morning here now!
I missed Trotty this morning.
She was on Breakfast TV (no sign of Albie!).
Apparently advertising Soreen Malt Loaf!
Yes, I would go canny with the porch door.
Good the cat and you are getting fine.
I added Collins Dictionary to the Twitter folk I follow.
Think you get a "word a day" from them.
I think they have a newish dictionary out.
It contains "unicorn farts" which I'd rather not know about!
And "Audrey brow".
Something to do with styling ladies eyebrows.
I may explore Collins with the idea of buying one, and keep one of my Chambers.
And I think my toaster is on its last legs.
22387 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th August 2018, 10:45
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, keeping one volume of Chambers, and possibly buying a Collins sounds a feasible proposition?
You may be able to get a "used" one in "very good condition" on Amazon?
I don't think toasters last very long!
We always keep one in reserve!
I don't have the time in the mornings to "watch" the bread toasting on the grill!
Maybe have a look for one whilst you are out this morning?
What time is Miss O picking you up?
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9th August 2018, 10:53
Hello, Elle,
Miss O will be here in ten minutes.
There are no toasters where we are going.
The Pine Cone is in a forest.
No shops there, thank goodness!
I'll have a browse on Amazon later.
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9th August 2018, 11:34
Hi, Rusty!
A browse on Amazon for a toaster sounds an excellent idea!
Do they sell them in Asda, too?
The builders have popped back home whilst it is pouring down....
I am leaving my husband in charge should they return!
I am away out now for lunch!
I shall be back about teatime...…...
22390 of 30765  -   Report This Post