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7th August 2018, 15:12
Hi, Rusty!
It is grey and overcast here now.......
We have been praying for rain, but it would be ironical were it to do so right at this juncture....
The builders have just painted the new window sills and parts of the walls where repair work was done......
It would be Sod's Law if the heavens opened right now!
How did Trotty and Katie do in the Madison?
I haven't had time to look at any of the Sports events today.
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7th August 2018, 15:21
Hello, Elle!
Hopefully the paintwork will be fine.
I am sure the paint they use will be OK in the rain.
Trotty and Katie were fourth.
They were not too bad, but not good enough.
I have not seen much of the sports, too.
Had a long 'phone call with BT.
Trying to get my monthly payments reduced.
I was successful!
Still a fine day here, and not hot!
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7th August 2018, 16:39
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we did have rain - for all of five minutes!
It was almost drying up as it fell!
Beautiful sunshine again now!
The guys have gone home now....back tomorrow!
All is looking good!
I don't know what charm you work on are always getting reductions in your costs!
Right, I now have five minutes or so to myself.......
So I shall go and wash my hair!
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7th August 2018, 18:20
Hello, Elle!
Your builders seem to be going well!
No charm with BT, at all, at all!
Just asked how I could avoid the forthcoming price rises and a very nice lady helped me in that respect.
I find being friendly helps, I think.
22334 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th August 2018, 19:14
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Still boiling here, but thunderstorms are on the menu for later on
and overnight, so I might start breathing again!
(40C in town today, luckily I was in a car!

Lassie is in the nest right now, eating with her 'children', so
obviously she has not quite left yet, but I reckon Elle is right in
saying that she may be stocking up food before her journey.

Do you think the smalls are fishing for themselves now? I have
not seen one landing on the nest with a fish it its beak yet - have you?
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7th August 2018, 19:25
Thanks for the tip, pigale - nice to be able to say goodbye to them before they go!
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7th August 2018, 19:33
Hello, Pigale!
17C here, much cooler!
I think Lassie is stocking up on food.
The wind at the Loch is from the South, and perhaps she is waiting for a more favourable wind.
But, I don't know if my "theory" is correct! Just guessing!
The chicks will be learning to fish, and do plenty of flying to strengthen their wings.
The birds land with the fish gripped firmly in their talons.
Usually on one foot, but a large fish may be gripped by both feet.
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7th August 2018, 19:54
Hello Chris,

Yes, this may be the last time we see Lassie before next year, or
may be not, but certainly within the next couple of days I would say.

Rusty, the wind is due South here too, and will be unsettled for
a few days while thunderstorms are upon us, then apparently
it will go back to Northern or North-eastern wind - which I imagine
will be better for the flight to Africa.
Right now, I could do with a blissful 17, though I may find it too
much of a drop in one go!
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7th August 2018, 19:56
PS - Of course I meant feet and not beak! brain not working!
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7th August 2018, 20:20
Hello, Pigale!
I agree, I think a wind from the North would be ideal for Lassie, but I am no osprey or migration expert!
I am very happy with a temperature of 17C but I think most folk would prefer it to be a bit warmer.
I hope it gets a bit cooler for you!
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