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8th August 2018, 16:13
Hi, Rusty!
I gather from the builders that they are expecting to be here both tomorrow and Friday.
So I hope that 'rain does not stop play' then , tomorrow!
Your hints were very good!
I have completed all the remaining clues now.......
12a: lutz ( and thank you, too, to Anne B!)
13a: disservice (I'd never heard of a 'disser'!)
20a: Gozo ("an island in the Mediterranean Sea, one of 21 that make up the Maltese archipelago".)
25a: golden goal re "mosh pit"......
I think the parsing is MOs - doctors ; hit - knock; p - quietly
Am I right?
I have never heard the term before!
I looked it up in Wikipedia and this is what I found....

"Moshing or slamdancing is a style of dance in which participants push or slam into each other, typically performed in "aggressive" live music. Moshing usually happens in the center of the crowd, generally closer to the stage,[1] in an area called the "pit". It is intended to be energetic and full of body contact."
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8th August 2018, 16:15


8th August 2018, 16:21
Hello, Elle!
13a, the word often used (not by me") is to "diss" someone, which I reckon could come from "disrespect".
Someone who does that could be a "disser" according to the setter!
The "mosh pit" one was straightforward enough with clue, but it is unknown to me.
I'll ask Miss O tomorrow when I see her, if she knows about it.
It sounds awful!
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8th August 2018, 16:36
Hi, Rusty!
There is actually a place called "Diss" in Norfolk!
Did you see my earlier post, explaining "mosh pit"?
(Several posts crossed
, and it got a bit chaotic!)
I'd looked it up in Wikipedia, and offered an explanation?
Yes, it will be interesting to see if Miss O knows about it!
Are you and she heading for the Pine Cone tomorrow then?

Malone, "mosh pit " in not in MY ill-fated 13th edition of Chambers!
I did look properly this time!!
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8th August 2018, 16:42
Elle, I definitely don't like your 13th edition. My Revised 13th Edition has 'mosh pit' under Mosh (to dance energetically....). I wonder if Mosh Pit was one of the grey words, those that went missing?

Rusty, that 'Unexplained' book looks interesting, but definitely not one for me - I'm too much of a realist, cynic, whatever!
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8th August 2018, 16:45
Hello, Elle!
I have happened across Norfolk's Diss several times in puzzles.
Yes, I see "mosh pit".
It is "beyond my ken", thankfully!
I was wondering if Chambers had a 14th edition out yet?
I'd not like the 13th with missing words, you see.
Yes, Miss O, Miss O'Hara, and me, are for the Pine Cone tomorrow, before schools go back next week.
I am looking forward to it!
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8th August 2018, 16:47
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Mosh pit dancing is awful alright!
I've just had a look on youtube and although I do like all and any
kind of dancing, from classical to very modern, I will make an
exception for this one - which to me is NOT dancing at all!

I suppose you may have to be high on some sort of drug to enjoy
taking any part in it!

The thunderstorms promised last night hit most of France
last night, creating havoc and a lot of damage (fallen trees on
railway lines, setting fields on fire, and turning the peaceful
Annecy Lake into an angry ocean, etc...) but..... we escaped it!
Not a single drop of rain, no lightning or thunder, and temps
still over 30 today.
I guess the benefit in temperature will come tonight (I hope so because at present it feels 'muggy'

It is so dry in our area that we are on 'strict water restriction'.
Do you have this in the South?

Earlier on I saw one of the parent bird in the nest with one young,
but could not tell whether it was Laddie or Lassie from the angle
available. Very windy up there!

Hope you are both OK
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8th August 2018, 16:50
Hello, Malone,
So there is "revised" 13th edition, including the missing words?
I did not know that.
That would appeal to me.
My Chambers is a bit long in the tooth, like myself.
I think the "Unexplained" book will be great.
Alien abductions, headless horsemen, the beastie at Loch Ness.
I think I have convinced me to buy it!
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8th August 2018, 16:58
Rusty, Elle's edition, the 13th, is the one that missed out the grey words - my revised 13th edition has all the words, no longer greyed out. However, the plot thickens - I've checked my upstairs dictionary, the 12th edition, and 'mosh' and 'mosh pit' are both in it, and they're not grey, just normal entries! Elle's version seems … pretty useless to me. The Revised 13th seems to be the latest one, though I've had only a quick check online.

I'm glad you've managed, against all odd, to talk yourself into buying the Unexplained book!
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8th August 2018, 17:20
Hi, Rusty!
Your saying that "mosh pit" is beyond your ken put me in mind of the Radio shows!
Do you remember "Beyond Our Ken"?
With Kenneth Horne; Kenneth Williams; Bill Pertwee and a few others whose names I can no longer recall.
Later, it was followed by "Round the Horne"!
I used to really enjoy listening to those on a Sunday lunch time!
You can buy the Revised 13th edition of chambers, Malone has.
That seems to be okay?
I don't think that a 14th edition has yet been produced?
I do have an edited list of all 500 "missing words" printed out, and now placed in the back of my own Chambers!
"Mosh pit" however, is not amongst them!
Yes, you will all enjoy your outing to the Pine Cone tomorrow!
It is great that Miss O'H is going along with you, too!
And speaking of outings...
We are now away to visit the cat, feed the fish etc......
Keep your fingers crossed that the porch door doesn't fall out again!
(God alone knows when I shall be back if that happens!)

No, Malone, "mosh pit " was not one of the missing words....
Courtesy (huh!) of Chambers, I do have a printed out list of said 500 missing words!

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I am fine, thank you!
I am glad that you missed out on those horrific storms!
We had heavy rain here, but (fortunately for the dog) no thunder.
I shall look up "moshing" on YouTube later........
Right now, I am going over to my daughter's to see to the cat...…..
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