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8th August 2018, 19:30
Cerasmus, you won't be bumping - literally or otherwise - into me in any mosh pits!
22371 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 19:34
Hello, Malone!
Thank you for that!
I shall remember "Revised 13th Edition"!
Now, I have "flimp" but it is in the same black print as "flimflam" and "flimsy".
Does it improve the look of the page?
From what you say it appears to be an improvement?
22372 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 19:42
Thanks, Rusty. I like the highlighting as it definitely draws the reader's attention to the words - you simply don't bump into them the same in the revised 13th. So you have a decision to make - the 12th edition, with highlighted words or the Revised 13th with the words included, but not highlighted. (Oh, and the 13th has some newer words, 500 of them).
22373 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 20:00
Hello, Malone.
I have been looking at the Revised 13th on Amazon, and the reviews.
One reviewer says he had an email from Chambers stating the 14th Edition is being produced in 2019.
I will have to have a wee think about which way I'll jump.
Thanks again for all the relevant info!
22374 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 20:05
Rusty, thanks for the information on the 14th edition. I'd been hoping something was in the pipeline, but had no idea when any new edition would appear. I think you should just see what comes up, pricewise - if you get a bargain on the 12th or Revised 13th, just go for whatever one it is. (And avoid the 'ordinary' 13th altogether!).
22375 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 20:46
Hello, Malone,
The Revised 13th appeals to me.
This may interest you.
If you look to the right of the page you can sign up for Chambers emails.
(You can unsubscribe any time.)
There may be info forthcoming about the 14th edition, possibly.
I think I'll sign up to see what like!
22376 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 20:50
Thanks, Rusty, I'll sign up for the Chambers emails - mainly so that I get to hear about any new editions. My dictionaries take such a battering that their average life-span is only two, three years! Some are now swathed in thick parcel tape, holding them together.
22377 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 21:29
You and me both, with the parcel tape, Malone!
22378 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th August 2018, 22:15
Rusty, I've seen - on other sites - that Chambers is often referred to as the Big Red Book or the BRB. That doesn't work for my upstairs copy - it'd be more accurately described as the Big Brown Book With A Few Red Bits Here And There. You've probably got one of those too?
22379 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th August 2018, 06:26
Good morning, Malone!
I have two like that!
Both 10th edition.
One in living room and one in my bedroom.
I would not like to part with them, though.
Trusty reliable old friends, as is Anne Bradford's Dictionary.
22380 of 30765  -   Report This Post