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7th April 2018, 17:06


7th April 2018, 17:19
Thanks - So, we are right about an intruder having mated with
Lassie -
Are they blind at the Centre? The answer to my mail wanted to
be reassuring, but I know what I saw, and I am almost certain it was not Laddie - hope he manages to see his rival off, three is a
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7th April 2018, 17:22
Scrolling back on the cam, Lassie looked as though she was trying to fight the intruder off, before he finally mated with her.
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7th April 2018, 17:27
Yes, I thought that to be the case - but I don't know enough about
the subject to be sure of anything! I wish the rangers (I am sure
they have the time) would say something positive!
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7th April 2018, 17:29
I can't really confirm one way or the other ;)
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7th April 2018, 17:57
Good evening, Rusty!
it was very pleasant out......very mild........we enjoyed our walk.
I shall stay with Edge for now....see how I go...I could not be doing with the continually shutting down that was happening with Internet Explorer.
IE has done its has served me well over the years.
I've used it since the girls dragged me kicking and screaming into the 21st century, insisting that I learned to use a computer!
I am confused by all this talk of Laddie and alien ospreys .......
Most definitely the bird that Pigale and I both saw ( but at different times) mating with Lassie, could not have been Laddie.
The stranger had three distinctive white bars across his tail.
Nor did this bird look like any of those shown in the other links posted.
How many suitors does Lassie have?!
It is the Final of "The Voice:Uk" tonight.
I am looking forward to it!
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7th April 2018, 18:50
Hello, Elle!
Staying with Edge is sensible.
But it is only a computer system, nothing to get excited about if it goes wonky.
Now, this Laddie affair.
I agree with Pigale and you that the bird is not Laddie.
However, I must make clear that I am no expert, only an infrequent observer.
The rangers are watching 24 hours a day and could well be right, and they know a lot more than I do.
Especially about bird identification.
They did say earlier in the week that there were five ospreys at the loch at one time.
Tonight's chapters on the "Famous" are Basil Rathbone and CS Lewis.
Hope you enjoy The Voice!
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7th April 2018, 20:01
Hi, Rusty!
I am thinking that Lassie has multi- mated!
I think this is called "polyandry"?
She did not look happy though, when set upon by the striped tailed osprey.
Maybe the Rangers will give us an update tomorrow.......
How did you like today's crossword?
I thought it quite a nice one, although I still have three to parse fully.
The ones I am having trouble with are :11a; 19a; and 28a;
I have answers to all, but not full explanations.
I am giving them some thought from time to time......
I wonder will the opera singing duo win "The Voice" tonight?
There is a young girl called "Ruti" whom I think is very good.
And one of's team , a young lad called "Donel", is the bookies' favourite.
What did you learn about Basil Rathbone and C.S. Lewis from your book?
I think Basil Rathbone was the best ever Sherlock Holmes!
And I remember C.S. Lewis best for the Narnia books and "The Screwtape Letters".
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7th April 2018, 20:29
Hello, Elle!
I would not depend on those rangers!
A very nice puzzle today, Elle.
11a is a homothingy.
The other two are fairly straightforward but I shall "haud my wheesht" just now about them, as I am sure you will get them.
I learned that Basil Rathbone was a very brave man and was awarded a Military Cross and seemed to be a very decent man.
His men thought highly of him.
There is a chapter on Nigel Bruce, too.
He played Dr Watson.
Nigel Bruce was in pain all his life from the effects of machine gun bullets.
CS Lewis was wounded too and had a lump of shrapnel in his chest all his life.
There is a lovely mural in Belfast of CS Lewis, on a wall, depicting Narnia etc.
(That's not in the book, but I have seen it several times)
Read about John Reith who became head of BBC.
Not a very nice man. He fell out with everyone he met.
Jesus would not want him to be a sunbeam!
I liked the two opera girls, but that was all I have seen.
They would be worthy winners!
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7th April 2018, 20:40
Hello, Elle!
Here's the CS Lewis mural in Belfast.
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