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15th March 2018, 12:48
Hi, Rusty!
We are home again from the vets!
A mixed report.....
The cat has had his jabs and the vet is very pleased with his progress since his recovery from hepatitis.
But unfortunately the dog has a recurrence of inflammation of her anal glands, so has been given a steroid injection and will need to see the vet again next Thursday. Nothing is ever straightforward!
And that also applies to our leak...... T
The land between our house and next door is apparently considered "communal" permission will have to be granted by the new owner before Thames Water can dig up the ground.
Yet another delay.......
I'm so glad we are not yet on the meter, and will not be paying for all this wasted water!
Any word yet from Miss L-B? As you say, you may have two visitors together this evening!
How is the racing going today?

Hello, Jazzy!
I see you are in Poole!
I am envious....I am even more so, if you have any plans to go over on the "floating bridge" to Studland!
Enjoy your break!

Hi, Ros!
My daughter always has her eyebrows "threaded".
The result does look nice......but the process looks so weird!
19771 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 13:16
Hello Elle and Rusty

The chain ferry is running, but we won't be going over to Studland this time, due to family commitments. Tomorrow will be the only really fine day and we are due to have light snow after that !
Please, no envy, as I am not staying at the Hotel , just thought you would like to see live coverage over the harbour, Brownsea Island and Old Harry rocks in the distance. . We had lunch at a beach cafe in Shore Road earlier.
I hope all goes well with the pets and the waterworks.
Hope Laddie arrives safely.
19772 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
Console yourself with the thought that your pets are in good hands at your vet!
I am surprised that permission must be sought by Thames Water to dig up and repair a leak?
Hope it is not the same with the Gas Board?
Latest from Miss LB is she won't manage today, but shall visit on Monday!
Must be some eyelash job!
Racing going well.
Just doing one horse today.
"Supasundae", trained by Jessica Harrington, over in Co Kildare.
Jess is one of my favourites!
19773 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 14:50
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Hope you enjoy your jaunt to Dorset!
The Loch has just Tweeted.
"No sign of the ospreys".
Hope they get their equipment working properly before they land!
A bit wild today, to be climbing trees!
19774 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 16:00
Hi Rusty!
It is an odd situation regarding the land between us and the (new) neighbour......
Our houses stand separate......between them is a tract of land, stretching the length of the houses, leading to two garden leading to our back garden, the other to the neighbours.
It has been decided therefore that the division between the houses is considered "common access" and therefore Thames Water needs permission from both house owners - us, and the new owner of next door - before they can access the land and dig up the ground between the houses.
Meanwhile, more water is wasted.......!
Has your horse, "Supasundae" run yet?

Hello, Pigale!
How are you today?
What with the dog's inflamed backside and Thames Water refusing to day is not going well!
I am just very glad that we are not yet connected to this flipping meter.......otherwise we would be paying for all this wasted water!

19775 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 16:05
Hello, Elle!
Seems an odd situation?
I am sure sense will prevail and Thames Water will fix it!
Supasundae ran a gallant race to finish a close up second to....?
Penhill, trained by Willie Mullins, and ridden by Paul Townend!
Great race though, and I have a teeny profit!
Wind is wild up here!
19776 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 16:42
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Sorry Elle for the delay in 'talking' to you - I was with my friends -
they leave tomorrow afternoon, after the market, so I am making
most of their time here. We had lunch out and it was very nice!

Not good news about poor dog! Had you noticed anything yourself?
Just as well the vet checks it over regularly! Was the dog showing
any discomfort at all?

As to the bit of 'no-man's land', it sounds very wierd to me!
To whom does the land belong? Surely half of it belongs to you
and the other half to your neighbour - in which case the WB only
needs your authorisatiion to work on your part of the land?

Would you not be allowed to put a fence half way if you so desired.
to delimit the boundaries of your property ?

I am properly talking rubbish but I just do not understand the situation, but do you know, from the deeds, if you paid for half of that land?
Because if you have not, and your neighbour has not paid for his
half either, then it belongs to the Council, and they should be giving
their consent?

Anyway, try not to worry too much, the WB still has Two years to
solve the problem before you have to pay anything and even if
not resolved by then, you would not be charged for that since they
discovered it now
19777 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 16:51
Hi, Rusty!
It is fun though to be "successful", even if the horse only came second!
Do you shout at the television, when you are willing the horse on?
I sometimes do when I'm washing the Athletics!
No wind here, but we have had rain for most of the day.
There is a little bit of watery sunshine at the moment though.
It looks as though the evening will be the best part of the day!
I thought it quite a good crossword today! ( that means I could do it!)
I especially liked 14d "hard bitten " and 17a "Ninja".
But there are two I could not do.....these interlocked .....
1a: Very alcoholic party - something served in the can? (4, 6)
H?R? / L?B???
and 5d: Hard to listen to peacemakers on "Oh, What a Lovely War"? (9)
And I couldn't parse 21 d: Try tango , love (5)
I had H?A?T, so think it must be "heart", but why?
You son will be coming soon?

19778 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 16:54
BTW Something strange has happened
Although I am typing on a French keyboard, the letters position
seem to alter themselves to become an English keyboard when I type
on the Forum in English
And I cannot quite remember where are some of the keys for punctuation and it slows down my typing something chronic

A right nuisance until I find how to rectify this Never happened
before so I must have hit something by accident

Anyone has any idea
19779 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2018, 17:08
Hello, Elle!
No, I don't shout, but offer encouragement.
1a, is Hard Labour/party.
The can is a term used in the States for prison.
5 is UN (peacemakers) "Oh What a Lovely War" was a sort of Musical.
21, Try is "hear" in court case.
Tango is "T" in phonetic alphabet.
Hear is love, but I can not see it, yet.
My son arrives about 6.
19780 of 30765  -   Report This Post