Hello Elle and Rusty,
Sorry Elle for the delay in 'talking' to you - I was with my friends -
they leave tomorrow afternoon, after the market, so I am making
most of their time here. We had lunch out and it was very nice!
Not good news about poor dog! Had you noticed anything yourself?
Just as well the vet checks it over regularly! Was the dog showing
any discomfort at all?
As to the bit of 'no-man's land', it sounds very wierd to me!
To whom does the land belong? Surely half of it belongs to you
and the other half to your neighbour - in which case the WB only
needs your authorisatiion to work on your part of the land?
Would you not be allowed to put a fence half way if you so desired.
to delimit the boundaries of your property ?
I am properly talking rubbish but I just do not understand the situation, but do you know, from the deeds, if you paid for half of that land?
Because if you have not, and your neighbour has not paid for his
half either, then it belongs to the Council, and they should be giving
their consent?
Anyway, try not to worry too much, the WB still has Two years to
solve the problem before you have to pay anything and even if
not resolved by then, you would not be charged for that since they
discovered it now