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25th February 2018, 17:15
Not witchcraft rusty.
When you click on it, it will show you and the threads you are involved in :)
19231 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 17:18
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Clever stuff!
A bit over my head, I think.
19232 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 18:06
Update for Ros
I have just found my last Piano certificate and it shows "passed with merit".
So a little better than I remembered.
19233 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 18:23
Good evening, Rusty!
Goodness me, what a busy afternoon on here!
I had to scroll down forever to find your message!
It is good to see so many people chatting.........although a long ongoing conversation does not work for me, as I am never around long enough at one stretch to take part!
I am too busy doing other things, as well.......
I prefer leaving a message and then checking back to read the reply ........
But I've surely had to hunt for that this afternoon!
As you will have guessed, I have been watching the Athletics ...that was up until half past five...and then my daughter rang!
We have only just come off the phone!
I was talking to one of the boys as well....... he is reading a book about training a dragon!
Eilidh Doyle came second in her race - she ran it very tactically and well, but was unfortunately just pipped at the post.
Your bete noire (cannot do the circumflex over the first "e") Lynsey Sharp was also second in the 800m.
She too ran well.
I think snow is being mentioned for here towards the end of the week......
19234 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 18:36
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, busy, busy on here!
If I had a piano I could have participated in the chit chat!
I like Eilidh, but can not stand Lynsey Sharp!
Our forecast is pretty bad, so hopefully it is wrong!
But, my son is at CDG airport in Paris now, and says it is very cold there.
The weather will cross France on the way here.
Pigale will tip us off about it!
Miss O was telling me about her trip to Paris.
She loved it.
And she showed me a photo she took of the Mona Lisa.
It is much smaller than I thought!
I was surprised!
19235 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 19:01
Maybe the lovely Italian gentleman liked you, too! Sorry, I'm sure that wouldn't have influenced his marking, well done.
My son applied for a university place (music-related) where the odds were about 30 to 1. Just as he was going into the interview, someone hissed at him "The Professor's gay". The Professor was a lady. He said the thought of using his "charm" had never actually entered his head. She only let him play a few bars on the piano and then rather kindly suggested he play the right hand and she the left. Yes, he got in. Whatever the rules may have said, he could play the guitar and sing and he never once had to play keyboards again.
19236 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 19:12
Oh my goodness Ros !
I had completely forgotten that, apart from three pieces of classical, I had to do a sight- reading piece which I had never seen before, and then sing notes above what he played for me.
19237 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 19:24
Hi, Rusty!
I do have a piano......... we inherited it with the house!
I cannot play it though.
Our daughters had piano lessons...... the elder one persisting to Grade eight.
She plays well.
All the grandchildren enjoy playing nursery rhymes on it!
And it provides somewhere to stand the family photographs.... and the flowers!
I am remembering vaguely that I did impinge on Paris (but briefly) on a school trip......
We went to Oberammergau to see the Passion Play.
Then on to Austria for a further ten days.
My word, that was a long time ago!
What time will your son get home?
Now....I am trying to recall whether it my turn to phone, or my cousin's........not that it really matters!
19238 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 19:32
No one else could view your AB details.(on the now deleted link) Only you would have seen them. In the same way, only I would have seen my own details.
I hope you can be reassured by this
19239 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2018, 19:37
Hello, Elle,
I am running out of room for photos and have them on the floor as well now!
My son is at airport now.
The Edinburgh aeroplane leaves around 20.20 I think.
Around 1 hour 45 minutes to Edinburgh, then around 1 hour driving home.
But it is dry and roads should not be too busy, unless there is something on in Edinburgh.
I think you 'phoned your cousin last week?
19240 of 30765  -   Report This Post