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22nd February 2017, 18:49
Hello, Elle!
That's good you had a nice time at the restaurant.
The crossword was fairly straightforward today.
It is dry here, but getting colder.
Snow due tomorrow, they say.
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22nd February 2017, 19:46
Hi, Rusty!
Still raining here!
It is now more of a steady drizzle, but the damp hasn't ceased all day.
I don't think we are forecast any snow though.
I hope not!
I have belatedly put most of the clues to bed....I am still stuck on parsing two though.
They are probably obvious...but I just cannot see it!
11a: I have "maharaja" = prince
I can see "ajar" for "open"....??
and 22a: I have "Oregon = state"
"Ego" for "I"
Cannot see the rest?
I am satisfied with the remainder of the crossword!
Have you had a good day?
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22nd February 2017, 21:14
Hello, Elle!
11, Maharaja is prince.
Ajar is open
Ham is a cut (Isuppose!)
A is in clue.
22, Oregon.
Yep, ego for I.
The cricket side is "on" and "r" for runs.
It is still dry so far with me, but getting colder.
Hoping for no snow, too.
Miss O is on teacher placement across the river in Fife tomorrow.
I hope for good safe roads for her, and no winds on the bridge.
i had a reasonable day.
I was at my garage but he was on a course today so I'll return tomorrow.
And I shall call into the butcher for a steak pie.
Much better than a mock chop!

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22nd February 2017, 22:18
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, a "cut of meat"?
Oops, I hadn't thought of that!
My mind was on "wounds"!
And I'm hopeless with cricket clues1
Thank you!
I can now put the puzzle to bed - I've had enough of it hanging around for two days!
I wonder what John will produce for tomorrow!
I too hope that Miss O is okay with travelling over the river to work, if the weather is dicy.
My friend from Benfleet is supposedly driving up to see me tomorrow....I wonder if it will still be wise for her to come?
We are forecast heavy winds.
Not good on motorways.
But she is an experienced driver - I am sure she will make a sensible decision based on the weather situation presented tomorrow .
Is there something amiss with your car?
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22nd February 2017, 22:32
Hello, Elle!
Where is Benfleet?
I am hoping I am too far North for the incoming "weather"!
We shall see!
I have not heard from Miss O this evening.
She will be fine, though.
My car sounds very sluggish when starting first thing in the morning.
The battery is 3 months old, so I would rule that out.
Possibly the starter motor, or an earth strap.
Will see what the expert has to say when I go to see him in the morning, (weather permitting!)
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22nd February 2017, 23:10
Hi, Rusty!
Benfleet is in Essex - about 40 miles away from us.
I may have said that my friend lived in Basildon when referring to her driving up to see me previously?
I get the two places confused! especially as my friend has only recently moved there!
I am worrying about our daughter's flight out to Berlin early tomorrow morning.........
I cannot find any news on Goggle.
We shall hope that Storm Doris doesn't affect her travelling.
Incidentally, wasn't "Doris" supposed to arrive in the UK at the beginning of the month?
I remember dire warnings?
How come they are now saying that she has only just been "named"?
Yes, hope your car will be ok - and nothing too expensive to fix.
What is an earth strap?
Are we talking the same principle as in a plug?
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22nd February 2017, 23:31
Hello, Elle!
Is Benfleet "known" for anything?
It sounds vaguely familiar, somehow.
I have heard of Basildon, and Basildon Bond writing paper.
Is there a link?
Hope your daughter's trip goes ahead OK.
i am wary of the weather experts.
We were meant to be minus 10 last week and that certainly never happened.
My car will be a puzzle to the experts, as usual!
An earth strap goes from a battery terminal, or the engine block to the bodywork of the car.
I think there could be more than one.
They are often made of a copper braid band sort of thing.
Over time the connections can corrode and that affects starting etc.
They must be attached to good clean metal.
I suspect plug earths may serve a similar purpose, but I am not at all sure.
12437 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd February 2017, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
How is your weather ?
Do you have winds and/ or snow?
We have rain here and very strong winds.
The park proved to be somewhat of a danger area..........with tree branches coming down all around us.
One five foot heavy branch just missed hitting one of our we decided to come home in the interests of safety!
Daughter has just texted, though, to say she had no problem or delays with her flight, and is now in the Berlin office!
You might be thinking of the Battle of Benfleet? It took place between the Saxons and the Vikings - but don't ask me when !
No, Basildon Bond writing paper has nothing to do with the place named Basildon!
I remember reading about this!
"Bond" came from its resemblance to the paper used for Treaury bonds.
And "Basildon" from a country house of that name near Reading!
How is your car?
Have you been back to the garage ?
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23rd February 2017, 11:36
Update, Rusty!
Hope all okay?..........going out for lunch........back later.......
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23rd February 2017, 11:52
Good morning, Elle.
Was wild earlier.
Heavy snow and very windy.
It has eased a bit.
I was out in it briefly.
Leaving my car until Monday for attention.
Not driving in bad conditions.
Maybe it was Byfleet I was reminded of?
No matter.
Your daughter did well, there were delays at Heathrow Airport.
Hope you enjoy your lunch!
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