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19th February 2017, 21:44
Hey, Rusty!
Now, are you ready for this gem of information.....?
I have Googled "mock chop"........
You will be surprised to learn that :
"A Mock chop is a meat dish available from Scottish fish and chip shops.
It is thought to be reprocessed lamb kebab type meat fried in batter and is almost mythical in Scotland".
Make of that what you will!
Are you tempted to try it?
My cousin is still not very well....she had this cough and cold last weekend and is still suffering.
The bug sounds very similar to what my elder daughter and family now have!
I hope it stays "North of Potters Bar", as the saying goes.
We have a visit to the vet tomorrow - I have cut the cat's claws in readiness for the battle to get him in his carrier.......
(I'm wondering should I file his teeth..........only joking!)
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19th February 2017, 22:01
Hello, Elle!
I'll say "no" the mythical mock chop, if you do not mind!
But, many folk buy them.
Haddock or haggis for me!
I forgot, fish cakes are popular too.
And mushy peas!
There are always bugs at this time of year.
I had a sore throat and eardrum for a couple of days but am to the fore again.
I hope you and the cat get on fine at the vet tomorrow.
I will nip out early for my paper for goodness knows when BT will deliver my hub/router thing.
Maybe they shall text me?
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19th February 2017, 22:45
Hi, Rusty!
Uhmm, one almost expects the mock chop to be plastic..........
You are probably wise to avoid it!
Do you have to pay for your BT hub/router thingummy?
I think our updated ones are free?
They just kind of "arrive"......
A bit like Topsy.......
We are not at the vets until 11am, so I shall have time to take out the dog as usual.
The forecast is early damp, then brighter and mild.
I have quite a busy week coming is younger daughter's birthday on Tuesday!
We are going out to lunch on Wednesday (her day off) to celebrate.
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20th February 2017, 09:54
Good morning, Elle,
Great day here, and very mild.
Hope you get on fine at the vet's.
Now the BT situation!
I am changing from copper cable to fibre broadband.
This means an engineer must visit a cabinet nearby to do what is required. (That happens tomorrow)
The new SmartHub is "free", BUT....I have to pay a delivery and activation fee of £59.99 upfront.
So, that's done.
I've been to shop for my paper and will stay home now until my new thingummy arrives.
BT say I do not have to be in, as the thingummy fits through my letterbox.
Exciting stuff!
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20th February 2017, 12:58
Hi, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too!
But Goodness , what a morning!
We have only just got home from the vets!
There was an emergency there and consequently all appointments were running very late.
It cannot of course be helped , but I now feel like I am chasing my tail!
All went well....the cat's MOT was fine, - he had his heart listened to, his "inners" felt, his eyes and teeth checked; he was weighed; etc., - and he was reasonably good when given his injections!
He is very pleased to be home again!
Ah, yes, we have Fibre Broadband.
Isn' t modern technology efficient!!
Has your new SmartHub arrived yet?
Yes, it is very small and will definitely fit through an average-sized letter box.
Right, I need coffee and something to eat........
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20th February 2017, 15:32
Good afternoon, Elle!
Well done, the cat!
He deserves a treat for behaving!
My SmartHub has arrived and by what appears to be an amazing coincidence, the postie had an identical one for my neighbourly nurse.
I have taken it in, until she returns.
The hub is not "very small" unless you have huge letter boxes down Bromley way?
I have it up and running but I can not detect a difference.
Maybe when they hook me up to fibre tomorrow.
Been a grand day here.
I am not long home from a walk and I really did not need to wear gloves today.
Just habit.
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20th February 2017, 16:16
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It certainly seems a strange coincidence that your neighbour should receive a new SmartHub too!
Unless maybe some one was previously canvassing your area - and you both agreed to an "update" at the same time?
Our hub IS small enough to go through our letter box!
In fact, I think the latest one did arrive that way!
Letter boxes obviously can vary in size, though.
Now...the latest on our veterinary practice ........
Our longtime vet - and friend over the years - recently sold the practice as he was retiring.
He sold it to another (individual) vet, of whom he knew, and approved.
We have since heard (this morning) that the "new" vet who bought the practice, straightway joined "Medivet" and has sold the practice on to them.
"Medivet" appears to be a large conglomerate veterinary practice with branches all over the UK!
I had never heard of it but no doubt many people have!
I am hoping now that this will not mean any detrimental changes in treatment or policy, as our vet practice has been brilliant over the years.
We are used to "personal 24 hour care and service."
I have looked up "Medivet" on Google and it certainly looks impressive........
I guess we shall to wait and see how things pan out ......
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating" as the saying goes!
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20th February 2017, 16:51
Sorry to post this, Elle, but I and other friends had experiences with the Medivet people. We changed to another practice because of this. Unnecessary procedures and therefore more bills which were above what were expected. I cannot be more specific on an open forum, but please check locally and check with others .
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20th February 2017, 16:56 "Medivet unnecessary procedures and overcharging" The situation may have changed now, as my dogs were treated during the years mentioned.
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20th February 2017, 17:25
Hello, Jazzy!
It has been a big shock to clients and staff alike as the practice, as it was, had been going for over 40 years in the same veterinary hands and was a brilliant practice offering a great (24 hour) service.
The main vet also had various "associates" working with him.
Apart from the owner himself retiring, the status quo as such at present remains unchanged - the other vets are all still there.
The sad thing is that the retiring vet sold to some one whom he thought he could trust to keep the practice as it was ....and the other guy "sold out" to Medivet!
As the vets remain the same, maybe we can hope for similar good treatment as in the past?
I don't know how Medivet works?
We don't have any previously established Medivet within our area so I know of no one to ask for hands on experience with the vet firm.......
I will do more research as you suggest.
I do appreciate your coming forward to tell me and warn me about this.
Thank you!
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