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21st February 2017, 22:39
Hello, Elle!
It is very strange, isn't it?
I have The Times/Sunday Times website downloaded and it is the same puzzle as today's paper.
I know The Times has different editions (I get the Scottish one) but I would have thought the crossword would be the same for all?
A mystery, where ever John found it!
They go online at midnight but intrigued as I am to see what 13d tomorrow is, I'll leave it until morning!
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22nd February 2017, 08:51
Whenever I see "with baited breath" written , I imagine little worms hanging from the tonsils. Sorry, couldn't resist !
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22nd February 2017, 08:52
Good morning, Elle!
I have had a look at Times website this morning and John's crossword appears today!
At least 13d, "Labradoodle" does.
I presume the paper will be the same.
I have not bought one yet, though.
Hope you enjoy your lunch with your daughter.
We have snow forecast for tomorrow.
Hope they are wrong!
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22nd February 2017, 08:56
Good morning, Jazzgirl!
You are very perceptive!
I did not spot the deliberate mistake!
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22nd February 2017, 09:04
I'll get my coat, rusty...... have a good day all
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22nd February 2017, 09:14
You too, Jazzgirl!
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22nd February 2017, 10:15
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here!
And it wasn't supposed to rain until 3 o'clock this afternoon!
John gets the paper online - I think it is "delivered" to his ipad?
As I'd suspected, he hadn't noticed that he had the "wrong" ones yesterday!
And they came again today!
Most odd, I wonder if it was a "blip" local to his area?
At least, I am ahead of the game!
Today's crosswords already "done and dusted"!
(But seven yet to parse, so may need help later on)
Thank you for defending my honour with your "deliberate mistake" reference!
The truth is, of course, that I hadn't noticed my typing mistake in spelling "baited" wrongly!
I see "Doris" is supposed to hit you sometime soon?
Is it she that will bring the snow?
As you know, I away out in about forty minutes to meet my daughter.......
Catch up with you later............
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22nd February 2017, 10:28
It was just my joke Elle. There is an old pun about the cat who ate cheese and then waited with baited breath by the mousehole
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22nd February 2017, 10:31
Good day, Elle!
It is a lovely frost-free day here!
Too good to last. The snow is coming!
Doris is on her way, I believe!
The recent snow here did not come up to the forecasts, let us hope this forecast is a bit ambitious, too!
I have the paper now, and it has "labradoodle".
John is a mystery!
He seems to have the same website as me!
I wonder if The Times had the labradoodle one in yesterday and realised their mistake and corrected it during the day?
Is Mr R at the capers?
I could have read your post many times and not noticed "baited"!
Have to get some of that coffee Jazzgirl drinks!
Enjoy your lunch and chat with your daughter!
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22nd February 2017, 15:10
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am home again!
Lunch was good!
We went to Wagamama's - a restaurant serving Asian food "inspired by the flavours of Japan" (I quote)
It is a fairly new restaurant in the area (I may have mentioned it before?) and is well situated and pleasingly decorated in brick and glass.
I like it.
YB enjoyed his portion of 'Japanese' food, too!
My daughter is off to Berlin in the early hours of tomorrow morning to discuss a project with one of her colleagues over there.
She will return on Friday evening.
Their Dad is in charge of the boys!
How did you get on with the crossword?
I expect you were able to parse them all?
I shall take another look now...with a "fresh eye"........maybe I shall have better luck
It is still raining here!!
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