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6th November 2016, 11:10
Hello, Elle!
Just watched Emmylou & Co.
I thought it was a smashing documentary.
I think you will like it.
Sad to see the change in Linda from the great singer she was.
There was a clip near the end, of her singing "Blue Bayou".
What a voice!
Great clips of Emmylou, too.
She sang a bit of "Boulder to Birmingham", which is in my top ten all-time favourites.
And Dolly was... Dolly!
Dolly mentioned about Linda and Parkinson's but they did not dwell on it, other than the threesome could never sing together again.
Three remarkable ladies!
10671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 11:25
Hello, Elle!
I mentioned that Katie Archibald was a tough cookie.
News this morning, that in the crash last night, she broke her distal radius and scaphoid.
And she got back on the bike and rode to GOLD with young Manon!
10672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 12:28
My dog used to be terrible with fireworks. My vet recommended Nutracalm, a nutritional support for stress and anxiety. I found it very good for my 3 year old . She is a different dog.....check it out with Nutravet ( UK ) .
10673 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 14:22
Hi, Rusty!
I think we have only just made it home before the rain comes!
Fortunately , it was beautiful whilst we were out - very cold but invigorating! - but since our returning home, the sky has darkened and rain threatens!
I am going to watch Emmylou and friends after I've typed this........
I am looking forward to it; I am sure I shall enjoy it.
I only remember Roy Orbison singing "Blue Bayou"?
He wrote it , didn't he?
Kate was indeed brave to continue riding with a lower arm /wrist fracture, not to mention the thumb injury.
The entire team did well.
Is the cycling continuing today?

Thank you for the advice , Albie!
It is very kind of you.
I shall look into that.
10674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 14:39
Hello, Elle,
Still great weather here, though there are roads closed up North with snow.
I do not know who wrote Blue Bayou, but Linda Ronstadt sang it best in my opinion. Have a look on YouTube.
Katie did very well, these Scots lassies are tough!
Cycling is on now, on Eurosport, anyway.
Hope you like Emmylou and friends!
10675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 16:01
Hi, Rusty!
I have finished watching Emmylou , Dolly and Linda.
An excellent documentary.
Their friendship came over very well, didn't it?
I knew less about Lind Ronstadt than I did the other two, so I have learned something new, too.
I have looked on YouTube...I was right about Blue Bayou having been written by Roy Orbison - or rather , he co- wrote it along with Joe Melson (a very prolific son-writer)
And yes, I agree with you, Linda sang "Blue Bayou" better than I have heard it sung before!
I have been listening to her again on YouTube!
I heard on the radio that parts of Scotland are having snow......I am glad that you are so far avoiding it!
We have rain!
10676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 17:18
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I have watched the documentary again. Loved it!
I liked seeing Rodney Crowell helping to present it.
I have always liked him and his music.
It was great that the three ladies from different types of music came together to become great friends and make music.
Glad you liked Linda and "Blue Bayou".
What a voice!
Sad to see her now she has her illness.
Yes, snow to the North.
The snow gates were closed at Glenshee but have since re-opened.
Must have had the snow ploughs out.
It was nice here all day.
Emily Kay of GB has won GOLD in the omnium!
10677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 18:31
Hi, Rusty!
I have been heavily involved in the Civil War between North and South........seen from the eyes (and minds) of both sets of known (loved and hated) characters makes it difficult.......sometimes it would seem there is no set right and wrong - even if there is an "overall" right.
And now I am becoming an expert in "arster drudging"!
I have just had elder daughter on the phone.......they have been watching fireworks from their garden!
Here, we are again inundated with noise....... the dog is upstairs - she seems to think that jamming herself between the chest of drawers and the bedroom wall will help!
I am wishing it would rain a little harder and then maybe the jollities will cease!
(Is there really such a word as "jollities"? - it looks odd?)
I must remember to phone my cousin later tonight.....
10678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 18:40
Hello, Elle!
You can't beat a bit of "arster drudgin", followed by a "he-stew"!
Pity about the noise. It is fairly quiet here.
"Jollities" may be a word.
"Jollifications" is, but may not mean the same?
Yes, it is your turn to phone your cousin.
She will be agog to hear about your newly cobbled boots!
10679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 19:06
Hi, Rusty!
I had forgotten about the "he-stew" !
I wonder whether - or when - anyone had a "she -stew"?
It was offered as an option but seemingly never taken up?
I have looked up both words......jollities and jollifications........ it would appear that they can be interchangeable.
So now we know!
Speaking of my boot....I am very pleased with the repair.
The boot seems to be waterproof - I have ploughed through quite a number of wet and muddy fields , emerging safely with dry feet!
And the very nice cobbler only charged me a fiver!
10680 of 30765  -   Report This Post