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1st November 2016, 20:44
Hi, Rusty!
Well, just be sensible and take care, ok?
Rosalind died about three years after the building of her house, "Rosalind's Revenge", was finally completed
She was caught in a sudden storm in the shallop.
The boat overturned and Rosalind was tossed out.
She was thrown clear, but the mast struck her from behind and her feet became entangled.
She drowned and was later found washed up on the shore.
This is the last thing that I read.
I next start a new chapter - Voyage Six.
Yes, my Nubucks have been thoroughly cleaned before being sprayed with the NikWax!
All I need now is some very poggy ground to check its effectiveness!
10621 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st November 2016, 21:53
Hello, Elle,
Yes, I remember about Rosalind now.
The Turlocks found her on the shore tangled in rigging.
Shame. I liked her.
No sign of Onk-or, yet?
Well if you are praying for rain to test the boots, will you kindly keep it down beside you?
Think my socket has stopped leaking!
10622 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st November 2016, 22:26
Hi, Rusty!
I don't think rain is anywhere on the horizon.....tomorrow is supposedly going to be a very sunny, but extremely cold day, with the temperature for most of the day reaching only about 5C.
Padded jackets required for walking!
No, I haven't met Onk-or yet?
Another female character has come into the story though; Jane Fithian from London. She is all set to marry Simon Steed.
The Turlocks , in the form of Teach, are rearing their heads again.......
This is a simpler storyline , though, isn't it , from that in "Centennial"?
I thought "Centennial" was far more convoluted - but more exciting?
I am glad that your tooth socket has (nearly) stopped leaking!
Do not probe it with your tongue! or you will make it bleed again!
10623 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 07:55
Good morning, Elle!
Cold and dry here.
Jane Fithian rings a bell.
I think there is a lot more to come from the Turlocks and other marsh dwellers.
I am going out early.
Been invited for a coffee by my daughter-in-law!
Going to drive there.
Her house is uphill all the way from here!
They get snow when no one else does!
10624 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 10:37
Good morning Rusty!
How is your tooth socket, today?
Very cold (5C) , dry and bright here!
Blue skies and lovely sunshine!
I wore my mended boots!
Jane Fithian is an English girl, who came out to marry Simon Steed.
All was well between them until they became divided about the Colonies.
Jane believed in (blind ) allegiance to the English king.
Simon wanted to remain part of England but felt the colonists had "rights" that should be upheld, enlarged, and improved.
Jane has now returned to England , taking their child.........
I hope you enjoyed your morning coffee with your daughter- in law?
10625 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 11:35
Hello, Elle!
Socket is fine.
It bled a bit during the night but that seems to be normal.
Fine now.
Just home from my daughter-in-law's.
Had a good old yarn!
There is quite a bit about slavery in the tale, too.
I am going to have a look at the papers and then have a look at "Treasures" and Jamie Cullum.
I do not know him.
Crossword will have to wait!
10626 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 12:32
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that you had a nice time with your daughter-in -law!
I have been chatting, too!
My next-door neighbour's daughter has been round - we have been friendly with all the family for many years!
She has just left.
I have received a phone call from the optician's to say that my new glasses are I shall collect them on Friday morning when in Bromley with my daughter.
That will work out very conveniently!
I have completed both crosswords!
The 15 x15 must be easier today if I can finish it!!
I am afraid that I do not know of Jamie Cullum........I hope your programme is interesting?
10627 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 14:31
Hello, Elle,
I have not tackled the crossword, so far.
It was used in one of the heats for The Times Crossword Championship.
So, you are up there with the best!
Good about your specs!
Quite quick, too.
Jamie Cullum is new to me, too.
He is a musician.
I have just watched Treasures.
Jamie's picks were.,
1, The history of his grandfather in India, and grandmother in Burma.
He found that quite moving.
2, Shoes. He is fascinated by shoes and the British Library has the patents and design for 56 million styles of shoes. Incredible!
3, Jazz. In particular, a recording made by Memphis Slim in King's Lynn, many years ago.
4, Virginia Woolf and the Hogarth Press.
5, The beat poets, including Michael Horowitz, and a recording made in Albert Hall.
6, Photography. Original Daguerreotypes, etc.
Jamie's donation to the Library was a CD he made when at Uni.
I enjoyed it.
Next week is Julia Donaldson, the children's author.
Fine day here!
10628 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 15:52
Good afternoon, Rusty!
"Treasures" sounds a very intriguing programme.
I think it must be very difficult though for the weekly participant to make his/ her six choices?
Could you imagine where to begin were it you having to choose?
The momentum of the advent of the American Revolution is picking up now in "Chesapeake".
There was mention of the Boston Tea Party - although obviously not referred to as such.
Simon Steed is becoming embroiled in the rights of the Americans - I think he is definitely losing his allegiance to the English king?
He will, I feel sure, end up believing that the Colonies should become the United States of America?
I am now heavily involved........!
How do you know that this particular crossword was used in the heats of a championship?
(I receive them just as screen shots with no info)
We, too, have a glorious day here still, but another hour and it will be getting dark.......
10629 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2016, 16:29
Hello, Elle,
Well, the two I have seen, both were intrigued by where they had came from. Wanted to find out where their roots lie.
A good choice, I think, many of us would choose.
The Library found baptismal records for Jamie's granddad in India and deduced he was an orphan.
His grandmother was evacuated from Burma with the advent of war (very lucky to escape) and met Jamie's granddad in India.
All new to Jamie.
After that it gets harder, I think.
There is quite a bit on the Colonies to come, and on slavery.
Trying to remember, but I think Jane Fithian's daughter returns?
And there is a lot about geese!
The Times had a little piece below yesterday's solution telling me that today's puzzle was used in the heats.
Was a good crossword today!
Have you tried the cobbled boots yet?
10630 of 30765  -   Report This Post