Hello, Elle,
I have not tackled the crossword, so far.
It was used in one of the heats for The Times Crossword Championship.
So, you are up there with the best!
Good about your specs!
Quite quick, too.
Jamie Cullum is new to me, too.
He is a musician.
I have just watched Treasures.
Jamie's picks were.,
1, The history of his grandfather in India, and grandmother in Burma.
He found that quite moving.
2, Shoes. He is fascinated by shoes and the British Library has the patents and design for 56 million styles of shoes. Incredible!
3, Jazz. In particular, a recording made by Memphis Slim in King's Lynn, many years ago.
4, Virginia Woolf and the Hogarth Press.
5, The beat poets, including Michael Horowitz, and a recording made in Albert Hall.
6, Photography. Original Daguerreotypes, etc.
Jamie's donation to the Library was a CD he made when at Uni.
I enjoyed it.
Next week is Julia Donaldson, the children's author.
Fine day here!