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5th November 2016, 17:42
Hello, Elle!
We bought a tumbly drier.
No Hill's hoist at my granddaughter's new flat!
Diplodocus was my first one in.
Wonder if the setter had read Centennial?
It was a reasonably difficult crossword, I thought, as it should be, for a prize crossword.
Still fairly quiet here.
Hope it continues!
10661 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 18:30
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Diplodocus was my first one in, too, but then I do work systematically from the top left hand corner!
I just need to parse 23a and 26a - maybe I am being dim?
Fireworks are becoming increasingly noisy now, and so far these are only those let off by the locals!
The two "official" events are at 7pm - for the younger children (less noisy fireworks we are told) - and then a larger family show starting at 8.30 pm (where noise will know no bounds!)
Both these are being held well at a venue well within earshot of our house!
The dog is unhappy!
The cat is impervious!
Did you watch the three country singers? Linda, Dolly and Emmylou?
It is recorded, but I have yet to watch it.
10662 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 18:58
Hello, Elle,
Your parses.
23, The extinct bird is the "great au(k)"
Remove "tail/k" and add NT for National Trust.
This gives great aunt for relative.
26, "each" shortened is "eac"..
Stomach can mean "take", as in "I cannot take any more of this"
"I cannot stomach that".
So, put "eac" inside "take" for "teacake" which a baker may make.
I can not hear any fireworks now.
I have not watched the ladies singing.
Maybe tomorrow morning.
I had no time today and the cycling is about to start on TV.
10663 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 19:42
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the parses!
And yes, I should definitely have got no 23! the other one I think was harder?
I am now in the midst of discussions and arguments about slavery.
Mr M has certainly done his research.
I am impressed with all the different aspects brought to bear on the subject.
He uses his characters to great effect to illustrate his various points, doesn't he?
And while the reader may not necessarily agree with a viewpoint, it is none the less brought home that there are so many facets to be considered.
I have my opinion, but thanks to James Michener's portrayal , I can stand in someone else's shoes and understand how they are seeing it......
Am I making sense?
He is a good writer.
What cycling are you watching?
10664 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 20:16
Hello, Elle,
Yes, Mr M puts things over well.
Things which would be abhorrent to us, were acceptable two hundred years ago.
The treatment of the slaves was horrific.
I suppose it is a fairly accurate description of life in parts of Maryland long ago.
A lot of it, not nice.
The cycling is the track racing World Cup.
It is taking place in Glasgow this weekend.
10665 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 21:03
Hey, Rusty!
Yes, I am very impressed both by Mr M 's storytelling (fictional) and by his relating of the truth behind the story.
It is very noisy here! We are beset by fireworks parties both from the gardens behind us (our garden backs onto another garden) and from the "official" displays about a mile away.
I think, though, that it was much more fun (years ago) when done on a smaller individual scale.
When I was a child - and even when our offspring were little - we would have a small bonfire.......with a guy....... and (small!) fireworks, such as Catherine wheels, Jumping Jacks, Roman Candles and Sparklers!
No "bangers"!
We would eat jacket potatoes and toffee apples, parkin, and treacle toffee!
And the next door neighbours would come.......
Now there seems to be no convivial spirit, no bonfire or guy!
No food, no sparklers!
And bigger and noisier fireworks every year!
How is your cycling going?
10666 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2016, 21:59
Hello, Elle,
Great news from the velodrome!
Katie Archibald and Manon Lloyd rode for Team GB in the womens Madison.
They both came down in a big crash. (I know you do not like crashes)
They picked themselves up and got back into the race and have just won GOLD medals.
I knew Katie was a tough cookie, looks like young Manon is of the same stamp.
A gold medal on her birthday!
They were brilliant, no other words will do!
Tremendous racing!
They may show it on BBC tomorrow afternoon.
No, you are right, Elle, I've not seen a guy in a long time, or food.
10667 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 08:17
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very lovely one it is, too!
But bitterly cold! It is only going to be 2C this morning apparently!
Yes, great news about the cycling team!
Well done to all!
The fireworks didn't die down until the small hours.......the poor dog was demented.
I may have to think about getting her some calming medication if they are going to hit a high like this, each time.
We shall no doubt have a repeat performance tonight and then again at Christmas and New Year.
We are not going out until later, so I am settling down now, with a coffee, to do the Everyman!
Do you have any plans?
10668 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 09:16
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too.
The young riders have done well.
I have been to Times online, and there is not one word about it that I could see. Not one!
Track World Cup is taking place in Glasgow and being ignored by the media!
Anyway, all Team GB, riders, coaches, soigneurs, mechanics, said "Happy Birthday" to Manon.
Many of them said it in Welsh!
When I was on Times online, I looked at the crossword.
The top two lines of the grid are missing (for me, anyway).
A 15 x 13!
No matter, I do not normally do a Sunday crossword, anyway.
Will try and catch up with Emmylou and friends later!
10669 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th November 2016, 10:34
Hi, Rusty!
The sky is still blue and the sun is shining, so we are away out now, while it so lovely.
The weather forecast, believe it or not, says we shall have heavy rain from 2 o'clock onwards!
I finished the Everyman - straightforward today, so all parsed.
That is shame about the incomplete grid for your online crossword, but , as you say, you do not normally do it on Sunday anyway, so. in a way, nothing lost.
I too have still to watch Emmylou and friends!
Catch up with you later.......
10670 of 30765  -   Report This Post